"Let's go."

After saying this, Xia Jue opened the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. Thank you, Mr. Xia."

Mrs. Meizhi gets off the bus as she thanks.

In the rear, some of the men sent by Gu Hezhi saw that Mrs. Meizhi got out of the car and didn't understand what he wanted to do.

But soon they understood, not only that, but also that they were almost scared to death.

I saw Mrs. Meizhi and the young man who got out of the car soared into the air, then quickly turned into a shadow and flew away.

"It's... It's impossible."

A few faces are showing the expression of the devil.

After a long time, one of them recovered. He immediately picked up the phone and called Gu Hezhi.

soon the phone was connected and Gu Hezhi's voice came from it.

"How's it going?"

"The second young master of Guhe, Mrs. Meizhi, he... He... He"

the matter is too far from the mark, and this man can't explain why he faltered for a long time.

"If you have anything, just say it, and talk nonsense for half a day."

Now is the key time. Gu Hezhi has no time to talk so much with him.

"Guhe second young master, Madame Meizhi, he flew away."

The man gritted his teeth and said this.

"What did you say?"

Gu Hezhi wondered if he had heard the wrong thing.

"Guhe second young master, I said that Mrs. Meizhi flew away. We blocked her car, but she suddenly opened the door, got out of the car and flew away with a young man like a bird."

After this, Gu he zhileng at the other end of the phone replied for a long time, "do you mean they let the back fly away like wings out of thin air?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Damn, you asshole are not drunk, are you?"

Gu Hezhi roared out.

No wonder he was so angry.

Any normal person would not believe this.

"Guhe second young master, I dare to swear with the life of my whole family that I never lied to you. She really flew away."


Gu Hezhi at the other end of the phone just wanted to continue to scold, but he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

Then one of his confidants came to him in a hurry.

"Two less, two less, Madame Meizhi is back!"

"What Gu Hezhi was startled to hear this.

At the other end of the line, his staff just said that Mrs. Meizhi had flown away, but now he came back to tell him that Mrs. Meizhi had come back.

What the hell is this?

"Where is it? Take me!"

I don't care so much. When Mrs. Meizhi comes back, it means that unexpected things may happen next. He has to make preparations as soon as possible.

Under the leadership of his subordinates, Gu and Zhi came to a family lawn.

At this time, the lawn is full of bodyguards in black suits, looking at Lady Meizhi and Xia Jue who have just fallen.

"Why, you dogs, don't even know me?"

Mrs. Meizhi yelled.

"I dare not. Welcome back, madam."

Mrs. Meizhi is Gu he's favorite aunt. The bodyguards were just scared to come to guard her. How dare they deal with her.

"If you don't dare, just get out of the way."

"Yes, yes."

A group of bodyguards quickly spread out a way.

At the same time, a group of bodyguards looked at Xia Jue with suspicious eyes.

"It turns out that Aunt Wu is back. Why don't you inform me in advance so that I can meet you."

Just as the bodyguards dispersed, Gu Hezhi also came here.

Mrs. Meizhi didn't have the sense of ancient and wisdom, but turned to Xia Jue: "Mr. Xia, do you want to have a rest or...

" no, I want to see the effect of this body building pill. "

He has experienced both the solid Qi pill and the broken realm pill and the return Qi pill. They have great effects. Xia Jue is also very interested in the body building pill to see what magical effects they have.

"Well, follow me, please."

Mrs. Meizhi went straight to her daughter's ward.

Gu Hezhi, on one side, saw that Mrs. Meizhi regarded him as an air man, and his lungs almost exploded.

"Cheap woman, sooner or later I will throw you to that place and let you be killed by other men."

Gu Hezhi yelled at the figure of Mrs. Meizhi who left.

After scolding, he seemed to think of something. Then he turned to a standing bodyguard and asked, "how did she come back?""Back to the second young master, ma'am. She... She. Flew here."

The bodyguard was still worried about the scene just now.

"What, did it fly here?"

If his subordinates called to tell him about it before, he still didn't believe it, but now the bodyguard can't cheat him any more, and there are so many people watching.

"Yes, we've all seen them with our own eyes. They really flew here."

"Are you sure they don't have any devices on them?"

Gu Hezhi still can't believe it. It's how anyone can fly in this world.

"I'm sure that the second young master, madam, and the two of them really came out of thin air, as if they had wings!"

The bodyguard's words are so firm that Gu Hezhi has to believe them.


Gu Hezhi's secret way is not good.

Even if she has done such a strange thing as flying out of thin air, it seems that it is not impossible for her to get back any magic medicine.

Once let her save the cheap woman on the bed, where can Gu he's family property have his share.

Thinking of this, Gu Hezhi chases Mrs. Meizhi.


"madam, you are back."

The bodyguard stationed under the house of Mrs. Michi's daughter asked.


Mrs. Meizhi agreed and wanted to go in.

But lady Meizhi went in, but Xia Jue was stopped.

"I'm sorry, this lady. I'm in it with the important people in my family. You can't go in."


As soon as the bodyguard said this, he got a slap in the face. When he turned his head, it turned out that Mrs. Meizhi had beaten him.

"If you are blind, even Mr. Xia dares to stop you. Get out of the way."

"But madam, the owner of the house is also in it..."

"hum, if Mr. Xia wants to do harm to the owner of the house, can you stop him? Get out of here. "


Hearing Mrs. Meizhi's tough words, the bodyguard did not dare to stop her.

Without any obstruction, Xia Jue was soon taken to a room by Madame Meizhi.

"Meizhi, you are back at last."

Guhe in the room was relieved to see Mrs. Meizhi come in.

Gu he was relieved, but other people were tense.

Especially kuwamorita.

At this moment, he had already secretly scolded Gu he and the intellectual waste in his heart.

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