Half an hour later, all the masters above the ground level finished crossing the river.

Five of them were engulfed by the strange black river because of improper operation.

There are still some people and Xia Jue who have not broken through the ground level.

"You people will wait here."

This is the last place of the whole gutuo palace. In addition, these people's strength is so low that they don't have much effect in the past.

"How about me, Mr. Xia?"

Mrs. Meizhi asked.

"I'll take you there."

After saying this, Xia Jue grabs Mrs. Meizhi's arm and then soars up. Three seconds later, he takes Mrs. Meizhi and falls on the opposite monk and others.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all people are secretly smacking.

Xia Jue doesn't have to rely on wood to get over it, but he comes here with such a big living man.

The strength of the later stage of the order was really powerful.


Ignoring the public's thoughts, Xia Jue first came to a gate.

The gate is made of two pieces of white jade, with some strange human figures carved on it, just like the door god posted outside the secular world.

Xia Jue waved, and the monk and Lama immediately stood up to open the door.

"Creak, creak."

The door was slowly opened, followed by a bad smell, some similar to the smell of decay came out.

"What is it? It smells so bad."

The monk scolded.


As soon as the monk finished scolding, a skull fell out of the crack in the door.

"What's going on?"

The monk and the Lama stopped and jumped to one side.

"Look what's inside!"

The deep farmland one face is shocked, as if saw what horror thing is the same.

Hearing the tone of Shen Tian, people looked inside along the crack of the door, and then there was a look like Shen Tian on their faces.

The flowers and bones were white.

These bones are piled up in the passageway of this door. It's not too much to say that they are piled up like a mountain.

"What happened here? How could so many people die?" The monk couldn't help asking about his birth.

"I seem to understand something!"

The Lama looked thoughtful.

"Lama, what do you understand?"

The monk asked curiously.

"The reason why this bridge was broken should be to resist something and prevent them from coming." Said the Lama.

I have to say that the Lama's words are reasonable. Everyone thinks that they are reasonable.

"The imperial palace of gutuo has so many treasures, and the vitality of heaven and earth is so strong here. The strength of the original gutuo people must not be weak, but what made them die so many people that they had to cut off this bridge to stop them?"

Xia Jue couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. We only know that there are treasures in gutuo palace, but we don't know that they have suffered such great changes."

The Lama shook his head.

"Forget it. Go ahead and have a look."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Xia, should we be more cautious, if that kind of thing is still there?"

The monk's worry is not unreasonable.

Even the people in gutuo palace can't resist it. If they don't even have the strength of Tianjie to go in, if they meet that kind of terrible thing, aren't they even enough to plug their teeth?

"The history of gutuo is 10000 years old. I don't believe this kind of thing can still exist here after such a long time."

It's understandable if there are animals here.

After all, animals can reproduce.

But it can't be some animals that caused such a disaster to gutuo, can it?

"Creak, creak."

Lama and monk continue to open the two doors.

As the door was opened, many bones poured out like a flood.

Open your eyes completely, your sight is no longer blocked, and people are even more shocked when they see the situation inside.

"I can't finish killing so many people even if I stand up and let me kill them for three days and three nights. I really don't know what happened to people here."

The monk shook his head.

"Why, what is this?"

The Lama pulled from a corpse and picked out a small bag full of dust.

"Show me."

Xia Jue reached for the bag.

"Pa pa."

I patted the dust with my hand, and the bag showed its original black appearance.

It seems that it's not like a bag that can be woven by hand."Mr. Xia, why don't you open it?"

The Lama suggested.

Xia Jue nodded, then pulled his hands hard.

However, what happened surprised him.

The bag didn't move, and Ben didn't relax.

Then he increased his strength, but it was still fruitless. Finally, he tried his best and still couldn't open the bag.

Xia Jue was shocked.

You know, he is now near the peak of the strength of the late ranks, let alone a bag.

Even if it is a piece of gold, he can crush it in an instant. Why can't he open a bag?

This bag is absolutely weird.

"What kind of bag is this? Why can't it be opened?"

Monks and Lamas were also shocked.

"Mr. Xia, try the xuanjing weapon?" Lama proposes again.

Xia Jue said that the black bag was thrown on the ground, and then he raised his xuanjing sword and stabbed it.

"Look, the pattern on this bag seems to be on!"

It's true.

Every time Xia Jue stabs a sword, the pattern on the bag will flash a little light.

But no matter how he stabbed it, the bag was always bright. There was no change and it could not be broken.

"Good bag."

Xia Jue shook his head and picked it up.

"Forget it. Let's get rid of these bones. Let's go in and have a look."


Lamas, monks and others began to clear the road.

More than half an hour later, the Lama yelled again.

"Mr. Xia, come and see, here are some words!"

Wen Yan rushed to the Lama immediately.

"Here, Mr. Xia."

Lama pointed to the wall.

Xia Jue turned his head and saw that there were several characters on the wall that seemed to be drawn with some kind of blunt instrument.

But this type of writing was similar to those on the jade slips in the room he had just entered, and he could not understand it at all.

"This is..." Mrs. Meizhi looked at the fonts on the wall, and seemed to understand.

"Mrs. Meizhi, do you know these words on the wall?" Xia Jue turned his head and asked.

"When the stone tablet was unearthed, I invited a lot of experts to study it, and I learned some from it. Give me some time, and I'll try to understand the meaning of it."

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