But these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that there are no other people on the scene except these bodies.

Before long, Xia Jue found some clues at the scene.

Like one of the abandoned backpacks.

There are also some fish bones and some rabbit bones, as well as the body of a big bird that was cut to pieces.

Seeing this, he can probably guess what happened.

After he was captured by the big crested bird, the Lama's group probably killed a big bird, and finally another tiger and leopard ran away.

After that, they must have thought they were dead.

Then she forced Mrs. Meizhi to hand over his backpack with fish and rabbit meat by powerful means. After eating, she continued to explore on the road.

"Alas, these people..."

Xia Jue shook his head helplessly and explored the direction they were going.

Seven or eight minutes later.

Xia Jue came to the conclusion that they were heading south.

Because the grass in the south is obviously crushed by many people.

Then, without neglecting, he immediately chased south.

About three kilometers to the south.

Gallo and others are still exploring forward.

Suddenly, Gallo seemed to find something, and then turned his head behind him.

"Be careful, something is coming for us."

Cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of the earth level. Naturally, the sense of Jialuo is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Hearing this, monk Lama and others immediately pinched the xuanjing weapon in their hands and looked at the distance on guard.

"That's Xia. He's not dead yet!"

When the monk saw clearly the people coming behind him, he suddenly exclaimed.

He can't help but scream. This bastard surnamed Xia has left him a profound influence.

"Monk, calm down. What can he do even if he comes back alive? Does he think he can enslave us?"

Although Lama was surprised that Xiajue could still come back alive, now they have broken through the middle stage of the earth order, and Jialuo is still in charge, so he soon calmed down.

The Lord of the knight's palace and the temple also felt a little incredible that Xia Jue could come back, for fear that he would be the first to attack them, so they quickly retreated behind galo and others.

"Madam, Mr. Xia is back. Mr. Xia is back. We can be saved!"

In front of the deep field surprise yelled.

Seeing Xia Jue coming back, Mrs. Meizhi was also shocked and surprised, but then she seemed to think of something and pulled down her face.

Because it's no use for Xia Jue to come back now.

All of these people rely on the fish and meat in their backpacks to improve their strength.

What's more, Garo also got a green bead from the big bird, and his strength was promoted to a terrifying state.

So when Xia Jue came back, it was estimated that he would not enslave them any more, even if he could keep his own life.

"Shentian, you bastard, if you didn't give them your backpack, how could things be like this?"

Mrs. Meizhi thinks it's all their fault.

If it is not that they are not optimistic about the backpack, which makes these people improve their strength, then things will not be like this. Mr. Xia can still grasp the situation when he comes back.


Shen Tian wanted to refute, but he could understand Mrs. Meizhi's feelings, so he didn't dare to say any more.

"You bastard, Mr. Xia won't let you go."

Mrs. Meizhi scolded fiercely again.

Just when Madame Meizhi and Shen Tian are in a mood, Xia Jue over there has already stopped the opposition of Garro and others.

"Why, your master is back. Don't you welcome him?"

Xia Jue naturally knows that the reason why these people are so confident now is that they have taken rabbit meat and fish meat and improved a lot of strength.

But it's not just them who have risen, it's themselves.

With that yellow bead, now my strength has reached the later stage of the earth steps.

With the fish in the bag, they can't be promoted to the later stage, so the situation is still under his control.

"Hum, Xia, you bastard, even if you get away with your life, you dare to come back. I have to admire your courage."

"I have to say that God has eyes. We are still sorry for the death of you bastard. I didn't expect that you could come back. I must frustrate you."

"Don't worry, Xia. I'll pay you double what you've done to me today."

The enemy is very jealous when they meet.

Xia Jue oppressed them for so long, but also took a move to beat and scold them.

Everyone here wants to eat the flesh and blood of this bastard."Pa pa pa."

Xia Jue clapped his hands.

"OK, you can do it. It seems that the lesson I taught you before is not deep enough. Monk, do you think so?"

Xia Jue suddenly swept him with sharp eyes.

By Xia Jue with such sharp eyes, I don't know why the monk felt the inexplicable panic in his heart.

It's not right.

Lao Tzu is now a real medium-term master of the earth order.

There are so many people around, why should we be afraid of this asshole?

"Hum, Xia, you can't scare me. Today is different from the past. Do you still think we are the incompetent lambs you squeezed before?"

The monk said hard.

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that you, a monk, betrayed me. I'm very sad."

Xia Jue seemed to shake his head with grief.

"If you don't want to talk to him, let's chop this bastard up."

"That's right. There are pulp washing beads on this bastard. We can't do without this baby."

Several middle level masters can't bear it.

"Brother Gallo, what do you say?"

The Lama looked at Jialuo, who had been silent since Xiajue arrived here.

Garo's eyes at this time have been focused on Xia Jue.

I don't know why.

Garro always felt that there was a change in the bastard in front of him.

But he can't tell the specific changes.

Forget it.

Don't think about it any more. Try to find out first.

Thinking of this, Jialuo looked at several experts on the right: "I'll give it to you four."

These four men are the masters of the middle stage of the earth level, and they still have xuanjing weapons in their hands.

If that asshole is still the strength of the mid-term peak of the local level, then these four people should be able to solve that asshole.

"Give it to us, brother Gallo."

The four masters who were called to the middle of the earth level stood up, and they were very confident in their words.

No wonder they are so confident.

The four of them are all the strength of the middle stage of the earth level, and they still have the powerful xuanjing weapon in their hands. The xuanjing weapon of the bastard opposite was caught by the big bird before, and now they are barehanded.

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