These guys seem to have some abilities.

To tell you the truth, since Xia Jue came to Zhonghai City, I feel decadent.

At last, I can exercise my muscles and bones.


Xia Jue directly hit the man with severed fingers, only to see that the man with severed fingers retreated more than ten meters to stabilize his figure.

"No wonder I can kill my cousin and let such a large organization under my cousin dissolve. It seems that I have two talents." Scar face man looks at Xia Jue to open a way.

"I'm in a hurry. Let's go together." Xia Jue didn't even look at him.

Hear Xia Jue so arrogant words, scar face man etc. angry.

Several of them are world-class killers.

Everyone has survived many battles, which one is not arrogant.

The Buddha could not bear to be provoked by such a young man as Xia Jue.

"Together, get rid of him quickly."

After the scar face man finished, all of them rushed up to Xia Jue.

Seeing these people coming up together, Xia Jue raised his mouth slightly.

Then everyone saw Xia Jue's figure disappear from the original place.

"This How is that possible? How could anyone have such a quick body method? " Scar face man Leng next God.

In his stupefied this time, Xia Jue already arrived in front of him.

Scar face man subconsciously raised his arm to resist.

But it's too late.

See Xia Jue one punch hit on his chin, scar face man flew out, hit on the wall, life and death is unknown.

Others were shocked by the scene.

And then they didn't get over it.

"Bang bang."

They flew out one by one.

In front of Xia Jue, the world's first-class killer has no power to fight back.

After warming up, Xia Jue went to the scarred man.

Scar face man still has some consciousness at this time.

When he saw Xiajue coming towards him, he looked frightened.

He has been in the international battlefield for many years.

He couldn't figure it out.

I can't figure out how there can be such a terrible person in this world.

And why should such a terrible person lurk in this small Zhonghai city.

Xia Jue comes to the scar face man and looks down at him.

Then, holding a slightly bloodstained fist, he wiped the bloodstain on his clothes, and then walked to the bottom of the unfinished building.

"Mom and Dad, are you ok?"

"Xia Jue, is that Xia Jue? Please help us." Fang Xiaoqin seems to have grasped the straw.

Xia Jue quickly unties the ropes on Fang Xiaoqin and Su Changming.

"That's how we got caught walking in the park." Fang Xiaoqin is a little excited.

"Mom and Dad, let's go back first." Xia Jue quickly took two people out of the uncompleted residential building.

In order to avoid the bloody scene, Xia Jue took them to the left side of the road and went back to the front of the car.

On the way back, Su Changming, who didn't speak much, spoke.

"Xia Jue, do you know what's going on?" Su Changming is not a fool. He knows that this is definitely not an ordinary kidnapping.

If he has no money and no power, how can someone bind them.

"It may have something to do with your elder brother and son." Xia Jue replied.

"Big brother? Now that I'm on the edge of my family, why does he want to be like this? "

"Maybe they are afraid that Yihan will rob the group with them."

"Also Han?"


Su Changming wants to understand.

His daughter, Su Yihan, has always been smart and capable.

Even though he was excluded by Su Changqing and his son in the group, he still did well.

According to his daughter, she is busy with the group's real estate business recently.

Once it's done, the family will go a step further.

It must be su Changqing's fear that his daughter's completion of the project will threaten his father and son's rule, so he grabs himself and Fang Xiaoqin to threaten Su Yihan.

Su Changming finally understood.


Su Changming smashed his fist on the car window.

"Brother, you are so cruel. I've been tolerating you all these years. I didn't expect that you didn't care about brotherhood, but also wanted to kill our family."

The car came to the construction site.

Su Yihan, who is looking left and right for news, quickly comes up.

"Mom and Dad, are you ok?" Su Yihan keeps looking at them.

"Thanks to Xia Jue, we are all right." Fang Xiaoqin holds Su Yihan and says.

"Go Su Changming seems determined."Dad, where are you going?"

"Your grandfather's house."

Su Jianwei, the owner of the Su family, lives in a quiet Manor on the west side.

When Xia Jue drove to the manor, he was stopped by the bodyguards outside.

"This is a private house. Who are you?"

"Dad, have you really made up your mind?" Su Yihan looks at Su Jianwei.

Su Changming nodded.

"Growing up, I never dare to ask for anything from your grandfather, and your grandfather only treats me as a waste. He only values big brother and thinks that what big brother does is right and what I do is wrong."

"No matter what your grandfather does to me or your elder brother does to me, I don't have any complaints. But today, they don't even give me a way to live. If I still dare not say a word again, am I still a man? Is he still a father? "

"So today, I'll have a showdown with your grandfather anyway. Since he gave birth to me, Su's group will have my share."

Su Changming said excitedly.

"Good dad, we'll support you anyway." Su Yihan holds Su Changming's hand.

Fang Xiaoqin has been married to Su Changming for so long. Of course, she knows Su Changming's character is weak.

Today, Fang Xiaoqin sees something in Su Changming that he has never seen before.

This kind of thing is called "blood".

"In any case, we are your strong backing." Fang Xiaoqin's hand is also on the back of Su Yihan's hand.

Three members of the family shake hands, and they are all full of confidence.

"I'm Su Changming. I'm going to see my father." Su Changming said to the stopped bodyguard.

Seeing that it was su Changming, the bodyguard was very disdainful.

It turned out to be useless waste.

He said, "I know!"

"The bastard." Su Changming saw the bodyguard perfunctory, he ran to one side to smoke, directly opened the door.

"You watchdog, why don't you tell my dad?"

In the past, Su Changming did not dare to be so rude to these bodyguards.

Because these bodyguards are always around his father.

If you offend them, they'll blow their ears in front of his father every day. He'll suffer.

However, now that Su Changming has awakened his blood, he has no fear.

Su Changming pointed his nose and scolded the bodyguard at the door.

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