It's obvious that it's something to give these guys.

At that time, Xia Jue is fighting, and they are adding nutrients to this ghost. Who can stand it.

Xia Jue cheered, and the ugly thing was the tentacle growing up again. At this time, people realized that it was not good, and quickly turned around and ran away.

However, some of them ran slowly and were caught by the tentacles of this ugly thing.

After sucking up these people, all the tentacles that Xia Jue had cut off on the other side of the ghost thing grew back, and its body could move again.

"Damn it

Xia Jue scolded.

"Woo woo."

There is revenge, there is revenge.

Before Xia Jue caused so much damage to it, this ugly thing naturally wanted to retaliate.

I saw its overwhelming tentacles shot at him in an instant.

Seeing this, Xia Jue didn't dare to neglect. He jumped up in a hurry, and the whole person appeared in the air more than ten meters in an instant.

The ugly thing's tentacles were not long enough to reach Xia Jue. The tentacles under his body suddenly made a force, and suddenly his huge body was seven or eight meters away.

"Not good."

I didn't expect that the ghost could jump so high. In order to avoid its attack, Xia Jue had to go up again.

But when he went up two meters again, he found that no matter what, he could not go up. It seemed that he was limited by a force.

"What's the matter?"

There are too many ugly things at Xiajue's feet.

"Bang bang."

In a panic, he could only cut out a few sword Qi, trying to resist the ugly thing's tentacle attack.

Ugly things just jump up, it can't fly, it can't be hit, it slowly falls to the ground.

It's not a way to go on like this. The internal Qi in his body is not enough to support him for such a long time, not to mention resisting the attack of this ghost.

It seems that we have to go down to the ground and fight with it. Otherwise, the consumption rate of internal Qi in the body is too fast. When the internal Qi is consumed, he will threaten.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue didn't have to wait for the ugly thing to attack again. He dropped to the ground slowly.

"Woo woo."

Ugly thing saw Xia Jue down to the ground, immediately waved his body's tentacles and rolled towards him.

On the other side.

The shocked monks and lamas are watching the battle.

"What kind of monster is this? The broken arm can be reborn by sucking our flesh and blood. It's terrible."

"Yes, this monster is really weird."

"Do you think Mr. Xia can kill this monster?"

There is no doubt that people are most concerned about this issue.

It's good that Xia Jue killed this monster. If he can't, they won't be able to run today.

Thinking of this, people began to look dignified.

If he didn't know that he was going up to give nutrients to this monster, then they wanted to join the battlefield again.

In the minds of all, Xia Jue has been fighting with this ugly thing for several rounds.

But this time this ghost thing is much smarter. Once Xia Jue wants to start his tentacle, he will use his strong arm to entangle Xia Jue.

So after several rounds, only a few tentacles were cut off.

"I don't believe how many times you can resist me."

Xia Jue was also annoyed by his strong tentacle and cut out more than ten swords.

"Bang bang."

More than ten of his swords were not cut off. On the contrary, one of his swords lost its luster.

Damn it.

It's a real leak. It rains at night.

I didn't expect that this xuanjing sword would be exhausted at this time.

"Monk, give me a sword!" Xia Jue gave a drink to the monk behind him.

The monk also knew that this was an emergency. Once Xia Jue was defeated, they would be finished, so he didn't neglect him and ran to him immediately.

"Mr. Xia, take the sword!"

The monk didn't dare to get too close. He was afraid that he would be caught by this monster's tentacles, so he could only throw it far in the direction of Xia Jue


"Bang bang."

Holding the sword in his hand, Xia Jue chopped out more than ten swords towards the thick tentacle.


After so many blows, he finally cut out some black blood from the tentacles of this ugly thing.

Xia Jue looks happy.

As long as the tentacle of this ghost thing is cut off, the rest of the tentacles are like chopping melons and vegetables for him.But at this time, he also faced the problem that the internal Qi in his body had been almost consumed by this ghost.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate. He put his hand into his pocket and took out the bottle with Huiqi pill.

Up to now, he can only hope that this Huiqi pill can replenish some vitality in his body as he imagined, otherwise he will have to run.


The bottle opened and the pill rolled into Xia Jue's throat.

Just like the pills I took in front of me.

After he took this Huiqi pill, it turned into a pure vitality of heaven and earth, and constantly replenished the lost internal Qi around his body.

A moment later, he felt that the inner Qi in his body, which had been exhausted, was gradually replenished.

"Ha ha, it works."

Xia Jue's noodles are very loose.

According to this, it won't be long before the internal Qi in his body will return to the peak state.

I'll see how this ugly thing will fight him then.

"Woo woo."

The huge tentacles of the ugly things hit Xia Jue again.

"If you dare to come, let me break your rotten hand."

Xia Jue's face was grim. He held the xuanjing sword in his hand and jumped up to the wound where he had cut the huge tentacle.

All the time, he hit the monster with the sword Qi of xuanjing weapon.

This is to protect xuanjing weapons and save internal Qi in the body.

But now this ugly thing of this tentacle appeared flaw, so Xia Jue naturally won't be polite again.


Xia Jue's powerful blow directly split the tentacle with wound.

"Woo woo."

Ugly things seem to feel the pain, crazy issued a sad voice.

"Break it for me."

As the saying goes, Xia Jue won't let it go when it's sick. He clenched his teeth, carried enough internal Qi and strengthened his strength to pull the sword down.



Huge tentacles with the continuous gushing out of the big pool of black blood fell to the ground.

The monks and lamas who saw this scene in the distance looked surprised.

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