The host pondered for a long time, then suddenly stood up, and then disappeared into a shadow in the hall.

A figure appeared near the cliff behind the xuanri temple.

This figure is the host who appeared in the main hall before.

The host stretched out his hand and twisted it on a cliff.

"Click, click."

A wall on the stone wall slowly opened, and then the host walked in carefully.

"Jingfa, what's bothering me?"

The host just walked into the cave, and suddenly an old voice came out.

"Martial uncle, the legendary gutuo kingdom is really born."

The host said respectfully.

"Is that true?"

"Seriously, this is what happened..."

the host told us the news of enlightenment.

"It's a second. I can't imagine that there is a trace of dust in this country."

Although the people who made this old voice were somewhat strange, they were far less shocked than the monks in the main hall before.

"Martial uncle, Wudao said that there is a kind of black bag. I seem to have heard of it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a moment. The shape of the bag is like this.."

the host told the appearance of the black bag described by Wudao.

"Storage bag? They found something like that in there? "

The voice seemed to tremble.

"Martial uncle, what is a storage bag?"

"It is said that in ancient times, there was an alchemist. This kind of storage bag is a kind of storage bag made by the alchemist. Although this kind of bag is small, it can store as many things as mountains and seas."

"What, such things?" The host was a little surprised. "So those in the gutuo Palace are ancient monks? This is actually the site of an ancient monk? "

"From what you've described, it's true."

"Martial uncle, since these storage bags are used by ancient friars to hold things, are there any items left by ancient friars in them?"

"Very likely, bring Wudao to me immediately."



a moment later, Wudao was brought here by the host.

"I've seen my master and uncle before."

Wudao only knew that there was a master and uncle in Tianjie realm, but he just heard about it and never saw it. This was the first time he came here to talk to the master and uncle in Tianjie realm since he was born, so he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Wudao, the man named Xia Jue, do you have any way to find him?"

"I only know that he is from China, but I know little about other information."

Answer truthfully.

"Think about it."

"Yes." When he realized the Tao, he began to rack his brains.

"By the way, shishuzu has two subordinates. The female's name is Mrs. Meizhi, and the male's name is Shentian. They are all Japanese. I heard their names when I came back from Africa. I think they should be famous. If I go out to inquire, I should be able to get some information."

"Go out and find him as soon as possible."


Realizing the truth, he was ecstatic. He knew that shishuzu was going to beat Xiajue.

There is revenge and there is revenge. He very much hopes that this martial uncle can help him export his evil spirit.


at this time, except for xuanri temple, all the forces in the world who got the news were boiling.

As Mrs. Meizhi's identity is not difficult to find, many people with different thoughts soon flocked to the island.

Island capital airport.

A plane slowly stopped in the airport.

The cabin door opened and Xia Jue and his party came out from inside.

"Ma'am, the car is ready."

As soon as the door of the engine room opened, the people who had been waiting here began respectfully.

"Well, Mr. Xia, get on the bus first."


Xia Jue nodded and got on the bus first.

Several people waiting here saw that his wife was so respectful to this guy. They couldn't help looking at Xia Jue who was sitting in the car.

Then Mrs. Meizhi and Shen Tian got into the car.

"Poof poof."

The car starts and goes in one of the directions.


in a room of a large mansion in the center of the city.

In the room, a young girl with pale face and withered hair was lying on the bed.

In front of her stood four or five doctors, and behind them gathered a large crowd.

"Doctor, how long can my daughter last?"A man in his fifties asked nervously.

"Mr. Gu He, I'm afraid your daughter will only be working for one or two hours. I hope you can be prepared."


The man fell back a few steps.

A few women behind the man and a few young men heard this, and there was a flash of joy on their faces.

These women are Gu he's concubines, while the young men are Gu he's sons.

Guhe family is one of the top families in the secular world of the island. It's not too much to call it the first family.

With a big family, there will be more competition within the family.

For example, Mrs. Wu Yitai Meizhi is the latest aunt in the family.

Gu Zhizi and Gu's aunt are also the most disliked of them.

The island nation does not attach as much importance to the idea of male succession as Huaxia does.

Therefore, Gu he had made it public many times that he would pass on such a large family property to his daughter, which led to the fact that other aunt Taihe's children hated Madame Meizhi to the bone.

However, Gu he has made up his mind and started to cultivate Gu he's gardenia, so it's no use letting them blow their hair.

Fortunately, half a year ago, Gu He gardenia was suddenly diagnosed with liver cancer, or advanced, this incurable disease, even if Gu he invited the world's top doctors to come, it is useless, which makes these aunts and children simply overjoyed.

As long as Guhe gardenia is dead, then Guhe family's property can fall on their head again, so now they all want Guhe Gardenia on the bed to die immediately.

"And Madame, has Madame come back?"

The man yelled at the servants behind him.

"Sir, Madame said she was on her way."

"Call quickly to urge it."

"Yes, sir."

Hearing this, the aunts and their children felt a little nervous.

They know that in order to save her daughter's life for more than half a year, Mrs. Meizhi has spent all kinds of family resources to find the legendary elixir.

Earlier today, Mrs. Meizhi called to claim that she had found the elixir and that she would be back soon.

Although they don't really believe that there is such a thing in the world.

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