"Arrange it."



it is not the only airport in China.

There are no flights here. There are only private planes.

But even private planes rarely dare to come here.

Because of years of war and chaos in Africa, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents, so few private planes dare to take off here.

But today is a bit of a surprise, I saw a plane from here began to slowly soar, until into a shadow.

On the plane.

Madame Meizhi, Xia Jue and Shen Tian are all here.

"Mr. Xia, the plane will take you back to Huaxia first. It will take about 15 hours. We'll take you back to Huaxia and then we'll go back to the island."

There is only one plane that Mrs. Meizhi can transfer here, so we have to do it first.


Xia Jue closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair.

For him, although this trip has entered a new world, it's still a little regretful.

For example, the elixir of immortality was not found in the gutuo palace.

According to the monks and lamas, although the heaven level master has surpassed the world, it does not mean that he has really become an immortal.

The heaven level master will also die of old age, just hundreds of years more lives than ordinary people.

Although he still has a bottle of Zengshou Pill on hand, it will increase the life span of hundreds of years at most, and he still can't escape the shackles of fate.

Human nature is always greedy.

When you get more, you want more.

Now he has been detached from the world, but this is not enough. What he wants to do is to take Su Yihan to stand between the world forever.

"Mrs. Meizhi, I heard you say that the country of gutuo is very big. The place we went to is just a king's palace. Is there any other clue?"

Now that you want to get out of the world, you have to excavate the ruins of the ancient kingdom like the palace of the king of gutuo again. As long as you understand the secrets of the ancient kingdom, you may have a chance.

Mrs. Meizhi shook her head.

"It has been thousands of years since the history recorded by human beings. In these thousands of years, no one has ever heard of the discovery of the ruins of the ancient Tuo kingdom. Our generation has discovered a palace, and we don't know when it will be discovered next time."

Hearing this, Xia Jue was silent.


This kind of thing pays attention to big chance, and it can't be forced at all before it arrives.

And now the world is so big, even if he has the strength of heaven, how can he find the trace of gutuo.

"But there's one thing I can't figure out." Mrs. Meizhi said again.

"Oh? What's the matter? " Xia Jue looked at her.

"Six gates gather by the first eight palaces." Mrs. Meizhi highlighted this sentence.

"Six gates gather, eight palaces gather?"

Isn't this what lady Meizhi said before when people couldn't open the palace of gutuo? Xia Jue didn't understand what she meant now.

"That's right. Is the gathering of six gates the way to open the palace? What does the gathering of eight palaces mean?"

"There are eight palaces like this in gutuo Xia Jue seems to have thought of something.

"Very likely."

This made Xia Jue happy.

If there are really seven other palaces, what kind of treasures will there be in the seven palaces?

What's more, will the other seven gutuo palaces also encounter the same strange things that they went to before?

A confused thought wandered back and forth in his mind.

"Is there any mystery in that stone tablet?"

The other seven palaces have no clue at all. The only clue is the stone tablet that Mrs. Meizhi got.

"It's hard to say. I'll study it again after I go back this time."

"Ding Ling Ling."

Just as Mrs. Meizhi said this, suddenly her satellite phone rang.

"Hello... What..." Mrs. Meizhi's face suddenly changed, "OK, I know. I'll go back right away." Mrs. Meizhi hung up in a hurry.

"Mr. Xia, my daughter is going to be unable to support her. I want to go back to the island first. You can see...

" yes, go back to the island first. I want to see that stone tablet, too. " Xia Jue said casually.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia, Shentian. Let the pilot change the course."

"Yes, ma'am."


at the same time.

There is a high peak in a sparsely populated area of China.

There is a temple in the middle of the mountain.

The secular world will be shocked once again.

Because the temple is like a bright moon hanging on the hillside.At the foot of the mountain.

A shadow galloped to the hillside.

After a while, the man arrived at the gate of the temple on the hillside.

"Elder martial brother Wudao, didn't you go to explore the ruins of gutuo? How did you come back?"

Looking at the monks coming back in a hurry, they were surprised.

"Where is the host?"

Wudao didn't pay attention to these people's words, but directly asked the host.

"The host is lecturing in the main hall."

Hearing this, he realized that he didn't neglect, and his figure suddenly turned into a shadow and went to the main hall of the temple.

"Brother Wudao's breath seems to be stronger?"

"Yes, the elder martial brother was not his strength at the beginning of CAI Di rank, but now his strength seems to be much stronger. What did he gain from this trip?"

Several sweeping monks noticed the changes in the atmosphere of enlightenment and could not help talking.

The main hall.

The sound of mysterious scriptures spread out from the inside.

On the trees outside, some birds seemed to be hypnotized by these scriptures, and their eyes were closed and motionless.

All of a sudden.

The Scriptures in the temple stopped, and then the birds in the tree seemed to regain their consciousness and chatter.

"Master, why don't you recite it?"

In the hall, a group of monks suddenly heard the chanting of the host stopped, which seemed strange.

The host didn't speak. He just looked at the door of the main hall with plain eyes.

A minute later, a figure burst in.

"Wudao, how did you come back?"

"Wudao, didn't you go to explore the ruins of gutuo state? Do you have any news?"

Seeing the enlightenment coming back, a group of people couldn't help asking.

"Host, you can't believe what I've experienced in this trip. I've experienced a great mystery."

Wudao knew that if he told the story of gutuo, it would be a great shock to everyone, so he could not care about his respect to the host.

"What, is the rumor of gutuo true?"

"Brother Wudao, what have you been through? Tell me quickly."

It's no wonder that a group of people are so eager to know that the rumors of gutuo country have affected the minds of the world too much.

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