It was the Lama who asked this question. At this time, he turned out a token like thing from the inside of the ugly thing.

After reading for a long time, he couldn't understand what it was. He could only get Xia Jue's side.

"Mr. Xia, I found such a token in the monster's stomach."

The Lama handed the token to Xia Jue.

"Oh?" Xia Jue took the token and looked at it.

This token weighs about two kilograms and is about the size of a palm. I don't know what material it is made of. There are some strange runes on it. There is nothing special about it except the first time.

"Anything else?"

Xia Jue was more concerned about whether there were beads in this ugly thing.

According to the estimation of strength, if there are beads in this ugly thing, it is at least red level. In this case, the beads will be of great use to him.

"I haven't found anything except this token. Wait a moment and see if the monks have found anything."

The Lama replied.

Another hour or so passed.

At this time, in addition to the monk and others thoroughly turned over this thing before, the result is nothing.

"Nothing, Mr. Xia." The monk shook his head helplessly.

Xia Jue nodded, "where is the place left to search?"

"Only the palace ahead."

There is no need to think that there is a huge treasure in the palace, so people did not search before. They only searched the outer area, and planned to clean up the outer area before they went to the palace to get the last treasure.

"Let's go."

The Party headed for the palace in the distance.

Before long, people came to the steps of the palace.


A master is trying to walk up the stairs, suddenly he feels hit by something.

Then he reached out and stroked in front of him, then his expression changed to shock.

"There seems to be something here."

Hearing this, monks and lamas came to the steps one after another and stretched out their hands to feel it.

Sure enough.

There seems to be a layer of glass in front of them.

Why is it glass.

But the reason why they can't see the scenery inside is that they can't see it.

"Get out of the way!"

The Lama took out the xuanjing weapon and cut it in front.



The Lama seemed to be rebounded by something and flew back.

"What's the matter? What the hell is it? Can it attack people like this?"

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

"Try again!"

Xia Jue decided not to let him try again.

The master who was ordered by Xia Jue came to the glass wall reluctantly.


When the master hit the glass wall, his body flew back.

But fortunately, his strength seems to be a little bit smaller, so he did not suffer too much.

"Mr. Xia, the glass wall seems to rebound according to the strength of the destroyer."

The Lama standing nearby saw some clues.

"You guys, go somewhere else and see if there's any obstruction from this glass wall."


More than a dozen people scattered to find out.

Seven or eight minutes later, the dozen returned.

"Mr. Xia, the whole palace seems to be blocked by this kind of glass wall. We can't get in at all."

The leader replied.

Hearing this, Xia Jue frowned, but soon he seemed to think of something, and his body immediately rose slowly.

In the air at the same time, he also kept exploring the glass wall with his hands, want to see how high the glass wall is limited.

However, when he soared to the sky more than ten meters high, he was restrained by a force, and the glass wall was not capped, but he had to go down to the ground.

"How is it, Mr. Xia?"

"There is no entrance."

"By the way, Mr. Xia, is the token we got useful?"

The monk suddenly thought of it.

The monk's words awakened Xia Jue. He immediately took out the token from his pocket and held it in his hand.

After taking out the token, he walked towards the glass wall.

When the token comes into contact with the glass wall, a sudden change occurs.

There was a buzz, and then the glass wall seemed to shine.At this time, Xia Jue found that his hand with the token could penetrate the glass wall, and then he went in.

"The wall is broken."

At this scene, everyone was very happy and stepped up the steps one after another.

Without the glass wall, the crowd soon came to the gate above the palace.

The gate of the gate is closed, just like the previous well cover with several runes.

Seeing this situation, people's minds are tight again.

The monster that ran out of the well before has left them a big shadow. What if we open it again and release the same thing as the monster before?

"Mr. Xia, this..."

people looked at Xia Jue at a loss.

At this time, Xia Jue's heart is also very tangled.

First of all, if you really want to release a monster like the previous well, it's really bad luck.

You know, he also depends on the return of Qi Dan and Zengshen Dan to kill that monster.

At present, Huiqi pill is gone, and the efficacy of Zengshen pill has just disappeared. If there is any accident again, maybe he will be here today.

But this is the last place of the whole gutuo palace.

If there is any amazing baby will also appear here, let him leave like this, he is unwilling.

"Look elsewhere and see if you can find anything."

There is no way. Xia Jue can only see if he can find something first.

"Yes." The crowd dispersed.

When they were exploring, Xia Jue was not idle. He also carefully looked through the door with his ears to see if he could find something.

After exploring for a long time, it was quiet, there was no sound, and there was nothing in it.

At this time, the people sent out to explore also came back.

"Nothing, Mr. Xia."

Hearing this, Xia Jue pondered for a while, and then he seemed to make up his mind.

"Break it!"


monks and lamas hesitated.

"I'm not flustered. What are you flustered about?" Xia Jue was dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes."

Monks and lamas dare not neglect any more. They take out the mysterious weapons and bombard the door.

Half an hour later, after the hard work of monks and others, several cracks appeared in the door.

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