If it goes on like this, he feels that the internal Qi in his body will be exhausted after ten minutes at most.

The experiment was almost finished, and Xia Jue slowly lowered his body.

"Congratulations to Mr. Xia for breaking through the sky."

The monk said respectfully.

"Congratulations to Mr. Xia for breaking through the heaven level."

Others congratulated.

"Well, have you found any good places?"



"Mr. Xia, there is a well over there. The cover of that well seems to be sealed by a kind of internal gas just like the counter before. We can't open it."

This is what Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguard said.

"Oh? Take me to see. "

Under the guidance of Mrs. Meizhi's bodyguard, soon everyone came to the well he said.

This well is different from those ordinary wells in the secular world.

Its well body is made of jade, showing cyan, and its well cover is inlaid with a white suede jade.

It seems that some Rune like things have been depicted on his manhole cover, but due to the age is too long, we can only vaguely find some mottling on it.


Xia Jue cut it with a sword, but the manhole cover still didn't move, as if it was offset by some force.

Seeing this, the people nearby were slightly surprised.

You know, Xia Jue is the strength of Tianjie.

With the strength of the sky level, the blow can't cause any threat to the well. It can be imagined that the well is strange.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue cut several swords one after another.


There are cobweb like cracks in the well cover.


With another blow, the manhole cover was completely broken.

The well cover was broken, and the pure vitality of heaven and earth floated out.

Xia Jue and others rushed to see what was inside.

However, to their disappointment, there was nothing but clear well water.

"Find something to go down and fill up the water and have a look."

Since the well can be sealed with so much effort, there must be something mysterious in it.

It wasn't long.

A knight's palace master found a jade ladle and came over.

"Go down and give Mr. Xia Sheng Piao who will come up."

The Lord of the knight's palace.


The master jumped down directly.

"See if there's any treasure down there, Cerf." The Lord of the knight's Palace said to the master underground.

"Yes, Lord!"

The man named Cerf explored below.

A moment later.

Cerf yelled to the well: "Lord, Mr. Xia, there is nothing below, but this well water is a treasure. I've drunk some and improved a lot."

Hearing this, monks and lamas look happy.

Pills beads these treasures may not have their share, but now this well water should have his share, right?

"Since this well water has such an effect, you can get some to drink."

Seeing that there was only this kind of well water that could improve the strength, Xia Jue lost interest.

He came to one side and sat down. Xia Jue took out the bottle of Guqi pill from his pocket and studied it.

Solid gas Dan, listen to its name is similar to the solid strength of Dan medicine.

And now he just broke through the realm of the sky level, the strength is not very stable, so after taking this solid gas Dan, will he be able to stabilize the strength?

Very likely.

Xia Jue said that the pills in the bottle were poured out.

This solid Qi pill is purple. It urges the inner Qi of the palm to penetrate into it. He feels a special force inside.

No matter how the special force of breaking through his internal Qi was, it was not very strong.

Forget it.

Take it down and have a look.

After making up his mind, Xia Jue swallowed this solid Qi pill into his abdomen.

After swallowing Guqi Dan into his abdomen, I saw a warm air flow to the meridian bones of his body, as if it was washing his meridian bones.

However, in two or three minutes, he felt that the internal Qi all over his body was stronger.

Sure enough, it is the elixir of stable state.

From the function of this pill, Xia Jue came to such a conclusion.

"Ha ha ha ha, I broke through to the middle of the earth stage."

"Ha ha, I've made a breakthrough, too."

Before in the chamber of secrets, due to the pure vitality of Zengqi dansan, the knight's temple master and the temple master both broke through the strength of the middle stage of the earth level.However, the early ground level experts under the two men's hands may not have enough talent or strength to break through, but these people have started to break through because of the well water.

Seeing the strength of the realm stabilized, Xia Jue took out the Zengqi pill.

Without much research, Xia Jue looked up and swallowed it.

After the pill, an extremely pure vitality of heaven and earth was formed, which spread all over his body.

His strength began to improve greatly.

Ten minutes later, the efficacy of Zengqi pill gradually disappeared.

It's a pity.

Xia Jue originally thought that this Zengqi pill could not upgrade his strength to the later stage of Tianji, but at least the middle stage of Tianji was no problem.

It seems that he still thinks too much.

Now his strength has reached the peak of the early days of the sky.

Xia Jue's idea is just what he thinks. If those old guys outside knew it, they would be speechless to him.

Because when the strength reaches the sky level, it's hard to gain half an inch in this era when the vitality of heaven and earth gradually dissipates.

Not to mention Xia Jue's ability to break through the sky level in a few hours.

Even if you break through to the initial state of Tianjie, you may not be able to reach the peak state of Tianjie in 100 years.

"What's the matter? How did the well get black?"

"See what's going on, Cerf?"

At this time, something abnormal appeared in the well.

"What's the matter?" Seeing something unusual, Xia Jue also got up and walked over.

"Mr. Xia, the well water turns black after drinking. We don't know what happened."

The monk looked at the well.

"Isn't this well water poisonous?"

The Lord of the knight's palace made a guess that he was startled.

"It's impossible. What poison hasn't broken out for such a long time? How can we not know once it's poisoned?"

The monk does not agree with this statement.

"See what's going on, Cerf?"

The Lord of the knight's temple called down again.

"Lord, no... ah!"

Before she finished speaking, a scream came out.

"What's the situation?"

"What's the matter?"

Such a strange thing startled everyone present.

"Cerf, Cerf, what's going on down there?"

The Lord of the knight's palace called out to the well.

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