"How can it be? What kind of artifact is it? How can it be so powerful?"

The three people who escaped to tens of meters away felt numb when they saw this scene.

If they hadn't run faster before, they might have been buried with GUI Lang at this time.

Several people looked at each other and saw the fear in their eyes.

"With such a powerful blow, the inner Qi needed by this magic sword must be incalculable. Maybe at this time, he...

" you may forget that there is a return Qi pill in his storage bag. " The old man interrupted the person in front of him.


the old man's words suddenly extinguished the man's rising fluke mentality.

"This man is by no means our enemy. Run away separately!"

Then he made a decision that he could not escape.

The other two did not neglect the situation and ran for their own lives.

Here, Xia Jue quickly took out Huiqi Dan and swallowed it after cutting out the sword.

At this time, he had recovered most of the internal Qi in his body.

"Hum, old man, others can run away, but you can't run away."

At present, even if Xia Jue is more powerful, he is also lack of skills. However, the cunning old man just gave him a blow. He has to die because he has to avenge himself.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue immediately chased the old man.

The old man who fled to the west just ran away, and soon felt a strong breath coming after him.

He didn't have to think it was Xia Jue.

It was a pain in his heart.

"Asshole, if you don't chase other people to chase me, it's going to kill me."

The old man felt a sense of despair.

"No, even if you want to die, you have to pull a cushion."

The old man turned his head and rushed to the West.

The direction to the west is just the direction of Tokugawa Jianyi's escape.

At this time, the fleeing Tokugawa Kenichi suddenly realized that there were two strong breath chasing him.

It surprised him, and he didn't understand what was going on.

"Brother Jian, help me."

The old man behind shouts to the Tokugawa sword in front.

Tokugawa Kenichi, who heard this, finally understood what had happened.

It turned out that Xia went after the old man, and then the old man knew that he would be defeated, so he ran to him and wanted to tie him together.

Understand this Tokugawa sword, suddenly angry.

"Old man Wen, you are such a dog."

"Brother Jian, if you don't stop, I will take this bastard to your Dechuan house."

Do you think you didn't hear what Tokugawa Jianyi said? The old man here had to use this vicious trick.

"Old man Wen..."

Tokugawa's teeth cackled.

If old man Wen took the bastard to the Tokugawa family, it would be a disaster for the Tokugawa family.

But he didn't want to let him stop to face that asshole like this.

Now that bastard is too dangerous, even if he is not careful, he will end up dead.

At that time, hundreds of years of hard work will turn into nothing, which is unacceptable to anyone.

Seeing that Tokugawa Kenichi in front of him was still indifferent, old man Wen ran away in one of the directions.

The internal Qi in his body is not as good as that of Tokugawa Kenichi. If he continues like this, he will die.

Since Tokugawa sword can't help him at the first sight, he has nothing to be polite about.

In front of Tokugawa Kenichi has no way, he can only watch old man Wen take that bastard to his family.

There is a big mountain on the outskirts of the capital of the island country.

The mountain was recognized as a holy mountain by the islanders and was worshipped by many incense from generation to generation.

However, few people know that there is a family living on this mountain.

This family is the Tokugawa family that has been handed down for thousands of years.

At this time, the Tokugawa family on the mountain.

Several people who are close to Tianjie feel two strong breath coming from the distance.

They immediately went out of the room to check.

"I'm flying in the sky. It's a master of heaven level. Go and inform my ancestors."

One of them has a dignified face.

Generally speaking, the heaven level master will not easily go to other heaven level master's territory.

Even if you want to go, you will say hello early.

But they haven't received any greetings these days.

So it's very simple.

It is estimated that the two men are not good at it."The old ancestor is gone, and I don't know where he went"

the man who went to inform Tokugawa Kenichi ran back to report.

"What, the ancestor hasn't left the family for decades. How can he go out at this juncture?"

This master at the peak of the later stage of the earth level is a little puzzled.

When Lao Zu went out, he thought of the arrival of these two Heaven level masters.

Is it...

"ready to meet the enemy?"

The master at the peak of the later stage of the earth level decided to stop managing so much and deal with the two people who attacked first.

"Mr. Wen, why are you?"

The expert at the peak of the later stage of the earth level of the Dechuan family was surprised to see that it was old man Wen.

Old man Wen ignored his words and landed directly on the boundary.

At this time, the internal Qi in his body was nearly exhausted. Facing the Xia Jue who came after him, it could be said that he would die.

But before he died, it was a pleasure to take so many people from the Tokugawa family to accompany him.

"Hum, Tokugawa Kenichi, since you can't help yourself, let your descendants bury me with you."

Old man Wen thinks like this in his heart.

Just as old man Wen was thinking about it, Xia Jue in the sky came down slowly.

Everyone in the Tokugawa family was surprised to see Xia Jue.

Because Xia Jue is too young.

They have never heard of such a young master.

"Isn't he good at running? Why don't you run?"

Xia Jue looked at him with a playful look.

Old man Wen ignored Xia Jue's words. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the Tokugawa family and others who were on guard. "Listen to the people in the Tokugawa family, this guy is the Xia who killed you, Tokugawa Shaokang."

Hearing this, the Tokugawa family was shocked again.

Up to now, they finally know why there are so young sky level masters.

It turned out that the man in front of him was the Xia who squeezed all kinds of treasures from the palace.

"Master Wen, do you know where our father went?"

The man at the top of the terrace in Dechuan coveted the treasure of Xia Jue.

But he also knows the difference between the strength of the earth level and the sky level. No matter how many people there are, they can't compete with a sky level master unless their ancestors are here.

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