You know, this is the most influential rumor in thousands of years.

Whether it's Qin Emperor Hanwu, or all the great people in the world, they are all searching for the whereabouts of gutuo. However, after so many years, there is no news at all.

Even up to now, people have doubted the rumor of gutuo and whether it really existed.

However, when they were about to despair, they heard the news that Wudao brought back today, which made them not worried.


At the time of itching, the host gently highlighted these two words.

Although the sound of these two words is not big, it seems that there is some magic in the public's ears, which makes the public's anxious and unbearable mood cool down instantly.

"Come on, Wudao, what did you find in this trip?"

Seeing that all the people are down to preside, I just open my mouth.

"The rumor is true. The country of gutuo really exists. Moreover, I went in and escaped after a narrow escape."

The hearts of the people who had just cooled down were ignited by the words of enlightenment, and there was an uproar at the scene.

Hearing this, the host's eyelids jumped and stopped the crowd.

Because of this news, even his Zen heart was shaken.

"In detail."

"Yes..." Wudao said about what happened in gutuo palace.

After listening to the words of enlightenment, the faces of the people at the scene were frozen, and there was no more sound.


There is still a monk who can't help it.

"Wudao, do you mean that Xia got all kinds of treasures from an ordinary man and directly cultivated himself to the realm of heaven steps?"

"Yes, I can see with my own eyes that this man was unlucky. Before he entered the palace, he was not one of us at all, but because of all kinds of adventures, his strength leaped above us, and then oppressed us and made us slaves."

The monk said this with a strong hatred on his face.

How can we not hate.

If he doesn't have Xia Jue, he can't help getting many treasures and his strength can be greatly improved.

Not to say, it can break through the realm of heaven level, but the peak of earth level in the later period is absolutely indispensable.

"How can it be possible for an ordinary number of people to have their daily training to have the strength of Tianjie..."

the host has lived for many years and experienced many things, but he has never heard anything so strange.

"What treasures have you got? Is there really the immortal medicine in legend? "

The host asked eagerly.

"It's not true, but I got Zengshou pill, which is the ancient pill recorded in ancient books."

"Zengshoudan, is there such a thing?"

The monk's words scared the host and other people present.

"In addition, he also got the pills of Huiqi, Zhuyan, pojing and Guqi."

Hearing this, people were shocked and resentful.

The shock is that these pills sound like good babies.

What I resent is that these good babies are all collected by Xia.

"Asshole, this asshole, it's too overbearing."

"This bastard, we must kill him."

All the monks have already hated this Xia Jue whom they have never met.

"Don't be impatient

The host motioned the crowd to be quiet.

At this time, the host was also very regretful.

When he got the news at first, he just thought it was groundless, so he sent a Wudao to inquire.

But he didn't expect it to be true this time.

If he had known, he would have taken all the experts in the temple with him.

"What else do you get?" The host continued.

"There are also pith washing beads, some unknown black bags and a token. By the way, there is also a sword. This sword is very powerful. The mysterious weapon is like broken copper and iron in front of it."


There is no doubt about it.

The master and others were shocked by the words of enlightenment.

"I can't believe that there are so many treasures in this country. It's a pity!"

"Host, the one surnamed Xia should also come out. Maybe we can...

one of the monks' words is full of hints.

"It's hard. This guy has the strength of the heaven class now, and there's the sword. Even if we invite a apprentice, we may not be able to deal with him."

Wudao shook his head reluctantly.

"It's just a newly promoted Tianjie. Our martial uncle has been in Tianjie for more than 200 years. Are you afraid you can't deal with him?""That's right. Even if he gets more adventures and rises to the level of heaven, the time is too short. There are still many magical functions in the level of heaven. Our martial uncles may not be able to deal with him."

"Be quiet."

Seeing the people's fierce words, the host had to speak again.

"Wudao, you said that there was a change in the palace of King gutuo. What is the change?"

Before, the host and others only listened to a general idea, and many details could be heard clearly. Therefore, he felt that he had to understand all the details of this trip before making plans.

"In the gutuo palace..."

Wudao tells us about the mountain of corpses and all kinds of strange phenomena in the hall.

"How could it be?"

The host tossed and turned in his mind.

"Host, I don't think it's important that these changes happened in gutuo palace. After all, ten thousand years have passed. It's useless to investigate clearly. It's better to see how to deal with the immediate affairs."

I was bullied by Xia Jue for such a long time and almost lost my life. It's false to say that I don't want revenge. I want to frustrate Xia Jue.

"Are those pills still there?"

More concerned about the host.

If the elixir and other treasures of Xia Jue's body are still there, the risk is worth taking. If it is no longer there, then we should consider it.

A heaven level master doesn't want to compete even if they are in xuanri temple, because once they do, they are likely to lose both sides.

"There are only Zhuyan Dan and Zengshou Dan left in the pill, but he still has marrow washing beads and magic sword. The key is that I think those black bags are also a kind of treasure, but I don't know what they are for now."

"Black bag? Tell me more about it? "

Before Wudao said too much shocking news, so the host ignored the black bag.

Now hearing the bag again seems to flash a memory in the host's mind.

"It's a bag about the size of a palm. It's carved with some runes. The top of the bag is as if it's trapped by a rope. It can't be opened or destroyed in any way."

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