Seven or eight minutes later, Xia Jue recovered a little, and then he stood up and walked towards the sword.

The momentum alone is so powerful, so this sword is absolutely not simple.

Approaching, the outline of the sword appeared in front of him.

This is a bronze sword with an unknown green gem on the hilt.

Xia Jue reached out and picked it up.


What a heavy sword.

It's about 20 jin.


He pulled out the sword and saw a golden light flash through the eyes of the people.

Then Xia Jue tried to inject internal Qi into it.

All of a sudden, his face tightened.

Xia Jue just tried to inject internal Qi into his body, but the sword was actively absorbing the internal Qi in his body.

But in a moment, the Qi in his body was completely absorbed by the golden sword.

This is definitely not a xuanjing weapon.

Xuanjing weapon can't absorb so much internal Qi in his body.

If you're right, it's a weapon more terrifying than the xuanjing weapon.

In order to test the guess in his heart, he walked out of the gate of the hall and cut a sword into the distance.


Countless houses in the distance were smashed by his sword, and a huge ditch about seven or eight meters deep and tens of meters long appeared on the ground.


Xia Jue himself was startled by the power of the sword, and then his face became ecstatic.

This is a magic sword!

Who is his opponent in the world?

Xia Jue's confidence began to increase.

Now that he has the strength of Tianjie, and he has such a sword, he doesn't have to worry even if he returns to the outside world.

It's a pity that this sword consumes too much internal Qi.

Just like this, he drained the internal Qi in his body.

"Look around and see what else you have."

At present, the internal Qi in his body has been exhausted. He has to meditate and absorb the energy of heaven and earth to replenish the internal Qi.

At the moment, he is very nostalgic for Huiqi Dan.

If there is this kind of pill, then if one goes down, his internal Qi will recover to the peak. Why do you need to spend so much time to absorb it.


They looked at the sword in Xia Jue's hand with lingering fear in their hearts, and then went back to the palace to look for it.

A few hours later, Xia Jue's internal Qi almost recovered, and then he stood up and walked into the hall.

"Mr. Xia, there is nothing else but these bags."

Lama and monk handed to Xia Jue the black bags he had found on the bones when he came in.

"Have you looked for it carefully?"

This is the last place of the whole gutuo palace, and it is estimated that it is also the most important place. How can there be nothing but his magic sword and these bags?

"We've looked inside and out, and there's really nothing left."

The Lama said definitely.

"It's strange."

Xia Jue went to the center of the hall and looked at it for a while.

"Do you feel anything?"

Just then the monk seemed to feel something unusual.

"There seems to be something shaking."

Lama also felt it.

Then, the shaking became bigger and bigger, and the scene was like an earthquake. All the people were stunned.

"No, Mr. Xia, we seem to have touched something."

As soon as the Lama's words were finished, there was a light shining down over the hall.

Then the crowd fainted as if they had been shocked.

Xia Jue is more powerful here, but he just insisted for a moment more than them, and then he fainted.

I don't know how long.

Xia Jue opened his eyes in a daze

"hiss... It's dazzling!"

It was uncomfortable for him to be exposed to so much sunlight.



Xia Jue came back.

They were still in the hall before. Later, he remembered that they all fainted.

What is this place?

Xia Jue slowly stood up and looked around.

This is... Dala desert?

I can only see the endless sand here. Isn't this the Dala desert where he and Mrs. Meizhi came before.

Looking around again, he found that there was no one here but him.The monks and lamas don't know where they are, and Mrs. Meizhi doesn't know where they are.

Suddenly, Xia Jue seemed to think of something, but then he was relieved to see what he was holding.

Then he wiped his body again.

No less.

The black bags, the marrow washing beads and the token are as good as the sword.

He's more relieved if he doesn't have less.

It seems that when I was in that palace, I didn't know what was triggered, and then it was sent out by some special force.


at the same time.

It's in a desert dozens of kilometers away from Xiajue.

The monk who knew his current situation laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xia, I finally escaped from you!"

After laughing, the Lama decided a direction and left quickly. He had to take the shocking news back to his school.

Another place.

Lamas and others are just like monks.


"madam, we should be out of gutuo palace now."

Before, when there was a change in the hall, Shentian grabbed Mrs. Meizhi's arm, so when they woke up, they both fell to the same place.

"Yes, I don't know where Mr. Xia went at that time."

"Mr. Xia has high strength. He'll be fine. Let's take the medicine back to save the young lady first, and then slowly inquire about Mr. Xia's news."

Speaking of medicine, Mrs. Meizhi immediately thought of it. She immediately reached into her pocket and took out a bottle from her pocket.

Seeing this bottle, Mrs. Meizhi was relieved at last.

"Here you are, too!"

Just then, a voice came from their side!

Hearing this sound, Mrs. Meizhi quickly put the medicine away.

"Monk, where are you from?"

It was the monk who came.

When he saw the monk, he could only walk in the same direction.

At their side, the monk looked around and found that the Xia was not here. He was relieved.

"Mrs. Meizhi, where's Mr. Xia?"

"Mr. Xia, I'm going to explore the way ahead. I'll be back in a moment." Meizhi said calmly.

Hearing this, the monk looked bitter. Then he seemed to think of something again, and his face suddenly returned to normal.

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