It's not just the same skin and flesh that Xiajue left.

Then he cut dozens of swords on his face, which broke his body.

This just broke its body, suddenly a very strong vitality of heaven and earth suddenly sent out.

"This is.."

the experts who cultivated the inner Qi in the field all felt Gu's extremely strong vitality of heaven and earth, and many people stood up one after another to see where Gu Jingchun's vitality of heaven and earth came from.

But in a moment, they knew where the vitality of heaven and earth came from.

It's from the chimpanzee's body.

A lot of curious people came around the chimpanzee's body one after another.

"This is... This is actually a yellow bead!"

"It's not just yellow, it's a little bit red!"

"It turns out that this strong vitality of heaven and earth comes from this bead!"

There was a lot of talk around.

Xia Jue originally thought that although the chimpanzee was a little better than the one he had just killed, what he thought in his body was only a yellow bead.

But he didn't expect that the beads in the chimpanzee's body were yellow, which was good, but there was a trace of red in the yellow.

According to the change of bead color grade, green is the first, then yellow? Now yellow is red again.

Although this bead only has a trace of red, but from the point of view of the rich vitality of heaven and earth, the red bead is undoubtedly higher than the yellow one.

No longer in charge of the voice of public discussion, Xia Jue took a sword to the bead, and then his hand made a force, and the bead flew up.

If they had not become Xia Jue's slave, monks and lamas would have robbed him in the face of this situation, because no matter how stupid they are now, they know that this yellow and red pearl must be a treasure among treasures.

But now they don't even dare to think about it. They can only watch the bead fall into the hands of Xia Jue.

"Lama, let me ask you a question."

After getting the beads, Xia Jue raised some questions in his heart.

"Please, Mr. Xia."

"After the breakthrough in the later stage of the earth level, is it the strength of the heaven level?"

At the beginning, Xia Jue heard about the division of realm from those guys of the hermit sect.

But those guys of the hermit sect have the highest strength in the later stage of xuanjie. Even those red dress masters of the hermit alliance are also the strength in the later stage of xuanjie, and they don't cultivate their inner Qi at all.

This leads him to think that this set of strength division is just bullshit, and there is nothing serious about it.

I know that he met these experts who cultivate inner Qi.

Only then did he know that the master of cultivating internal Qi in the ground level was so terrible.

So the problem is.

Even the strength of the ground steps is so terrible that they are almost omnipotent.

When you reach the strength of the heaven level, you will become a real immortal. You can do everything from heaven to earth?

"That's right. When you reach the peak of the later stage of the earth level, one step ahead is the strength of the heaven level. But don't look at it as just a small line. Few people in the world can break through this line."

"Oh? What do you say? " I'm interested.

"If the Xuan stage and the earth stage are a watershed, then the earth stage and the heaven stage are a watershed.

If you want to reach the heaven level, it doesn't mean that you can break through it by absorbing enough energy of heaven and earth.

When you reach the peak of the later stage of the earth level, you will have a bottleneck in your cultivation.

If you want to break this bottleneck, you will either get the best treasure or the talent of Tianzong. If you force yourself to understand the mysteries of heaven and earth, you will not be able to break through even if you absorb the vitality of heaven and earth for a hundred years. "

Hearing the Lama's words, Xia Jue was silent.

Originally, he thought that with so many treasures here, he could reach the peak of the realm at one stroke. At that time, even if he left the gutuo palace and went back to the outside, he would not be afraid to face the power behind these guys.

Now it seems that he is thinking too simply.

Now, even if he gets more of these precious beads, he doesn't get the treasure that breaks through the bottleneck and the monk says that he can feel the mystery between heaven and earth by himself, which is also unable to break through the strength of heaven.

He didn't think that he could feel the mystery between heaven and earth by himself.

He just broke through the strength of the earth level. He didn't know much about many problems in his practice. He didn't even have the inner Qi as handy as the monks and lamas. It was just that they couldn't move because of the gap of realm.

So now we have to find the treasure that Lama said to break the bottleneck.

"What happens if you break through the sky level?" Xia Jue asked again."When you get to the Dan field of the earth level, you will generate internal Qi. However, in the strength of the earth level, internal Qi can only be stored in the Dan field. You can force internal Qi to gather anywhere in your body to be used against the enemy or for various purposes.

But when you reach the heaven level, you don't need to store the internal Qi in the elixir field at all.

Strictly speaking, your whole body is full of elixir fields. Internal Qi can be stored in all the bones, skin and flesh of your body. As long as you want, you can use all parts of your body to exert internal Qi at will.

As long as you want, you can gather the internal Qi of your body and send out a fierce blow. It's not that powerful, but it's almost the same. "

Lama's words set off waves in Xia Jue's heart.

If so, the level of master that day is almost the same as the immortal ah, and even soar flight seems not to be impossible.

Now they use the strength of the ground steps to push the inner Qi in the Dantian field to their legs, but they can make a short flight.

But this so-called flight is just chicken ribs.

You can also glide for a certain distance when you jump down from a high bar. After a certain distance, as the supply of Qi in Dantian is insufficient, your body will be in a slow downward trend until it will fall to the ground directly.

Once the strength breaks through to the sky level, the body can store internal Qi all over the body. At that time, there is no need to worry about the supply of internal Qi. Therefore, it is no longer a dream to really fly with internal Qi.

"Is there a heaven level master in the sect behind you?"

The sky level master looks too terrible. In order to prevent revenge after going out from here, Xia Jue had better make it clear.

"It's said that there hasn't been a new heaven level master for more than 100 years. Since I was born, I've rarely heard of heaven level masters. However, heaven level masters have a long life. I think every sect has one or two of them."

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