When they heard that Mrs. Meizhi really understood the words above, they began to be quiet and did not dare to disturb her.

Ten minutes later, a few words slowly came out of Mrs. Meizhi's mouth.

"Fast... Run... Have"

hearing these three words from the population of michieff, and thinking of so many corpses here, people began to feel creepy.

"Mrs. Meizhi, are you sure it's these three words?"

The monk asked with fear in his heart.

"I'm sure." Mrs. Meizhi replied.


Mrs. Meizhi's words undoubtedly put a layer of ice on people's minds.

"Mr. Xia, I see..."

monk is not afraid of death now, but this unknown fear is more frightening than death, so he really doesn't want to stay in this terrible place.

"What's the matter? Ten thousand years have passed. It's estimated that some monsters and ghosts will die long ago. Are you people from peerless sects so bold?"

Shen Tian came to find the magic medicine to save the young lady. Now that the magic medicine has not been found, how can he go back willingly.


the monk was really annoyed by the irony of Shen Tian.

"Deeda is right. I've come here after a lot of hard work. Now it's the last place of gutuo palace. How can I leave without searching?"


The monk had no choice but to do it according to Xia Jue's words.


"Mr. Xia, I found another bag of this kind."

After a while, the Lama who cleaned the bones of the road picked up a black bag like before.

"Well." Xia Jue took it and put it in his pocket.

"You can go in, Mr. Xia!"

By this time, the road inside the gate had been opened, and Xia Jue led the way in first.

Inside, the bones were much less than those on the passage, and only a few appeared at a certain distance on the road.

"It's like a street here?"

Looking around, Mrs. Meizhi is suspicious.

"Go and open the door here and look inside."

Xia Jue pointed to one of the jade cottages and said.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

The Lama immediately opened the door of the hut and went in.

"Safety, Mr. Xia."

A moment later, the Lama came out of the door.

After hearing the Lama's words, Xia Jue and others went in.

Inside, Xia Jue and others saw all kinds of tools, and there were many things like medicinal materials beside the tools.

"What is it? How can it be kept intact after so long?"

The Lama saw something similar to ginseng in a Yulou that contained things. He wanted to find out what it was.

But when his hand touched something similar to ginseng, it turned into powder instantly.

"It's been a long time. It's air dried after all." The Lama shook his head helplessly.

A group of people in this room for a long time, in addition to the discovery of some air dried medicinal plants, is a variety of tools seems to be used for pharmaceutical, in addition to nothing else.

"Come on, get out."

The party was ready to turn and go out.


All of a sudden.

It seems that the monk broke something and fell down.

Seeing this, they quickly gathered around the monk and yelled.

"Monk, are you ok?"

"Monk, what's the matter?"

"Grandma, there is a secret room in this ghost place... Eh, what's this?"

One moment the monk was still scolding, the next moment it seems to find something.

"Go down and have a look."

Xia Jue fell down and jumped, and then everyone jumped down two or three times in succession.

When they went down to the secret room, they found that there was nothing but a jade counter in the secret room.

"Monk, what did you find?"

"Look at this counter. There seems to be something in it." The monk looked at the counter curiously.

Hearing this, people immediately gathered around to check.

"Just take it out and have a look. What are you doing here?"

Lama is going to start.

"Ha ha."

The monk didn't say much, but laughed sarcastically.


When Lama started, he found that he couldn't open the counter at all.

"I don't believe it. Get out of the way."

The Lama raised the xuanjing weapon in his hand and chopped it down at the counter.


However, the xuanjing weapon chopped on the counter, as if it had been absorbed by something. It only made a slight sound, then there was no movement."What the hell is this? Can it absorb the power of xuanjing weapon?"

Everyone was shocked by the counter.

"You can feel some counters with your inner Qi."

Just when people were surprised at the counter, the monk said again.

Xia Jue also showed his inner Qi to feel it.

He found that there seemed to be something similar to inner Qi in the counter, and when his inner Qi met the force in the counter, it was instantly attacked by the force.

"It's something that can only be done by heaven level masters."

The Lama made a voice of surprise.

"Oh? What do you say? " Xia Jue turned to look at the Lama.

"The earth level master can only use his own body as the carrier of internal Qi. He can't transfer his internal Qi to other objects, except for the mysterious weapon.

So there are only two kinds of explanations. One is that the counter itself is something similar to xuanjing weapon. The other is that the experts above the heaven level forced the internal Qi to stay on the counter.

But ten thousand years later, even the inner Qi of the master of Tianjie can't be kept for so long. "

The Lama explained.

"Is there any other higher level realm above the heaven level?" Xia Jue looks suspicious.

"I've never heard of it. According to us, the heaven level is the limit that human beings can reach. No matter how high it is, only the heaven level masters can know."

"Get out of the way, let me try."

This counter can have this kind of thing to protect the body, so Xia Jue decided to open it and have a look.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue, armed with xuanjing weapon, carried enough internal Qi and chopped several blows at the counter. However, the counter still didn't move, and there was no sign of damage.

"Mr. Xia, the internal Qi seems to have weakened a little."

"Is it?"

Xia Jue urged his internal Qi to explore the counter.

"Sure enough, it's weakened."

There was a little joy in Xia Jue's face.

The blocking gas in the counter is gradually weakening, which shows that his attack is effective.

"You, up!"

Since the attack is effective, Xia Jue doesn't have to use the internal Qi in his body. They can slowly consume the internal Qi in the counter.


A group of people immediately took the xuanjing weapon in their hands and slashed at the counter.

About seven or eight minutes later, cracks appeared on the counter.

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