"Bang bang."

After hammering a few punches into his chest, the orangutan went to meet the crowd again, with great momentum to fight them to the death.

"Don't close the formation, let's fight separately."

There's a weakness in the angry chimpanzee.

That's losing your mind.

So as long as people keep some distance from it, and then you attack him with one sword, then it becomes a target.

Other people also understand this truth, so they are pushing to a certain safe distance to entangle with the orangutan.

In this way, they took guerrilla warfare and fought with the gorilla for more than half an hour.

After more than half an hour's fighting, and all the people intentionally attacked the wound on his head which was opened by Xia Jue, the wound of the orangutan became bigger and bigger, and the blood flow was also more and more, which directly dyed a large area of land red.

Looking at the chimpanzee whose breath gradually withered, people felt that it was only a matter of time to win, and their faces were full of joy.



When the orangutan was once again cut in the head, suddenly it raised the sky and roared a shrill cry.

"Hum, brute, don't cry and howl. Let's die!"

The monk gave a big drink and attacked the gorilla again.

Ten minutes later.

When the crowd felt that the gorilla would not be able to hold on in five minutes, there was a voice of mountain shaking in the distance.

Hearing this voice, everyone slowed down their movements.

"No, the beast seems to have a companion."

"It seems that its companion is bigger than its reminder."

Judging from the shaking of the shaking sound, the public came to such a judgment.

At this time, Xia Jue, who had been preparing to finish the work, also raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a huge shadow in the dense jungle in the distance, and it came at a very fast speed.


The shadow passed through the jungle and then jumped directly from the air to the ground not far away from the crowd.

The strong shock almost didn't knock the crowd to the ground.

After the people's bodies were steady, they looked at the huge shadow.

This huge shadow is also an orangutan.

However, the skin of this orangutan is much darker than the one they are dealing with now, and its body shape is also more than half of the body position.

"It's a male and a female."

The monk looked at the chimpanzee with an ugly face.

Originally, they had to work hard to solve the problem, but now the unexpected chimpanzee came out to interfere with it. It's hard for anyone to see that the chimpanzee is more difficult to deal with than the one they are dealing with.

But fortunately, they still have a god of the sea needle, which makes them relax a lot.

"You deal with this chimpanzee the way you did before, and I'll take this one."

Xia Jue said.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, people felt bitter, but they still didn't dare to disobey.


All of them split their bodies in an instant, and planned to use the previous method to reapply on the chimpanzee.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that people entangle the chimpanzee, Xia Jue directly cuts the dying chimpanzee with a sword.


It was almost consumed by the Lama and others, but it was hit by Xia Jue, a powerful expert in the later stage of the local level. The orangutan fell to the ground directly.

When the chimpanzee in the distance saw this situation, he also roared, and no longer cared about the people around him. He rushed towards Xiajue.

"No, stop it quickly, or Mr. Xia will be upset."

Monk Lama can't sit still. If this chimpanzee is determined not to fight with them, but to go to Xiajue in the distance, if they don't do anything to stop him, then they must be punished afterwards.

They are more willing to face the chimpanzee than to be punished by Xiajue.

Lamas and monks who want to understand this can't care so much. They just surround the chimpanzees who want to run.

"Poof Pooh."

Xia Jue cut the body on the ground with a sword, and the body of the orangutan split.

"Sure enough, it's yellow beads."

After splitting the body of the orangutan, Xia Jue was surprised to find a moment of yellow beads inside.

Gently picked up the Yellow bead with the sword and held it in his hand.

Xia Jue found that the color of this bead was darker than that of the one found in the body of the big crested bird.

Then he opened his Dantian and felt it. He found that the vitality of heaven and earth contained in it should be more pure and strong."Ha ha, good baby."

Xia Jue looks happy.

"Bang bang."

"Mr. Xia, we can't resist it!"

In the field, the chimpanzee saw that Xia Jue made such a move, and frantically rushed the formation surrounded by monk Lama and others to scatter and killed him.

Seeing this, Xia Jue didn't have any fear, so he cut a sword on his face with his backhand.

Although the chimpanzee was in the stage of rage, fortunately, it was still aware of the danger and quickly raised one of its arms to resist Xia Jue's sword.


A blood arrow shot out.

Xia Jue's sword cut a wound on the chimpanzee's arm.

Then, he chopped a few swords at the chimpanzee, and the chimpanzee was instantly covered with dense scars.

"You, come and get rid of him!"

Xia Jue yelled at the Lama monk and others in the distance.

The Lama monk and others, who were called, suffered again, and then surrounded the chimpanzee.

Taking advantage of the fact that they are killing the chimpanzee, Xia Jue comes to a stone near the cave and sits down.

He wants to absorb the pure energy in the Yellow bead again to enhance his strength.

Open Dantian, Xia Jue began to unscrupulously absorb the vitality of this bead.

Is the energy stored in this bead too strong? It took him more than half an hour to absorb it.


Feel the great power from Dantian, Xia Jue understand that his strength has improved a lot.

At this point in the field.

Lama monk and others were all sweating and pale. Obviously, they lost a lot of strength to deal with these two fierce orangutans one after another.


With another stroke from the Lama, the chimpanzee finally fell to the ground.

The shock of the corpse hitting the ground made many experts fall to the ground directly because they couldn't support it.

Seeing this, Xia Jue slowly came over, and then with a wave of his right hand, a sword Qi in xuanjing sword chopped the body of the chimpanzee.

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