If that doesn't solve that asshole, they can really die.

The four began to walk slowly towards Xia Jue.

"Why waste so much time and line up a few garbage to test? You can do it together."

See just come out four people want to deal with them, Xia Jue is disdain very much.

"I'll let you die!"

Now the four are breaking through to the middle stage of the earth level. It's just when their hearts are expanding. How can they tolerate Xia Jue's provocation? So they all instantly wave the mysterious weapons of the earth level to kill him.

Sir Xia shook his head.

He broke through to the later stage of the rank. Now it feels like slow motion to see these people of the first class who are stronger than him.

With his body moving, his figure reached the first master who rushed towards him.

The master thought that Xia Jue was just the strength of the middle stage of the earth level. How could he expect his speed to be so fast.

In a panic, he could only chop one straight at Xiajue in front of him.

Xia Jue's body turned slightly to the right, and the other side's xuanjing weapon waved empty.

"Too slow!"

Three words close at hand, but fell in the ears of this master, it was like a life threatening charm.

Now he has realized that this bastard is no longer the strength of the middle stage of the order. I'm afraid he has broken through to the later stage of the order.

Think of this master a cool.

The strength of the later stage of the terrace, then it's crushing for him in the middle stage of the terrace. How can he survive in this way.

Instinctive survival reaction, the master immediately turned to escape.

But his action is no different from suicide in front of Xia Jue.

Xia Jue kicked him on the ass, and the master fell into the shit.

It's just a flash.

The other three saw that Xia Jue had solved one of them so cleanly. They also realized that this guy might have broken through again. They immediately hesitated and ran away without hesitation.

But how could Xia Jue let them run away so easily.

"Bang bang."

The other three were all kicked in the butt and then fell to the ground.

The scene suddenly solidified.

Everyone looked at Xia Jue with ghost like eyes.

In less than one day, Xia Jue cultivated his inner Qi from an ordinary man and became a master of the local level.

That's fine.

After a short interval, it broke through to the middle stage.

Even in the middle of the stage, they can't recognize it.

It's just crazy.

You know, after you have reached the earth level.

Every realm is an insurmountable gap.

The more you practice later, the more difficult it is to break through.

It often takes ten years or even decades to break through a realm.

For example, which one of them has not been stuck in the early stage of the earth order for more than ten years, and only by the treasures in this palace can they break through to the middle stage of the earth order.

So Xia Jue's breakthrough speed makes them feel suspicious of life.

They don't understand what kind of treasure this bastard has got, and they don't understand what kind of treasure he needs to break through to the later stage of the earth level so quickly.

The vitality of heaven and earth needed to break through the later stage of the earth order is not comparable to that needed in the middle stage of the earth order.

It can be said that the vitality of heaven and earth needed in the later stage is at least ten times more than that in the middle stage.

That is to say, even if you give him 50 green beads, it is not possible for him to break through from the middle stage to the late stage.

Moreover, if you go outside and tell the story to the people in their school and family, and say that someone has learned from ordinary people in less than two days' vacation to see the strength of the later stage of the earth order, then their school and family will scold them for being out of their mind.

How can there be such a person in the world.

"You wanted to die, didn't you?"

Just when they were still in the state of wandering outside the sky, Xia Jue stepped on the face of the former master who scolded him.

"Spare my life, Mr. Xia, spare my life. I was forced to deal with you by that bastard Gallo just now. In fact, my heart is still on your side."

In order to survive, the master sold Garro in a twinkling of an eye.

After two people's dialogue, at this time, Gallo and others are finally back to God.

After returning to God, the faces of all the people were ugly.

The strength of the later stage of the earth order seems to have returned to the previous state.

They seem to feel that they're breaking through the middle of the terrane, just like they're not.

Although they are in the middle stage of the local level, that bastard is in the later stage of the local level.What does it mean to be one level different?

It means that they are crushed again, and it means that their advantage in number has little effect.

"Brother Gallo, what shall we do now?"

Lama retreated a few steps to the deep ash.

At this time, Gallo felt as if he had been cut by a knife.

Although the peak of his middle stage is only a line away from the late Xiajue stage.

But the distance of this line is enough to let Xia Jue easily crush him to death.

So he didn't want to fight against Xia Jue.

It can be the "Mastermind" of this time.

Even if Xia Jue didn't kill him, his punishment would never be light, which was also the reason for his inner pain.

The monk was about to cry.

The asshole asked him when he first came here.

It turns out that he's crazy to say that kind of shit.

This made him regret so much that his intestines were almost blue.

He could already imagine what would happen to him.

"Ha ha ha, madam, we are saved. Now Mr. Xia has suppressed those bastards."

Deeda is going crazy with excitement.

No one ever thought that Xia Jue, who thought he was dead, could come back. His strength improved so much that he suppressed the so-called experts in the field.

Seeing this, Mrs. Meizhi finally showed a smile.

Mr. Xia is indeed a lucky man. He is blessed.

But in a flash, she seemed to think of something, and her face suddenly changed again.

"Shen Tian, you go quickly. Mr. Xia will not forgive you for doing such a thing."

After being together for such a long time, Mrs. Meizhi is very clear about Xia Jue's character.

That is to be resolute and resolute.

As long as the people who dare to offend him, there will be no good end.

But he has a unique character.

As long as there is gratitude for him, that is the only thing.

But at the moment, Shen Tian made such a thing. Although it was a forced act, it was hard to ensure that Xia Jue would not be angry.

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