"Is it?" Xia Jue retorted.

"Leader, why are you here?" Fat mother's son was surprised to see that the leader of the Bureau actually led the team.

"You son of a bitch, you've killed me this time." He was slapped directly by the man with a national face.

"What happened here, Mr. Xia?" Country word face man respectfully said to Xia Jue.

Looking at the country word face man to Xia Jue so respectful, fat mother son began to panic.

Isn't this ugly guy just a poor guy who lives in his mother's house?

Why is the leader so respectful to him?

"This woman, intending to murder my mother-in-law, what do you say to do?"

"Attempted murder? Get her for me. " The man with national character face immediately ordered his men.

"Leader, don't listen to this asshole's nonsense. He beat people first." Fat mother son heard to catch his mother immediately anxious.

"Pa pa."

"This is Mr. Xia, not an asshole." The fat man slapped his son again.

Fat mother's son covered her face: "Mr. Xia, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

Up to now, he didn't know that the ugly eight monsters had a background, so he quickly softened up with Xia Jue.

"Also, these people maliciously destroy people's private property. Let them make compensation first." Xia Jue pointed to the man who had just thrown things.

"Lose money, we lose money, mom, we lose money."

The fat lady was so scared that she could hardly stand.

Because she knew that even if her son was here, she couldn't keep him.

She just couldn't understand why she knew her son's leader because the family was poor and could not afford the rent.

"I accompany money, I accompany money, don't catch me." Fat aunt immediately begged for mercy.

"These clothes are worth at least five million. Pay for them first." Xia Jue said lightly.

Five million to hear.

The fat mother's son was scared.

Isn't it just a bunch of clothes?

Why is it worth so much money?

"It seems that all these clothes are GUCCL's." A crowd of onlookers picked up a piece of clothing and looked at it carefully.

“guccl? It's a luxury. "

"If the underground one is GUCCL, it will cost 5 million."

"With so many GUCCL clothes, this family may have emptied the whole store."

"How can you live here with so much money?"

The people around were shocked and puzzled.

"Well, well, I'll pay for it and I'll accompany you." Fat aunt has no matter, as long as do not catch her, how much money he is willing to pay.

Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin are very relieved to see this scene.

"Get her. She almost killed me." Fang Xiaoqin angrily points at fat aunt.

"You..." The fat woman turned red.

If Xiaoqin had dared to talk to her like this, she would have yelled.

It's a pity that people have to bow their heads under the eaves now.

"Didn't you hear my mother-in-law?"

"It's Mr. Xia. Why are you still in a daze? Arrest him quickly."

"Son, help me." The fat lady was in a panic.

"Mr. Xia, it's our fault." Fat mother's son asked Xia Jue for mercy.

"Hold your hand high? When your mother almost killed my mother-in-law, why didn't she hold her hand high? We are all adults. If we do something wrong, we have to pay the price. " Xia Jue has no feelings.

"Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin, I'm wrong. I shouldn't rush you. Don't rent this house in the future No, I'm going to see you off. Please do me a favor. "

"Well, I don't want to live in your poor house." Fang Xiaoqin said with disdain.

"Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin, please forgive me."

Fat women constantly beg for mercy from Fang Xiaoqin, but Fang Xiaoqin has a grudge against what happened before and is not moved at all.

The car was finally taken to the scene.

The onlookers seemed to have seen a big play with ups and downs.

Originally, they thought that Xia Jue's family was finished.

But I didn't expect things to turn around.

Things have been solved, Fang Xiaoqin and Su Changming began to pack up their own things.

"These are commemorative things. I didn't expect that they would be destroyed like this." Su Yihan picked up a broken photo frame from the ground.

This is a picture she took with Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin not long after she made her voice.

Several people packed up some things that could still be used, loaded the master's car last week, and then left.

The car stopped in a villa area in the center of the south city.

"Daughter, here is the house you bought?"Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin can't believe it.

"I didn't buy it." Su Yihan looks at Xia Jue with helpless eyes.

Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin look at Xia Jue with suspicious eyes, as if they want to see through Xia Jue inside and outside.

"I didn't buy it. Someone else gave it." Xia Jue smiles.

After entering the villa, several people were shocked by the luxury of the suite again.

There's everything here.

"This house is estimated to be tens of millions." Fang Xiaoqin said in surprise.

Su Changming nodded his approval.

Fang Xiaoqin frowned again after he was surprised.

Then she came to a corridor on the second floor and blocked Xia Jue.

"Who are you? Why get close to our house? "

Fang Xiaoqin now does not believe that Xia Jue is the waste picked up by Su Changqing and his son.

Because the waste they picked up can never have such great ability.

They have seen it all this time.

It's like there's nothing he can't do.

But Fang Xiaoqin couldn't figure it out.

Their family has no power, no money and no treasure. What can they do for him.

My daughter is really beautiful.

But what kind of daughter does Xia Jue want with such great power? How can he take a fancy to her daughter?

Seeing Fang Xiaoqin blocked here, Xia Jue was very helpless.

It seems that Fang Xiaoqin won't let him go if he doesn't say it today.

"I can say it, but mom, you need to help me keep this secret for a while."

Fang Xiaoqin looked at Xia Jue and nodded.

"In fact, I met Yihan ten years ago."

Fang Xiaoqin was surprised to hear that Xia Jue had known Su Yihan ten years ago.

How old were they ten years ago? How could they meet?

"So it is..." Fang Xiaoqin finally understood.

I didn't expect that her daughter's light words had such a great influence on Xia Jue.

It's just nature.

Familiar with the house, several people began to deploy work.

In a room.

Su Yihan looked at Xia Jue's lips and teeth moving in. Then he couldn't help saying: "there are so many rooms here, or You go to sleep outside

"Why don't you get married soon?" Xia Jue looks sad.

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