"Oh? Are there so few Heaven level masters

Xia Jue thought that there should be a lot of heaven level masters, but after hearing the Lama's words, he knew that he had not been a heaven level master for such a long time.

"In recent years, the vitality of heaven and earth has gradually weakened between heaven and earth, so let alone the heaven level masters. Even the earth level masters have appeared. This time, there are so many treasures here, so they have broken through so many at once."

"Doesn't it mean that if I don't get the treasure to break through the bottleneck here, I can't break through the strength of heaven level?"

"It can't be said that, Mr. Xia, you have a lot of talent. Besides, you have used such treasures as marrow washing beads to wash marrow. You still have a great chance to break through the realm of Tianjie."

The truth of the Lama's words is a compliment.

It has been more than a hundred years since the Tianjie realm was broken. Xia Jue is just an ordinary person who has just stepped into the Tianjie realm. Although he has used the marrow washing beads, he is not sure how to break through this realm.

Xia Jue nodded, "fix it up, and we'll start again!"


after a few hours, Xia Jue also absorbed the pure vitality of heaven and earth in the two beads.

At this time, his strength has made a big step forward, and it seems that he is about to reach the peak strength of the later stage of the prefecture level as the Lama said.

Looking up, Xia Jue said: "let's go, go to the deep forest!"

Hearing this, all of them stood up and prepared to go.

As Xia Jue's strength is close to the peak, it can be said that the bead from the beast's body in the forest has no great effect on him, so he does not entangle any more, but plans to go directly across the jungle to find the next exit.

They went to see it for an hour.

Suddenly I saw a lot of palaces and houses one kilometer away from them.

And there is a river outside these palaces and houses. The river is very long, which directly encloses all the palaces and houses in a circle, just like a moat.

"Where is that?"

When people saw such a wonderful place, they all stopped and looked at it secretly.

"No matter where he is, just go and have a look."

Then the crowd quickened their pace and wanted to get to the scene quickly to see where it was.

However, it was only a kilometer's journey, which was nothing to all the people in the field, so they soon got to the moat outside the hall of Fang * *.

"Mr. Xia, the water seems strange."

When he came to the river, the Lama soon found that there was something wrong with drinking water here.


Hearing this, Xia Jue and others began to stare at the drinking water of the river.

The river sank dark black, like a stinky ditch, but that's not the point.

The point is that the water on the river is calm.

It's so calm that it doesn't even have any waves. It's not like water at all. It's like paste.

"Mr. Xia, do you want to try?"

The monk picked up a stone and held it in his hand, looking eager to try.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded and retreated to one side.

Other people also know that the water is not simple, and they all withdraw to one side for the sake of safety.

Seeing that everyone had retreated to safety, the monk immediately threw his hand, and the stone in his hand flew into the river.

However, a shocking scene happened.

I saw the stone fell on the surface of the water, did not stir up half of the water, as if it fell into the mire, slowly subsided.

When the stone completely fell into the water, the surface of the water immediately returned to calm, as if nothing had happened just now, and no stone fell on it.

"How can this be? What kind of water is this?"

No one in the audience had ever seen such strange water, so they all had doubts on their faces.

"No matter what kind of water it is, let's look for some bridges to cross the east of the river and let your people go."

Xia Jue is sure to have something mysterious about it, because he can be surrounded by this strange river, and the palaces and houses inside look very extraordinary.

"It's Mr. Xia."

The Lord of the knight's temple and the Lord of the temple should be about to take pictures of their own people.

The palace surrounded by this river is about the size of 20 or 30 basketball courts. Generally speaking, it is not too big. With the strength of the terrace, it can be circled in half an hour. So half an hour later, a master of the terrace of the knight's palace came back.

"Mr. Xia, we did find a bridge, but the bridge has been destroyed, so we can't cross it at all."

"Is there no place other than this bridge?"

"That's right, Mr. Xia. This is the bridge. Other places are surrounded by this river. They can't cross it at all."After thinking for a while, Xia Jue said again, "what's behind this room?"

Xia Jue and others are facing the front of this place, so they are blocked by this place. They can't see what the body roar is.

"There's no back. There's a forest in the back, just like the jungle we just crossed."

"That is to say, there may be no other place in this place except the house in the river?"

It seems that this is the last place for xiatuo palace and other people to explore before.

"My subordinates decided that this palace should be the last valuable site of the whole gutuo palace."

The knight's palace master replied.

Hearing this, the mood of the crowd mixed up.

Since this seems to be the last place of the whole palace, it means that their fate will be decided here.

Is it a student?

Or die?

Or Xia Jue will kill them after using them.

These questions now fill their minds.

"Take us to the bridge."

Since this is the last place, the most valuable treasure is in it. Xia Jue will not let it go anyway.


The master immediately turned to lead the way.

Soon after, Xia Jue and others were taken to the broken bridge.

The piers on both sides of the broken bridge still exist, but I don't know what cut them off in the middle, which leads to the present situation.

"This bridge... Seems to have been cut off in an instant by something."

Lama looked at the smooth and traceless gap at the pier and came to such a conclusion.

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