How can such a person be a fool.

So the only explanation is... He just found something in the storage bag.

Maybe it's a treasure that can replenish qi in the body.

That's right.

When his disciples came back to tell him before, they said that there was this kind of pills that can quickly replenish internal Qi in gutuo palace.

This kind of pill is called Huiqi pill.

Did the bastard find this kind of Huiqi pill in the storage bag just now?

Very likely.

Otherwise, he couldn't have consumed the internal Qi in his body so boldly.

I guess the old man's face became very ugly.

If there's one of those pills in this asshole's storage bag.

Then, if we stand in such a stalemate with him, our fate will be miserable.

At that time, don't mention that kind of treasure storage bag, even your own life may be caught by it.

There was no way. The fierce relationship forced the old man to stop. He bit his teeth and dropped his body.

But when he wanted to give up chasing Xia Jue, Xia Jue turned his head and flew back to him.

"Damn it."

How can the old man not know each other's intention.

The other party wants to take advantage of the weakness of internal Qi in his body, and directly take advantage of his illness to kill him.

It's so vicious.

At this time, the old man wanted to eat Xia Jue alive.

First of all, he cheated him and let the information about the storage bag be disclosed to him.

Then he played the pursuit game with him, which almost exhausted the internal Qi in his body. Now he came to kill him.

He has lived for hundreds of years and met countless enemies, but no one has ever hated him so much.

Shaking his head, he pressed down his anger. The old man put his hand into his pocket and took out a box.


The box opened, revealing a dark pill.

This pill is a medicine made by him, who has been searching all corners of the world for some herbs that have absorbed the vitality of the world for many years. This pill is used to recover Qi.

Although it can't compare with the effect of Huiqi pill refined by ancient friars, it is incomparably precious in today's world.

After so many years, he has few, and now he is in the state of using one less than one.

But in the present situation, he can't help it.

With a painful look at the pill, the old man put the pill between his fingers and put it into his mouth.

Swallowing the pill into his stomach, it instantly externalized a pure vitality of heaven and earth, nourishing his body and replenishing his previously consumed internal Qi.

Soon, the internal Qi in his body recovered to half of the peak period, and this pill has only this effect.

"I can't imagine that you also have this kind of treasure to recover internal Qi."

Xia Jue came to the old man and felt his breath.

He found that although the old man's breath had weakened a lot, he had not yet reached that weak state.

According to his estimation, the old man should have consumed the same amount of internal Qi as he did before, but just now he took out a piece of Huiqi pill from the storage bag to replenish the internal Qi, and then he recovered.

And the old man's breath can still be maintained in the current state, so it is obvious that he also has something similar to the Huiqi pill that can restore the internal Qi.

These old monsters can't be underestimated.

"Hum, you bastard, do you think it's OK for you to cheat me today and not hand over the storage bag? I tell you, you can't hide it. Now those guys who have been hiding for hundreds of years come to you. You're dead!"

The old man gritted his teeth and threatened.

"Come on, I'll kill one!"

At present, he has so many Huiqi pills, and there is a magic sword in his hand, so he has no fear at all.

"Do you think there are few Heaven level masters in the world? I tell you, you are wrong, but there is nothing that can make them born. Once they are born, you will regret it. "

"There's a lot of rubbish. Watch the move!"

Xia Jue didn't talk nonsense with him any more, so he punched him directly.


The surrounding trees were directly overwhelmed by the power of Xia Jue's fist.

The old man resisted the blow.


These old monsters really deserve to be people who have been practicing for hundreds of years. If he didn't have all kinds of treasures to protect his body, even if he had the strength of heaven rank, he would lose more and win less.

"I haven't done it for hundreds of years. This old bone is going to be crisp. Let's have a few moves with you."

After saying this, the old man turned into a shadow, and then the whole person disappeared.Now it's dark, and it's a mountain forest. Except for the faint light from the bright moon hanging in the sky, there's nothing to light around it, so it's very dark in the forest.

It was so dark that Xia Jue couldn't see where the old man was.

However, although Xia Jue did not know where the old man was, one thing was certain that he had not gone far.

Because his breath is still around Xia Jue, just like a leopard crawling to hunt, waiting for a fatal blow to him.

Finally, a few minutes later, the old man could not bear to fight Xia Jue.

See him right in the middle of a mountain collapse of the air waves toward him, as if to swallow him.

"Come on."

Xia Jue had long wanted to try his current strength to compare with these old monsters who had broken through the sky for a long time. He didn't shrink back, so he met them.


After Xia Jue's fist collided with the air wave, the air wave was suddenly punctured by his fist like a balloon.

It's so easy to break through Gu's anger. It doesn't make him happy. On the contrary, his face suddenly changes.

Sure enough.

When Xia Jue didn't completely react to the attack, his rear again attacked his back with an extremely powerful power.

"This is the old man's way of killing. He is too cunning."

It was too late for Xia Jue to react.

See that don't know where to come out of the old man's thin palm has been patted on his back.

"Bang, hula, Hula."

Xia Jue hit the tree and spat out blood.

"Hum, you're a little young to fight with me. If you take out that magic sword at the beginning, maybe I'll be defeated. But if you play with me with these gaudy muscles, then I'm still too young to fight with you."

After a successful move, the old man's face, which had been silent for a long time, finally showed a trace of joy.

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