Mrs. Meizhi couldn't even stop her, so she came here.

"How about Gardenia?"

Mrs. smart asked urgently.

"The pain has passed out. The doctor intended to wake him up by special means, but I stopped him."

"That's good."

"Who are you? This is an important place of our Guhe family. How can you come in and get out of here?"

Just as Mrs. Meizhi and Gu he exchanged greetings, a voice scolded them.

Hearing this voice, Mrs. Meizhi turned her head and looked away.

"Ku and Morita, what are you talking about?"

"I said.."


Gu and Morita haven't finished their words, and they are cold to be slapped by Mrs. Meizhi.


the whole audience was confused by Mrs. Meizhi's action.

You know, kowakamita is the eldest son of the kowakami family no matter what.

If Gu and Zhizi really die this time.

In the future, the family business of Guhe family will fall on him in nine cases out of ten.

In other words, he can even be called the owner of the future Guhe family.

Mrs. Meizhi is just a fifth aunt. Although the fifth aunt is very popular, she can't slap the future owner in public.

Where does this make him and his parents' dignity go?

"Meizhi, what are you doing?"

The main room of Gu He, Shuiye, stands up in anger.

Although Mrs. Meizhi hit Gu and Morita, it was no different from hitting her in the face.

As the Party of the ancient and Morita also finally returned to God.

Just now, Mrs. Meizhi's slap was too heavy, which made his head buzzing and hard to recover.

"Meizhi, why do you beat me?"

Gu and Morita look at Mrs. Meizhi with murderous eyes.

"Beat you, dare to scold Mr. Xia, even if it's light to kill you, don't make amends to Mr. Xia."

In fact, although Mrs. Meizhi seems to be punishing Koo and Morita, she is actually saving him.

Of course she knew about Xia Jue's temper.

Not to mention that Gu and Morita, an ordinary man, dare to scold him face to face. Even those powerful ground level masters dare to scold him, he will kill him.

"Meizhi, are you crazy? I, tangtanggu and my eldest son, want to make amends to him. What is he?"

Gu and Morita pointed directly at Xia Jue's nose.

Seeing this, Mrs. Meizhi's heart went up to her throat.

I didn't expect that she would try every means to save the life of Gu and Morita. But I didn't expect that Gu and Morita wanted to die like this, so I can't blame others.

She could already imagine the tragedy of Ku and Morita.

Because no one can be arrogant in front of Xia Jue.

"Meizhi, this.."

things have changed suddenly, which makes Guhe, the head of the family, a little unable to respond to the current situation.


When everyone's emotions were different, shougu and Morita's bodies suddenly flew out.

"What's going on?"

"This guy, dare to do it, come on

For a moment there was a noise in the room.

Soon, a team of bodyguards in black rushed in.

"What do you want to do? Mr. Xia is not the enemy of our Guhe family. Step back."

Seeing these bodyguards rush in, meizhifu is afraid to make Xia Jue unhappy. He drinks at these bodyguards.

"Meizhi, you bitch, where did you bring back such a murderer? You want to kill us, don't you?"

Seeing that her son suffered such a huge blow, Shuiye couldn't bear it. She also directly scolded Mrs. Meizhi.

"Gu He Jun, Mr. Xia is really not the enemy of our Gu He family. He helped me to find the magic medicine in Africa, and because of him, I and Shentian could come back safely, otherwise we would have died there long ago."

In order to avoid further deterioration, Mrs. Meizhi can only make a long story short and ask Gu He for help.

But before Gu he made any response, Shuiye was the first to speak.

"Take this asshole for me."

"Yes, madam."

A group of bodyguards surrounded Xia Jue directly.

But then the jaw fell down in shock.

The bodyguards in black suddenly floated up, just like being caught by the throat and lifted up.

"Er er..."

a group of bodyguards turned red and were almost out of breath as if they were hanged.

Before everyone recovered from the shock, these people were thrown out of the air one by one and hit the ground."Ouch, ouch."

The scream of the bodyguards finally made everyone in the house come back to their senses.

"Is this... Is this still human?"

Shuiye's face showed a look of shock, and the pace also unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"Who on earth are you?"

Gu he is well-informed and knows that there are some secluded sects in the world.

But even the people of these families don't have this kind of fairy like means.

"Mr. Xia, I'm sorry. It's our Guhe family. I apologize to them."

There is no way, Mrs. Meizhi can only stand up and apologize.

How to say today's affairs are all she didn't handle well, otherwise don't let Xia juetang a sky level master want to attack them these mole ants.

"Ma... Ma... Are you back?"

Before Xia Jue gave a response, Gu he and gardenia on the hospital bed made a faint sound.

"Go and save your daughter."

Xia Jue has no time to entangle with these people. He wants to see the effect of the body building pill.


Mrs. Meizhi also knew that this was not the time to say this. If she was later, I'm afraid she would have no pills, so she turned to the ward immediately.

Does the cry of Gu He Zhizi affect many people's nerves? This makes many people stop investigating the strange scene before.

"Mrs. Meizhi, is this what you call the magic medicine?"

Gu he looks at the jade bottle in Mrs. Meizhi's hand.

"That's right."

Mrs. Meizhi directly opened the bottle and poured out the body building pill.

As soon as the body building pill came out, a strong fragrance and pure vitality of heaven and earth also floated out of the bottle.

"Wow, what's the smell?"

"How do I feel that the air around me is much warmer, and there seems to be a kind of gas in my skin pores?"

Many people in the room felt the change brought by the pill.

"Magic medicine, this is really magic medicine."

Gu he also felt the difference of this pill, and he was excited.

After hearing Gu he's surprised voice, all the people around turned bitter.

Although they don't know whether the so-called divine medicine can save Guhe gardenia.

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