In his opinion, although Xia Jue was the peak strength in the early days of Tianjie.

But so unprepared by such a blow, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

The old man seemed to have seen that Xia Jue's storage bag and the magic sword had been taken by him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help it any more. He immediately raised his leg and walked towards the direction of Xiajue falling out.

However, when he wanted to walk past, he seemed to find a movement in the distance, which made him stop.

I saw a figure standing up in the distance, and then slowly came towards him.

When I came closer, the old man's face showed an expression of the devil.

Because he saw that the person standing in front of him was Xia Jue who was directly hit by him.

At this time, Xia Jue was seriously injured. He didn't even gasp for a moment, as if he had nothing to do with it.

"This. How could this be possible."

I can't believe it.

The power of his attack is most clear to him. It can be said that it is impossible to do this except in the middle of the sky level.

"Is there any other way?" Xia Jue looks at the old man with a slight irony.

Although he was hit by the old man, his body had already been baptized by the marrow washing bead and today's body building pill. It not only became harder, but also had a quick recovery effect.

Therefore, the damage left by the old man through his hard body has been more than half recovered by his powerful recovery ability, and now he is just like a nobody.


Hearing Xia Jue's words, the old man made a quick decision and ran away quickly.

He can't help it.

This bastard has so many treasures, plus the weird scene, and the consumption of internal Qi in his body, all these are the reasons why he didn't hesitate to run away.

"Well, it's too late to run now."

A sneer flashed across the corner of Xia Jue's mouth, and then he chased up.

It's quite dramatic that he escaped from the old man's pursuit for Xia Jue before, but now he has changed to the old man's.

But the difference is that there is not much internal Qi in the old man's body at this time. It can be expected that Xia Jue will catch up with him soon.

"Damn it."

Being chased for nearly ten minutes left only one-third of his internal Qi. At this time, the old man was very anxious.

If it goes on like this, he will be overtaken by this bastard sooner or later because his internal Qi is exhausted, and then he will surely die.

"What to do, what to do?"

The old man's mind is very confused.

A few days later, he felt that the way ahead was strong, and he didn't know how to do it.

"The breath of the sky steps, they are coming."

The old man was so happy that he seemed to have a savior.

If so, he certainly didn't want these people to come so soon.

Because the arrival of these people will have a great adverse effect on the distribution of treasures.

But now it's different. The arrival of these people is undoubtedly his life preserver.

The old man madly used his body method to lean towards those powerful breath.

"Old man Wen, why are you running like you're running for your life in such a hurry?"

When the old man was about to approach the powerful breath, a man in front of him suddenly made a mocking voice.

"He's here. The Xia is here. Everyone be on guard."

The old man approached these people to remind them.


Hearing this, several people were surprised, and then they all set up their posture to meet the enemy.

After hundreds of years of practice, all of them naturally developed the old fox mind.

The old ghost fled in such a panic, which proved that Xia's strength must be very strong.

He was so powerful that he couldn't even fight against Wen Laogui, which made Wen Laogui run away in such a hurry.

In my mind, Xia Jue, who was chasing from afar, had already arrived five meters away from them.

There are three more heaven level masters, which makes Xia Jue have to stop.

It seems that he was right at the beginning.

His original idea was to kill all the monks and lamas afterwards.

If we don't stay alive in this way, we won't leak the news now. If we don't leak the news, we won't have these troubles now.

But unfortunately, there was a change in the last hall, which made his plans come to nothing.

"Are you the Xia?"

Just as Xia Jue was thinking, he said to a man in kimono.

"So what?"

"Yes, my name is Tokugawa Kenichi. The Tokugawa Jiakang you killed is my great grandson."

"Oh, I killed the little one and jumped out of the old one. Do you want to support him in revenge?""Tokugawa Kenichi, this man..."

the old man whispered a few words in his ear.

After listening to the old man's words, Tokugawa sword's face was a little gloomy. After a long time, he spoke slowly.

"It's just the death of a great grandson. I have many descendants. He's nothing. If you can give me some storage bags, I'll let bygones be bygones."

Old man's words let Tokugawa Kenichi understand one thing.

That is, even if they deal with this guy hard together, there is not much chance of winning.

Even if this guy can't beat them, but with the advantage of Huiqi pill in the storage bag, if they want to run, they can't stop him in any way.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Xia Jue raised his head and laughed as if he had heard a big joke.

"What are you laughing at?"

Tokugawa's face is tightening.

"I laugh that you are so naive. How many years have you lived? Do you think the tiger will let go when the meat comes to the tiger's mouth?" Xia Jue sneered.

"I think you want to die."

Tokugawa Kenichi hasn't made any move, but a man with a black scarf next to him can't help fighting against Xia Jue.


Here Xia Jue also has no patience, he directly drew out that kind of magic sword.

The sword came out of its sheath, and under the reflection of the moonlight, it seemed to be a golden copper mirror shining on the people.

Then Xia Jue injected internal Qi into the divine sword.


The Qi in the body was almost sucked up, and Xia Jue, who was holding the magic sword, chopped the sky level master who was attacking him with a black scarf.

"Gui Chang GUI Lang, go back quickly."

The extremely dangerous Tokugawa sword rushed towards Xiajue. The man with the black scarf gave a violent drink. Then the remaining three of them flashed tens of meters away.


An earth shaking sound came out.

If someone sits on the plane and looks down at it at this time, he can see that the earth below is shining like a huge fire dragon.

After the sound, all over the sky of dust and tree leaves constantly falling from the air.

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