But it's certain that this drug has a magical effect.

This is an effect they would never like to see.

"What's going on?"

At this time, Gu and Zhi finally came to the room.

But as soon as he came to the seed of the room, he saw such a situation, which made him ask.

But even if he asked, because the minds of all the people in the room were all in the pill in Mrs. Meizhi's hand, how could he have the heart to reply to him.

"What's this, Ma?"

Looking at Gu Danzhi's pale face with the medicine on the bed.

"This is the magic medicine that mom found. It can save you and make you better again."

"Really, Ma?"

After hearing this, Gu He Zhizi's shaky glasses flashed a ray of luster.

"Really, come on, open your mouth!"

Even though she had seen the magical effect of Xiajue taking pills in the gutuo palace, Mrs. Meizhi was still beating a drum in her heart.

Judging from the name, it is definitely a pill with magical effect on human body, but she can't guarantee that she will be able to save her daughter's terminally ill body.

Once this pill has no effect, the only thing waiting for Gu he's gardenia is death. No one can change his life against heaven.

Take advantage of Gu and gardenia mouth slightly open this moment, heavy hearted beauty wisdom lady a pill toward her mouth in the past.

"Gardenia, swallow it."

"Er er."

Gu He gardenia, who is close to death, has no strength to swallow medicine.

Seeing this, Mrs. Meizhi is ready to help Gu He Zhizi swallow the medicine.

"You don't have to swallow it. This pill is easy to melt."

Xia Jue on one side said.

On hearing this, Mrs. Meizhi stopped.

Sure enough.

In a moment.

The mouth of Guhe gardenia, which used to be like a candy in its mouth, returned to normal.

I think it's the pill that flows into her abdomen.

"Mom, I'm so hot."

But for a minute, he and gardenia turned red, and a lot of sweat came out all over.

"Mr. Xia, do you know what's going on?"

Only Xia Jue had taken this pill, so Mrs. Meizhi could only look at him, expecting him to give an answer.

"It's normal."

When Xia Jue took this kind of pill, he also had this kind of situation. This is because the power of the pill volatilizes in the body. Just wait for the effect to stabilize.

Xia Jue's words relaxed lady Meizhi a lot. Then she turned her head and looked at Gu He Zhizi: "Zhizi, just stick to it. You'll soon get better. Don't you like riding best? When you're ready, the horse will ride with you."

"Well." Gu and gardenia clenched their teeth and tried to stick to it.

At this time, not only Mrs. Meizhi and Gu he are nervous, but also Gu He Zhi and Shuiye are nervous.

The difference is that Mrs. Meizhi and Gu he are looking forward to the rescue of Gu He gardenia, and they naturally hope that Gu He gardenia is now dead.

After a while.

Clenching teeth of the ancient gardenia and seems to be unbearable.

At this time, her silver teeth had oozed blood.

"Ah, Ma, I can't stand it. I'm going to die." The sound of Gu He Zhizi is very painful.

"Doctor, doctor."

Gu he was also flustered, so he called the doctor subconsciously.

The doctors who had been hiding nearby and did not dare to interrupt could not be indifferent any more. They came over immediately.

"Heart rate rises too fast, blood pressure is not stable, ancient and gardenia seem to have taken some poison, ready to rescue!"

As the top doctors in the world, how can these doctors believe that there is really any magic medicine in the world.

However, they are only hired by Gu He.

In addition, at this time, Guhe Gardenia could not live for a moment. How could Guhe and Meizhi's wife listen to them, so they chose not to speak.

Hearing this, Gu Hezhi, Shuiye and other people beside him were all dark and cool.

Unexpectedly, this is not a life-saving medicine, but a life-threatening charm, which makes them laugh.

"It's impossible. It's a pill brought back from gutuo. How could it be a poison?"

Mrs. Meizhi can't believe it.

"Madam, there is no magic medicine in the world. It's just some swindlers who cheat money and money with the gimmick of magic medicine. In fact, it's estimated that it's fake medicine made of some traditional Chinese medicine."

One doctor couldn't help retorting.

They are the top doctors in the world.

Now Gu and gardenia's condition, even they have nothing to do, if you can really rely on this unknown pill to save Gu and gardenia, it is an insult to their medical skills."What a liar, you quack doctors, get out of my way and don't touch my daughter."

Michaelis is very popular.

It's a pill that they had to go through all kinds of hardships to find in the palace of King gutuo. How could it be fake.

"Well, since madam doesn't believe it, just wait for this magic medicine to save your daughter's life."

Several doctors backed aside.

Although they come here for the sake of money, it doesn't mean they can be insulted.

As the world's top doctors, they naturally have their pride.

"Meizhi, this... This"

GU he was at a loss for a moment.

"Mr. Xia, do you know what's going on?"

Madame Meizhi doesn't know why her daughter has become like this. She can only turn to Xia Jue again.

"Let me see."

After that, Xia Jue urged the internal Qi in his body to pry into Gu he's body.

Just as Xia Jue and Cui let out his inner Qi, the people around him felt a great pressure.

The pressure made them breathless.

"This... This is what power."

Gu Hezhi highlighted this sentence very difficultly.

Xia Jue finally understood after probing the inner Qi into Guhe Gardenia's body.

It turns out that the medicine effect of Zhushen pill is too strong. It's not the common people who can bear it.

If we continue to do this, then the ancient Gardenia will soon be unable to bear the effect of the Zhushen pill and die.

"Mr. Xia, my daughter, what's wrong with her."

Madame Meizhi is closest to Xia Jue, so the pressure of Xia Jue's inner Qi oppresses her most, which makes her spit out this sentence very hard.

"It's just too powerful. It's OK. I'll help him."

Gu He Gardenia couldn't bear the medicine, so Xia Jue decided to help him absorb some medicine and lighten the burden in her body.

In this way, after the absorption reaches a drug effect that she can bear, there will be no explosion and death.

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