Thirty seconds, a minute, two minutes passed, but there was still no response from Inoue.

So strange, a sense of foreboding began to spread.

"Woo woo."

In the hearts of all, when the well came a gruesome voice.

"What's that sound?"

"No, go back!"

When the cultivation reached the heaven level, Xia Jue's sense was countless times stronger than that of the earth level.

He felt a sense of extreme danger in the well.

So he immediately ran to one side.

Seeing that Xia Jue had run away, people were scared out of their wits and fled with him.


They had just run away for five seconds when a huge and ugly thing came out of the well.

It's black and red. It's ugly. It's full of tentacles. At first glance, it looks like a squid in the sea. But strictly speaking, it's not a squid. It's not like a squid.

Some of the fleeing people looked back at the huge ugly thing in a hurry. When they saw the ghost, they were so scared that their urine was dripping out.

They swore that they had never seen anything so ugly in their life.

After this huge ugly thing came up, it first looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked at the people who had fled.

Suddenly, his eyes turned scarlet.

"Woo woo."

After a sad cry, the ugly thing quickly chased behind the crowd.

Pull a hair and move the whole body, it's up and down tentacles incomparable many, so collapse Teng up naturally is also very fast.

But in the blink of an eye, it caught up with a temple master.

"Woo woo."

Ugly thing's tentacle quickly rolled towards the temple master.

The temple master knew that the ugly thing had come after him, but he had no way or courage to stop and fight him to the death. He could only run with his teeth.


After all, the master could not run the ugly thing with countless tentacles.

I saw that he was directly involved in one of the tentacles of the ugly thing.

In less than ten seconds, the temple Master seemed to be drained of his blood and turned into a mummy, which was thrown aside.

"His grandmother's, what the hell is this? How can it be so terrible?"

The escaping monk and his side eyes scolded when they saw the scene.

"We've made a big mistake. We shouldn't have opened the manhole cover. We're really going to suffer if we let it out now."

The Lama regretted opening the manhole cover, but it was too late to say anything.

"Mr. Xia, in case you delay me."

Madame Meizhi is just an ordinary person. If Xia Jue hadn't taken her to escape, she would have died in the hands of that ugly thing. So she took the initiative to ask for it for fear of harming Xia Jue.

Before, Xia Jue only felt a sense of extreme danger beside the well.

Now that he saw this ugly thing, his heart relaxed a lot.

After all, this ghost looks more ferocious, but it's not an uncontrollable variable.

If they run like this, they don't know where they can go. Sooner or later, they have to face it. It's better to save some energy and start with it now.

"Don't run away. Kill this thing with me." Xia Jue stopped.

After hearing Xia Jue's words, others didn't want to face the cruel ghost, but they didn't dare to run any more.

Just as they stopped, the ugly thing also came to the place less than 20 meters away from them.

"Woo woo."

Ugly thing made a sound of crying and howling again, and then one of its tentacles shot directly in the direction of Xia Jue.

"To die!"

Xia Jue, holding xuanjing sword, soared into the air, and then chopped it toward the oncoming tentacle.


The ugly thing's tentacle was cut off by Xia Jue.

"Woo woo."

Xia Jue cut more tentacles, ugly things issued a few more miserable calls, and then it again will be a stronger tentacle to extend over.


Xia Jue is a sword cut in the past, but his sword this time can't cut off its tentacle.

"What are you doing? Don't do it yet!"

Seeing that the monk and others below are still indifferent, Xia Jue can't help but have a big drink.

Monks and others have no choice but to try to deal with the ugly thing one after another.

Xia Jue was no longer entangled in it. He came to the ugly thing with a flash."Well, I see how you can resist these tentacles."

With a cold hum, Xia Jue urged the vitality in his body to give a fierce blow to the dense tentacles under the ugly thing.

"Bang bang."

The tentacles under the ugly thing's body were cut off by Xia Jue's fierce blow.

Because of its huge body, and now suddenly lost hundreds of tentacles, which led to its side of the body can not bear the force, most of the body directly collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

Xia Jue showed a smile.

No matter how vicious this ugly thing is, as long as you cut off all its tentacles, even if Xia Jue doesn't kill it, it will have to wait for death.


Xia Jue injects the vitality in his body into the xuanjing sword, and intends to cut off another dense tentacle.

But at this time, the ugly thing also seemed to feel the danger, and quickly threw back another thick tentacle that attacked Xia Jue before and pestered him.

"You, cut off the rest of its tentacles, and it will be useless."

The small tentacles of ugly things don't have strong protection. Xia Jue can cut hundreds of tentacles with one blow. Although monks and lamas are not as strong as him, they are better than a large number of people. Even if one person cuts two or three tentacles, they can solve it.

Lama and others also realized that as long as they cut off all the tentacles of this ugly thing, it will become a toothless tiger, and immediately rush up.

At this time, however, the change is sudden.

One of them was caught by one of the ugly things' tentacles.

Then he was sucked into a human being just like the previous one.

But that's not the most important thing.

After the ugly thing sucked up the master, it only saw that the tentacles cut off by Xia Jue seemed to grow dozens of roots again.

"No, you go back."

At this time, Xia Jue finally recovered.

Before, he intended to let these guys make cannon fodder to cut off the tentacles of this ugly thing. Even if some people died, it doesn't matter. After all, he kept them to deal with this situation, but now he can't.

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