Can Zhu Yandan take it back to Su Yihan? I think she will like this kind of thing very much.

The other two kinds of pills are also quite effective, but they are not what Xia Jue needs most. What he needs most is the pills that break the bottleneck of the peak of the earth level.

As long as the breakthrough to the strength of the sky, then even out in the face of these guys behind the strength of a certain self-protection.

"This is... This is the body building pill."

Mrs. Meizhi made a voice of surprise.

Judging from the name of the pill, it is a kind of pill similar to rebuilding the body.

It's just that she can rebuild her daughter's whole body without cancer.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Meizhi was overjoyed.

But after three seconds of ecstasy, her smile froze.

This pill is one of the treasures, even more precious than the previous ones. Will Xia Jue give it to him?

"Mr. Xia, this is Zhushen pill. It should be a kind of elixir to bring the dying back to life. Have a look..."

Madame Meizhi handed the elixir to Xia Jue.

"This pill should help your daughter?"

Madame Meizhi is very careful. How can Xiajue not see it.

"It should be."

With these words, Madame Meizhi stares at Xia Jue. She is afraid that Xia Jue will not give her such precious pills.

"In that case, take it."

Although this pill seems to be very precious, Madame Meizhi has helped him a lot. For example, without her, Xia Jue still can't figure out what effect these pills will have.

What's more, he has promised to help her find the elixir to save his daughter, so it's OK to give her this elixir.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. Thank you, Mr. Xia." Thank you very much.

"There are five bottles in it. Let's see what they are."

Xia Jue counted the bottles on the shelf, and his heart began to worry. He didn't know whether there was the kind of pills he needed in the five bottles.


After finding the elixir to save her daughter's life, Mrs. Meizhi is full of energy. Now she can only repay Xia Jue with what she can help.

"This is, this is..."

next, Madame Meizhi told him the names of the remaining bottles of pills one by one. Until the fourth bottle, Xia Jue became ecstatic.

Because the fourth bottle of pills is called "pojingdan".

After the super strong vitality of Zengyuan Dan just now, he felt that his strength had improved a lot.

Now his strength should have reached the peak strength in the later stage of the order.

He is now near the peak of the strength of the later stage of the earth level, so the breakthrough Dan just can help him break through the bottleneck to reach the heaven level, which is the reason for his ecstasy.

"The last bottle is Guqi Dan."

Lady Meizhi gives the last bottle of pills on the shelf to Xia Jue.

"Go up first."

After giving the medicine to the heaven, he couldn't help trying.

Out of the chamber of secrets, Xia Jue comes to a vacant space and meditates

other people also come around.

"You, go around and explore to see if there are any such treasures."


A crowd scattered.

After the arrangement, Xia Jue took out the bottle of broken border pill.

Opening the bottle cap, another fragrance came out.

After observing the pill in his hand for a while, he didn't find anything unusual. Xia Jue put the pill into his mouth with his two fingers.

The pill was melted at the entrance, and Xia Jue only felt that it was a sweet water pouring into his stomach.

Then, he felt that his whole body began to heat up, especially in Dantian.


The whole body up and down of the fiery feeling let Xia Jue big mouth keep panting.

A few minutes later, Xia Jue was soaked with sweat.

The effect is still going on.

Half an hour passed.

At this time, all the internal Qi gathered in the Dantian of Xia Jue's body dissipated. If he didn't feel the existence of internal Qi in his body, he thought he was an ordinary person who had not cultivated internal Qi before.


The heat in the body went out until it returned to its normal temperature.

"Did I break through to the level of heaven?"

Xia Jue looked at his hands, and then suddenly hit a jade pier on the left.

"Bang."The stone mound was powdered by his blow.

"What a powerful force. Is this the strength of Tianjie?" Xia Jue couldn't believe it.

In the distance, people who were looking around heard such a big noise coming from here and rushed over.

"Mr. Xia, what happened?"

Lama and others looked around.

But it seems that there are only some broken jade dregs, and there is nothing else.

At this time, Xia Jue, who has just broken through the sky level strength, where can he pay attention to them? He just wants to try all kinds of power of the sky level strength.

Xia Jue's idea moved, and his inner Qi spread in his skin and flesh.

Before long, something happened that surprised people nearby.

At this time, Xia Jue is rising slowly.


This is slowly rising into the air.

It's not like these ground level masters who urge the inner Qi blessing to jump up at their feet.

"Mr. Xia has broken through to the strength of the sky level!"

Looking at Xia Jue's action, plus the broken border pill that he got in the secret room before, people don't have to guess it.

"I didn't expect that the breakout pill was really useful. It could break through to the heaven level in such a short time. You know, several martial uncles at the peak of the earth level in our sect have been stuck in this level for a long time. I'm afraid they would be angry if they heard this news."

"That's right. Who could have thought that Mr. Xia was just an ordinary man before. In a few days, his strength was directly up to the sky level. If it came out, I'm afraid the whole world would be in a mess."

"If you want to blame them, you can only blame those old guys who are afraid that their inner Qi will be eroded, or they will wait for the chance..."

"twenty year old Tianjie masters, have you recorded anything in your classics?"

"Unheard of."

Looking at Xia Jue's strength breaking through to the sky level, everyone was amazed.

At this time, Xiajue in the sky has risen to an altitude of 10 meters.

Although Lama and others really didn't cheat him, the sky level masters can fly with Qi, but the internal Qi needed to fly with Qi is too much.

In this way, he felt that the internal Qi of his body had passed a lot.

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