But Mrs. Meizhi's swearing attitude made them feel uneasy.

The best result is that Gu He Gardenia will die now.

No matter what magic medicine Mrs. Meizhi brings back, it will be useless.

"Dad, don't hold too much hope. My sister is very ill now. It's hard for her to recover from the dead."

"Yes, Dad, we have some of the top doctors in the world. They all say that they can't be saved. It must be that they can't be saved. Maybe aunt Wu was cheated by others."

Gu and his two sons tried to get rid of his father.

"I'm sure you'll find the medicine to save gardenia."

The words of the two sons, who have experienced numerous storms and waves, don't know.

But he didn't want to accept that his baby daughter, who had been trained by her for so many years and was ready to take over, died like this.

When they heard his father's words, they looked at each other and then quietly retreated to one side.

"Big brother, it's the most critical moment. No matter whether the fox spirit has found the magic medicine or not, she must not be allowed to come back here at this time." Gu Hezhi, the second son of Gu He, said, "that's right. I'd rather believe in something than nothing. It's safe only when the bitch on the bed dies." Koowa's eldest son, koowa Morita, agreed.

"You watch here first, I'll arrange it." Gu and Zhi quietly left the room after saying this.

"Dad..." Gu He Gardenia on the bed made a faint sound.

"Dad's here."

Guhe quickly came to Guhe gardenia.

"Dad, is mom back yet?"

"I'm back. I'm back. I'll be right back."

"I may not be able to hold on to my mother's coming back. Help me tell my mother that gardenia will always love her."

"Gardenia, don't talk nonsense. Your mother has found the magic medicine. You will get better." Gu he stroked Gardenia's face.

This scene makes the next few aunts and their children a little jealous.

When did he treat them so gently?

Think of these people to this ancient and gardenia lady is more resentment.

"Gardenia, gardenia, wake up, doctor, come on!"

Suddenly, Gu and gardenia fainted again.

Seeing this scene, the aunts and princesses were very happy.

Isn't that death?

But then the doctor's words let them down.

"Mr. Gu He, Miss Zhizi just fainted in pain. Do you want us to wake her up by means, or maybe Miss Zhizi will be like this..."

"don't do it, just let her be like this. Anyway, the lady will come back with the magic medicine immediately, so don't let her suffer any more pain."

The top doctors shook their heads when they heard Mr. Gu he's crazy words.

Although they use the world's top drugs and various devices for treatment, this kind of intelligence is inhibition and can't be cured at all.

And now this ancient and gardenia cancer cells have spread to the whole body, not to mention what magic medicine, even if the gods came, it is estimated that it is useless.


on the way to Guhe mansion.

At this time, the car that Mrs. Meizhi was sitting in was blocked by dense traffic.

It is not surprising that the island's capital, the world's largest and most populous city, has such a situation.

But the key is that Mrs. Meizhi has already used her relationship to say hello before. This road was originally unimpeded. Why did so many vehicles suddenly rush out?

"What the hell is going on? Does anyone dare to ignore my words?"

As Gu he's favorite daughter, Mrs. Meizhi can be said to call the wind and the rain on the island.

However, at this time her words were taken as the wind in the ear. How could she not feel angry.

"Madam, I don't think it's anyone else. I'm afraid it's those bitches."

After so many years in Guhe's family, Shen Tian is also well aware of the struggle.

"I had helicopters ready before I knew."

There's something wrong with Mrs. Meizhi's heart. It's OK to be an ordinary plane. If she takes a helicopter, she can't stand it. That's why she doesn't have such an arrangement.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia."

Madame Meizhi apologizes to Xia Jue. She didn't expect to come to her site and let Xia Jue suffer from such a traffic jam.


Xia Jue's eyes closed slightly, and he didn't pay any attention to it.

"Ding Ling Ling."

Just then, Mrs. Meizhi's phone rang again.

"Well, I'll be right at the door." Meizhi put the phone in a hurry, "Shentian, go down and open the way!"

"It's Madame."Without hesitation, he jumped out of the car.

"Bang bang."

Shen Tian is now a master of the local level. In front of him, these motorcades are no different from toy cars. Soon these vehicles were pushed to both sides by him, and a road was opened.

The road was opened, and the car that lady Meizhi and Xia Jue took was finally able to pass.

But not long after this car passed a traffic light in front of it, many vehicles came up behind it and blocked up in front of the car Mrs. Meizhi took.

"Bastards, these bastards, I must kill them!"

Mrs. Meizhi is going mad.

She knew that the other party had made up her mind to stop her from returning to the family so soon, so even if Shentian continued to drive these vehicles, there would be vehicles to stop her.

If it goes on like this, her daughter can't insist on her going back at all. What's the use even if she has medicine to save her daughter.

After all, no matter how powerful the medicine is, it can't bring the dead back to life.

"Mr. Xia, help me. My daughter is dying. Please help me. I know I can't help you now, but I'm willing to be a cow and a horse in return."

There's no way but to ask Madame MAE.

Xia Jue is a heaven level master. She has seen the ability of heaven level master in the palace of King gutuo. She can fly into the sky and enter the earth.

As long as he is willing to do so, Mrs. Meizhi will be able to return to her home in a moment.

"How far is it from here to your family?"

If it's too far away, Xia Jue should forget it. It's too much to consume internal Qi to travel in the imperial air. This is not the palace of the king of gutuo. Basically, it's hard to replenish the internal Qi if it's consumed.

"It's not far. It's about six kilometers at most."

Hearing this, Xia Jue estimated it secretly.

At his speed, six kilometers will take about two minutes, which will consume about one thirtieth of her internal Qi. This is not a big impact.

Mrs. Meizhi knew the language of gutuo, which might be useful for him to find out the palace of gutuo again. Now it's OK to sell her personal feelings.

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