"It's not easy to cut off such a big bridge in an instant. What is it made of?"

Needless to think, the xuanjing weapon can't do it at all, so the monk is very confused.

"Monk, can you cross this river with your strength?"

After hearing Xia Jue's words, the monk estimated that it took about three minutes.

After some calculation in his mind, he still shook his head.

The width of the river from here to the opposite is about fifteen or six meters.

With the strength of the early stage of the terrace, the maximum leap of Qi blessing in the leg is seven or eight meters. However, the strength of the middle stage of the terrace is about twelve or thirteen meters. If they have enough explosive power, they can barely reach fifteen meters.

But obviously, this distance is not enough for the width of the river. If we have to do this, it will be a gamble.

"Lama, what about you?"

The Wen Yan Lama also shook his head.

He has the same strength as a monk. If a monk can't do it, he has no confidence to do it.

"Go, let your men get some wood."

Xia Jue turned to the knight's palace and the Lord of the temple.


The two temple owners immediately turned around and ordered their own men and horses.

Soon, many experts in the two halls got a piece of thick wood.

Xia Jue picked up a piece of wood in his right hand and then threw it towards the middle of the river.


The wood fell on the water. Although it didn't stir up a splash, it still made a sound. Within three seconds, the wood quickly sank, as if something was dragging him.

"Three seconds, is that enough?" Xia Jue turned his head and looked at the Lama monk and others.

"That should be enough."

"Well, go ahead."

After that, Xia Jue kicked a piece of wood to the middle of the river.

Seeing this, the Lama's face suddenly tightened, and then he carried enough internal Qi to boost his legs and jumped into the river.


Lama's toes borrowed a little force from the heel wood, and then he jumped to the opposite side again, and his figure suddenly came to the opposite bank steadily.

"Second, up."

After that, Xia Jue kicked a piece of wood in the middle of the river.

This time it was the monk who crossed the river.

The monk did not appear any accident and arrived on the other side of the river safely.

Seven or eight minutes later.

All the sect masters who came with the monk fell on the other side of the river, and none of them had any accident.

Now the only people left here are those who have just broken through the earth level, such as the two halls and the deep fields.

At this time, their hearts are also extremely uneasy.

They have just broken through the strength of the earth level, and their understanding of internal Qi is far less powerful than those old masters like monk and Lama.

So they are not very sure that they can cross the river safely.

In case of an accident, falling into this strange river is a dead end.

"It's your turn. It's up to you to control your own destiny. Who will go first?"

"Mr. Xia, I'll come first."

Shen Tian was deeply cared by Xia Jue, so at this time he also summoned up the courage to stand up and plan to be the first one to boost the morale of the people behind him.

"Good deep field, courage is commendable, go."

After Xia Jue finished, he said that he was kicked into the middle of the river with a piece of wood.

Shen Tian took a deep breath and jumped; in the blink of an eye, his figure had reached the wood in the middle of the river.

Monks like Lama are all masters of medium-term strength of the earth rank. They borrow a little bit of force from the wood and soar up again.

But not deep field.

His strength is lower than that of lamas and monks, so he has to borrow more strength on this piece of wood, otherwise he can't guarantee that the next jump will land on the opposite bank.

At this time, Shen Tian's left foot fell heavily on the wood which was sinking slowly in the water. The sinking speed of the wood soon drowned Shen Tian's foot.

Just when the black water was about to touch his feet, deeda suddenly rose again and shot at him.


Shen Tian stepped on the edge of the river and his body was tottering. It seemed that he was about to fall into the river. Fortunately, the quick eyed monk rushed over and pulled him, which made him escape.

"Thank you."

For the rest of his life, Shentian also said thanks to Heshang.

Although Shen Tian almost carried it, he passed the test anyway, which gave the group of people behind Xia Jue a little confidence.

"Mr. Xia, I'll come this time!"

A ground level master who just broke through the temple came out."Go ahead."

After that, Xia Jue kicked at a piece of wood again.

This master doesn't neglect, even if he carries enough internal Qi to shoot the wood in the middle of the river.

With the previous demonstration of the deep field, this time the master is also playing the same attention as him.

That is to let your toes borrow more force from the wood.

But then the accident happened.

He didn't control the speed of the river submergence well. He was stained with the tip of his feet by the water on the wood, and suddenly he felt that his whole body was as heavy as ten thousand jin.

At this time, he wanted to run again, but he found that no matter how hard he tried, it was futile. He seemed to be stuck by glue and couldn't move for half a minute.

"Mr. Xia, help me!"

When the time comes, the master will surely die.

The river is so strange that even Xia Jue doesn't dare to risk himself, so he naturally ignores the master's call for help.

In less than ten seconds, the master sank down with a man and a piece of wood. He didn't make any more noise.

All the people who watched this scene suddenly got chilly.

Although they knew the black water was dangerous, they did not witness it.

Just now, a living master of the earth level couldn't even struggle out, and he was engulfed by the black river.

How can this way of killing people without blood not make their scalp numb.

Especially at this time, Xia Jue behind these people who are ready to cross the river.

If not for Xia Jue's awe, no matter what kind of treasure they have, they are not willing to cross the river easily.

Just when they were still in the blank, Xia Jue spoke again.

"As long as you are in control of the river, it's up to you to see how much you are prepared to go through."

There is no way for them to choose to cross the river. If they choose to disobey, they will die immediately, so they will still choose.

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