Seeing a crack in the counter, there was a trace of joy on the faces of all the people at the scene.

They also know that the counter can be sealed with internal air. I'm afraid there will be some valuable things in it.


With the next sound, the counter broke.


At the moment when the counter broke, an inexplicable fragrance and an extremely pure vitality of heaven and earth came out.

"What is this?"

The counter broke, and a shelf appeared inside. There were many jade bottles on the shelf.

These jade bottles are not big, just two fingers wide.

"Mr. Xia, there seems to be some words on the jade bottle."

Lama stares at a bottle carefully, then he seems to find something from the bottle.

"Oh?" Xia Jue took out a bottle from the shelf and observed it.

The Lama is right. Sure enough, there are words on it.

"Do you know what it says, Mrs. Meizhi?"

Xia Jue said that the bottle was handed over to Madame Meizhi.

Mrs. Meizhi took it in her hand and looked at it for a while, then she looked shocked.

"What do the words on this bottle mean, Mrs. Meizhi?"

"Mrs. Meizhi, don't play the game, say it quickly!"

People can't wait to know.

"It says Zengshou Dan."

Mrs. Meizhi spat out these words.

"What, it's pills!"

Monks and Lamas were shocked when they heard this.

"Monk, what is elixir?"

Xia Jue can't wait to ask.

"It's said that there were pharmacists in ancient times. The pills made by pharmacists had various magical functions, but it's not clear what the specific magical functions are, only in books." The monk explained.

"Pills? The rumored gutuo has divine medicine, that is to say, the pill? "

"It should be."

The Lama's answer is this time.

"Is this longevity increasing pill a kind of elixir to increase life?"

"By name, it is."

"So how many years of life can this longevity increase?"

"Our current heaven level masters can live for about two or three hundred years. This is the elixir practiced by the demon refiners in ancient times. If we calculate by this, it should not be a big problem to increase the life span of hundreds of years."

Hearing the Lama's words, not only Xia Jue was shocked, but everyone else looked the same.

A person's life is only one hundred and ninety years. Fortunately, he can live to one hundred years old.

And now what longevity pill can increase the life span of hundreds of years at a time, which is too amazing.

At the same time, they were also excited about the pill in Xia Jue's hands.

If these treasures were known to those old people outside, they would not be able to sit so easily. I'm afraid there would be a bloodbath.

After a while, Xia Jue recovered from the shock, and then he opened the seal on the white jade bottle cap.

Open to the moment, like before a burst of the counter fragrance.

But the difference is that this time the fragrance is much bigger than before.

Looking inside through the bottle hole, I saw a white and round pill safely stored inside.

In order to observe the Zengshou pill more clearly, Xia Jue poured out the pill in the bottle and put it in his hand.

When the pills came out of the bottle, the whole room was full of strong fragrance.

The people looked at the white pill, and their hearts were very hot. They wanted to grab it and swallow it.

But in the end, reason restrained them.

If they dare to do so, I'm afraid they will be chopped to death by Xia Jue before they pay the pills.

Mrs. Meizhi was also extremely excited in her heart.

Even if there are such antidotes that can increase life expectancy for hundreds of years, it's absolutely impossible to find a pill to cure his daughter's incurable disease. Maybe it's on the shelf.

"Mr. Xia, why don't I look at the others?"

Mrs. Meizhi can't help checking the medicine in other bottles.


Mrs. Meizhi was very happy when she got the order. She immediately picked up one of the bottles.

"This is... Zengyuan Dan."

Lady Meizhi handed the bottle to Xia Jue.

"Zengyuan pill?" Xia Jue opened the bottle cap curiously.

As soon as he opened the bottle cap, an unprecedented and extremely pure vitality of heaven and earth filled the whole chamber of secrets.

"I... what's my situation?"

The Lord of the knight's temple and the Lord of the temple felt that their bodies seemed to find something changed. They looked at themselves blankly."Run the internal Qi in your body and have a look."

The Lama said to them.

After hearing the Lama's words, the master should mobilize the internal Qi in his body.

"What, how can it be!"

When the two men turned the internal Qi in their bodies, the Lama made an incredible sound.

In fact, it's not only him, but also the old-fashioned ground level experts who came with Lama monk. They all have a look of shock on their faces.

After the shock, the monk turned his head to look at the bottle in Xia Jue's hand and murmured:

"what is Zengyuan Dan? It can make the experts in the early stage of the earth level cross the gap and break through to the middle stage of the earth level."

Hearing this, the Lord of the knight's temple and the Lord of the temple finally understood.

It turned out that they had unconsciously broken through to the middle stage of the earth order under the influence of the pure vitality of heaven and earth just now.

At this moment, their hearts suddenly became ecstatic.

When we get to the middle stage of the earth order, don't we have the qualification to be on an equal footing with lamas and monks?

Xia Jue didn't expect that the Zengyuan pill had such a powerful effect. Even a smell of it could make the early level experts break through to the middle level.

If you take it directly, what kind of situation will your strength grow to?

He couldn't imagine.

"Lama, do you think it is possible for me to break through to the level of heaven after taking this Zengyuan pill?"

"No matter how much internal Qi the Zengqi pill can increase, there is a bottleneck when the peak of the earth level breaks through to the sky level. No matter how much internal Qi you increase, it's useless if you can't break the bottleneck."

Hearing this, Xia Jue was slightly disappointed. It seemed that he had to find the pill that Lama said could break the bottleneck.

"Mrs. Meizhi, go on and see what else."

Xia Jue now knows that the bottles on this shelf are all precious pills. He can't wait to understand the function of these pills.


Mrs. Meizhi nodded and continued to take the bottle off the shelf.

"Zengshen pill."

"In YAN Dan."

"Huiqi pill."

Next Xia Jue got these three kinds of pills.

Zengshendan doesn't know what it is.

The name of zhuyandan should be useful for appearance.

Huiqi pill should be used to supplement the withered Qi in the field.

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