"No, it's just If it goes on like this It doesn't feel very good. " Su Yihan said in embarrassment.

"I don't care. I'm going to sleep here." Xia Jue directly spread the bedding to the ground.

Su also Han a see Xia Jue don't listen to his words, can helplessly turn over a roll of eyes.

At the same time.

At night in a Paris bar.

A man with several scars on his face was sitting on a sofa with several people.

In a few minutes.

A group of people came in carefully.

The leader is Su Junhao.

Su Junhao also has some inexplicable.

Earlier today, a man who claimed to be brother snake's cousin found him and said he wanted to ask him something.

Su Junhao's money is not clear, and of course he is not reconciled.

So he immediately came to the other party's appointed place, that is, here.

"How do you feel a gloomy feeling?" Su Junhao shivered.

After su Junhao walked in, the feeling became stronger and stronger.

If there were not seven or eight bodyguards with him, he would definitely run away without hesitation.

"Are you brother snake and cousin?" Su Junhao looked at a few vague figures inside and asked.

"Come and talk." A husky voice came out.

Su Junhao summoned up the courage to walk towards each other.

When he walked in and saw the scarred man, he almost wanted to run.

Because these people look terrible.

Either he was disfigured, or he had all kinds of scars, as if he had escaped from death.

"I heard that you entrusted a task to my cousin?" The scarred man opened his mouth.

"Yes, I gave snake brother 5 million yuan to help me deal with one person. Now he's gone. Do you know where he is?"

"He's dead!" Scar face man's mouth without emotion.


Although Su Junhao had guessed a few points, he was shocked when he said it from this population.

Snake brother is the leader of the largest underground organization in Zhonghai city. There are countless younger brothers under his command, so he died?

Is it really made by Xia Jue?

Su Junhao is not sure.

"Snake How did brother snake die? " Su Junhao asked cautiously.

"That's what I want to ask you." The scarred man raised his head fiercely.

Su Hao stepped back.

"I don't know. I just asked him to deal with a rubbish. I didn't expect snake brother..."

"Who are you talking about waste?"

Hearing the man's question, Su Junhao suddenly woke up.

These people are obviously not easy to be provoked.

It doesn't matter if snake brother was killed by that ugly monster.

But as long as he button up the pot for him, it doesn't have to be.

Then that immediately said: "this waste is called Xia Jue, and it's my cousin's waste husband."

"Your cousin?" Scar face man stares at Su Junhao.

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. I have nothing to do with that bitch. As long as you help me solve them, I'm willing to give you another five million."

Ten minutes later, Su Junhao walked out of the gate of night Paris.


He was sure these people were not ordinary people.

Because the evil spirit on these people was so heavy that he was almost out of breath.

Hum, this time you ugly and you cunt are still alive.

After you are solved, I will take over the project of cooperation with Tianhai, and then I will be the one who leads the family to glory.

Thinking of this, Su Junhao smiles.

In the bar.

"Brother, what do you want to do?" Scar face man beside a person said.

"I have only my cousin in the world. I didn't expect that he was killed as soon as I left Zhonghai.

I must take revenge for this.

I'll let the bastard's relatives die in front of him one by one, and let him know the consequences of killing my cousin. " Scar face man said viciously.

"But big brother, the bastard's relatives are in the summer home in Kyoto. It's hard for us to do it."

"Well, let's start with his wife's family first."


In the construction site.

Su Yihan and Xia Jue are checking the progress on the spot.

At this time, a man arrived at the scene with a motorcycle.

"Who is Xia Jue, please?"

"I am. What can I do for you?"

"I was told to give you something." After that, the man handed a bag to Xia Jue and rode away.

"What is it?" Su Yihan comes over."I don't know." Shaquille shook his head and opened it.

After taking it apart, Xia Jue found that it was a mobile phone.

When Xia Jue opened his mobile phone, he saw a video screen on it.

"You are Xia Jue, aren't you?"

A scarred man appeared in the video, and then the scarred man pointed the camera of his mobile phone at the bottom.

Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin were blindfolded and tied to a stone pillar.

"Mom and dad." Su Yihan almost cried when he saw this scene.

"Xia Jue, what's the matter? Go and save my parents."

Where does Xia Jue know what's going on? He can only keep watching the video, hoping to find some clues.

About 30 seconds later, the video turns back to the scarred man.

"If you want to save people, come to the dilapidated buildings on the Changshan mountain in the suburb. Remember, you can only do it yourself. If I find out what tricks you are playing, your father-in-law and mother-in-law will die."

"Help, help." Fang Xiaoqin and Su Changming keep roaring.

The video stops here.

Xia Jue was thinking about who these bastards were.

"Help me, Xiajue."

"Don't worry. You'll be here first, and I'll be back."

Xia Jue immediately came to master Zhou's maibach.

"Where are you going, Mr. Xia?"

"Give me the key."

Master Zhou didn't know what Xia Jue was going to do, but he didn't dare to disobey Xia Jue's order, so he quickly handed the key to Xia Jue.

Xiajue drove Maybach all the way, and finally came to the unfinished building in 20 minutes.

"I'm here. You stinky fish and rotten shrimps won't come out for me."

"Hum, I'm brave." The scarred man came out from the corner clapping his hands.

"You are Xia Jue?"

"Where are my parents-in-law?"

"It's not urgent. I'll play with you slowly." The scarred man said with a grim smile,

after the scarred man finished, several figures came out of Xia Jue in all directions.

Xia Jue glanced slightly: "just this person?"

"It doesn't take so many people to deal with a dead man." Scar face man said hoarsely.

"Did Su Junhao send you here?"

Scar face man did not answer Xia Jue's words.

"Give it to me, take him alive, and I'll torture him slowly."

Xia Jue's right side, a man with severed fingers, gave a smile, and then quickly attacked Xia Jue.

This person's speed is very fast, at least in the days when Xia Jue came to Zhonghai City, he has never seen such a person.

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