"Mr. Xia went to explore the way himself. You're a big shelf."

The monk said this with a smile.

"Monk, don't be so secretive. Come on, what do you want to do?"

"Mrs. Meizhi, the bottle you were holding should be the pill that Mr. Xia gave you. Coincidentally, I'm also very interested in pills. Could you lend me a look?"

Mrs. Meizhi is not a fool. Of course, she knows what the monk is thinking.

"Are you really not afraid of Mr. Xia?" Mrs. Meizhi looked at the monk.

It seems that Mrs. Meizhi poked him in the pain, and the monk's teeth cackled.


For the sake of safety, the monk thought it was better to leave first.

Otherwise, he will be discovered by Xia. Now that he is out of gutuo palace and has no use value, that bastard will certainly kill him.

Thinking that the monk was no longer entangled with Mrs. Meizhi, he directly urged the internal Qi in his body and ran away in one direction.

Seeing that the monk was scared away at last, Mrs. Meizhi and Shen Tian were relieved.

Although Shentian now has the strength of the middle stage.

But compared with the monk, an old master with the highest strength in the mid-term, it is estimated that he will only lose.

"Ma'am, let's go as soon as possible, so that we won't be followed by others."

Mrs. Meizhi nodded.

Monk is because he is really scared by Xia Jue. If he has other courage to meet them, it's not good.


the other side.

Xia Jue soared for tens of meters.

Without the confinement of the mysterious power in gutuo palace, Xia Jue could do whatever he wanted.

In the air.

Everything is in his eyes.

When he found that one of the places could get out of the desert as quickly as possible, Xia Jue fell down slowly.

It took too much internal Qi to soar, and Xia Jue felt that the vitality of heaven and earth was extremely thin when he came out here. If the internal Qi in his body was exhausted, he would not be able to recover in a few months, so he had to walk out of the desert.

After walking for several kilometers, Xia Jue suddenly saw several people and horses in the knight's palace walking on the other side.

Xia Jue saw them, they also saw Xia Jue, so at this time they frantically fled in the other direction.

But it's all in vain.

In front of Xia Jue Tian Jie's strength, these guys were soon caught up by him.

"Spare my life, Mr. Xia, spare my life."

These people can't escape, they can only kneel and beg for mercy.

"What are you running for when you see me?"

these people want to tell the truth.

That is, they have no use value now, so naturally they are useless.

"I ask you, have you seen anyone else?"

"No, No."

"Really not?"

"We swear, absolutely not!"

"Well, then you can die."


a few people with the strength of the prefecture level are now like ants in the hands of Xia Jue. He waved back his sleeve and solved these people's lives.

Along the way, Xia Jue saw some people one after another, but they were all small shrimps. As for the monks and lamas, they didn't see any of them.


Xiajue finally found out the Dala desert.

But out of the desert he didn't intend to leave immediately.

He wants to wait here to see if he can meet some people.

After waiting here for an hour, Xia Jue saw two people coming from afar.

"Ha ha, it's out of the ghost desert at last."

"Although the process of this trip is outrageous, it is still worth it."

"Yes, if we rely on our own hard work, we may not be able to break through the middle stage of the earth even if we die of old age."

"Yes, those treasures are all occupied by the dog named Xia. If one of them falls into our hands, it's a great achievement to take it back to our school."

"Hum, that Xia is very proud. Now that we have got rid of his evil claws, we must report to the school and ask the school to invite Tianjie Laozu. Then the bastard will die."

"It shouldn't be too late. In order to avoid being found by that dog, let's speed up our pace."

Is looking at two people want to leave quickly when suddenly found in front of a figure is smiling at him.

This person is not Xia Jue, who else can he be.

See Xia Jue two people face Rong Dun, congealed.

Their first reaction was to run away.But all of a sudden, they thought that there was no difference between running away in front of Xia Jue and looking for death, so they had to stick in the same place.

"You two just scolded very well." Xia Jue had a sneer on his face.

Xia Jue's words were no doubt the same. The thunder fell into their ears, and their legs began to tremble.

"Spare me, Mr. Xia."

"Spare my life, I'd like to be your dog. I'll always be your dog. Please save my dog's life, Mr. Xia."

They knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

"Ha ha, you are so cheap than dogs."

At the end of the words, Xia Jue's fist was shocked, and the two kneeling on the ground were bleeding and fell to the ground.

After solving the two, Xia Jue took off their bodies to one side, so as not to be found by people who want to come from afar.

more than half an hour later.

Xia Jue found two figures in the distance, walking slowly towards here.

When I came closer, I found that it was Mrs. Meizhi.

Seeing that it was Madame Meizhi, Xia Jue had nothing to hide. He stood up directly.

"Look, Mr. Xia is ahead!"

In the distance, Madame Meizhi and Shen Tian also found Xia Jue and rushed to her.

"Mr. Xia, why are you here?"

After coming to Xia Jue, Mrs. Meizhi asked.

"Just like you. By the way, have you met anyone else?"

"It seems that after meeting monk Xia, we didn't want to be scared by others."

"So... What are your plans now?"

"We're going to go back to the island country first. Mr. Xia, if you want to leave Africa, I can arrange it for you."

Mrs. Meizhi volunteered.

Xia Jue thought for a moment.

He came here to avenge for the Dragon hall.

But I didn't expect to experience such a big adventure, which led to some subversion of his outlook on life.

Now the shadow League has been destroyed. Although the people in the knight's palace and the temple have had an adventure this time, they treat him like ants with their current strength.

He's not interested in these people any more.

He has been away from Huaxia state for some time, but he has missed Su Yihan.

"Arrange it. I'm going back to China."

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