"Ha ha, this monster's most powerful weapon has been cut off. This time, I'll see how it can fight with Mr. Xia."

"Yes, as long as its tentacle is cut off, then it will have no weapon to threaten Mr. Xia."

At this time, the faces of all the people were surprised.

It seems that they have been through the disaster again.

"Woo woo."

The ugly thing with its huge tentacle cut off roared again.

After hissing and roaring, black water flowed from its ugly mouth.

"Poof poof."

All of a sudden.

The ugly thing puffed black fog from his mouth.

However, in the blink of an eye, the surrounding area fell into a dark scene, which was hard to see.

"It's poisonous. It's not careful."

Xia Jue felt that after inhaling the black fog into his body, the internal Qi in his body was being eroded. He quickly tore out a piece of clothes on his arm and wrapped it around his face.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Several screams came out.

"Get out of the way!"

Xia Jue knew that this ugly thing was ready to use the previous means to absorb their human flesh nutrients. If it was restored by it, it would be bad.

You know, he has no back Qi pill now. Once this ghost thing recovers its huge tentacle, no matter how severe he is, I'm afraid he will be consumed by this ghost thing.

"Bang bang."

Although he was confused by the black fog of this ugly thing, fortunately his eyes were very scarlet, and he was also a good target in the black fog. Then Xia Jue chased the ghost and cut off some swords.

After catching up with him, he found that several people had been killed under his tentacle and absorbed a lot of nutrients, which led to his broken tentacle growing several meters.

"Step back, look into its eyes, step back as far as you can!"

At this time, Xia Jue couldn't see where they were. He could only give a warning.

"Woo woo."

Ghost thing saw Xia Jue came to its side, it even broke the huge tentacle, it is difficult to fight with Xia Jue, so it chose to spew out a few strong black fog and then chose to escape again.

"Damn it."

This black fog not only interferes with his vision and judgment, but also constantly erodes the internal Qi in his body. If it goes on like this, he won't be able to hold on for long. He has to make a quick decision.

But this ugly thing also knows this. At this time, it doesn't intend to fight with Xia Jue. Instead, it plans to absorb nutrients and grow the huge tentacle back, which is more troublesome.

When Xia Jue didn't know what to do, he suddenly thought that there were two bottles of pills in his hand.

A bottle of water Zhuyan Dan, a bottle of Zengshen Dan.

Zhuyan Dan is definitely a elixir with magical effect on appearance, which should not be helpful for fighting.

Zengshen Dan's words seem to be useful for fighting, but I don't know what Zengshen means.

Forget it.

It doesn't matter.

Now there's no good way. Let's be a living horse doctor.

Xia Jue, who made up his mind, took out the bottle of Zengshen Dan from his pocket and swallowed it.

If you swallow the pill, it will soon turn into a warm current.

Then the warm current rushed directly to Xia Jue's head.

Suddenly his head was wide awake.

Even in the past few minutes, the black fog kept bothering him, which made his brain feel dizzy.

That's not the point.

The key is that Xia Jue feels that his sense has been enhanced a lot in an instant.

It seems that everything around him, even the breath of people in the distance, is under his control.

All in all, the supercomputer around him can judge everything clearly.

"This Zengshen pill has such an effect!"

Xia Jue looked around carefully.

He found that the ugly thing was more than 20 meters away and seemed to be chasing a man.

Judging from his breath and pace, he should be a monk.

"Well, I'll see how you run this time!"

Xia Jue clenched xuanjing sword, and the figure appeared next to the ugly thing more than 20 meters away.

The ugly thing felt the attack of Xia Jue behind him, and he wanted to run with a few puffs of black fog.

But this time it's not so lucky.

After taking Zengshen pill, Xia Jue knew everything around him like the palm of his hand. He even calculated the route that the monster wanted to escape.

I saw him to the right cut out a fierce.


"Woo woo."

A scream came out with black blood.After the scream, there was only one scarlet light left in the black fog.

It turns out that the big scarlet eye of this ghost was blinded by Xia Jue's sword.

"I'll let you lose both your eyes and see how you can still run."

Then Xia Jue cut off the other scarlet eye of the ugly thing.

Ugly thing felt the great threat, it used dozens of tentacles under his body to resist Xia Jue's sword Qi.

"Bang bang."

The sword was smashed to pieces.

"Come again!"

Another sword cut the ugly thing.

Ugly things have no choice but to protect their tentacles and eyes.

It chose eyes, so dozens of tentacles were smashed by Xia Jue's sword Qi.

Two swords let ugly thing break dozens of tentacles, its huge body immediately collapsed on the ground.

Xia Jue won't let it go when it's sick.

About half an hour later.

Unable to move, and unable to absorb nutrients, the smelly thing that had been passively beaten was completely killed by Xia Jue.

The black fog gradually cleared away from the sky.

People's eyes began to recover.

"Was the monster killed by Mr. Xia?"

"It must be, or there would be no movement."

People running to the distance try to gather around to see the result.

It wasn't long.

They see the results on the court.

There is a man with xuanjing sword standing in the central area.

This man is not Xia Jue, who else can he be.

And the ugly thing fell to the ground, its whole body was covered with dense wounds, and the wound was still bleeding black blood.

"Dead at last."

Seeing this scene, people were completely relieved.

"Split the body of this thing and see if there are beads in it."

After Xia Jue left this sentence, he went to an open space in the distance, and Xia sat with his legs crossed.

Although there was a supplement of Huiqi pill before, it took a lot of internal Qi to kill this ugly thing later, which needs him to recover.

A long time later.

Just when Xia Jue was still recovering his internal Qi, the man who was chopping the ugly corpse on the monk's side made a strange sound.

"What is this?"

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