It shouldn't be too late. Xia Jue can't wait to practice this dragon shaking fist first to see how it works.

"First sit, then sink into the elixir field, and finally pour the internal Qi into Ren and Du's veins..."

Xia Jue practiced according to the content on the translated paper.


at the same time.

A large group of people came up from the top of the mountain.

Are all these people old? Some of them even wrinkle their faces like a piece of dry wood.

At this time, these people looked at the littered corpses and were shocked.

"Who on earth dares to come here to destroy the family of Dechuan?"

"Yes, is it true that Tokugawa Kenichi is a vegetarian?"

A group of people kept talking about this scene.

While everyone was talking and looking, Tokugawa Kenichi came out of a house inside.


"Tokugawa Kenichi, what happened to your Tokugawa family?"

People didn't expect that Tokugawa Kenichi was still here, which made them feel confused.

"That surname Xia, has become the climate, last night Wen Laogui and GUI Changgui Lang have died in his hands."

When it comes to Wen Laogui, Tokugawa Jianyi is still angry.

"What, how can it be?"

"It's impossible. Old man Wen broke through the heaven level a hundred years earlier than me.

Today, he is already the peak strength in the early days of the heaven level. If it wasn't for the influence of the limited vitality of heaven and earth, he would have broken through to the middle of the heaven level long ago. Could he be killed by the guy named Xia who just broke through the early days of the heaven level? "

Some of the sky level masters who came here were not sure.

"That bastard is now the peak strength of the early days of the sky."


Tokugawa Kenichi's words made people feel a little incredible.

"I didn't expect that this bastard got more chances in the gutuo palace than we thought."

"Tokugawa Kenichi, even though he has reached the peak at the beginning of the heaven level, you can't create such a situation with the strength of you, old man Wen and GUI Lang?"

The person who said it reminded others.

With the strength of Kawabata's chieftain and chieftain Kawabata's chieftain.

No matter how fierce the other party is, it's impossible to kill Wen Laogui and GUI Changgui Lang, and make the Tokugawa family so embarrassed.

"The magic sword that this man got is really a peerless sword. Last night, GUI Changgui Lang was killed by a sword without even fighting back.

Also, this person has opened the storage bag, in which there is a treasure like Huiqi pill. The internal Qi in the body will not be exhausted at all, which is why we are so embarrassed by him. "


Hearing this, the crowd was shocked again.

They naturally knew that Xia Jue had got the magic sword.

But in their eyes.

The magic sword Xia Jue got was more powerful than the xuanjing weapon, but it was not enough to kill GUI Changgui Lang who was in the heaven level with one sword.

Another thing that shocked them was that Xia Jue succeeded in opening the legendary storage bag, in which there were treasures such as Huiqi Dan.

Under these two things, they can finally understand why GUI long GUI Lang and Wen Laogui were killed.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a treasure as Huiqi pill in the storage bag. What treasure would there be besides Huiqi pill?"

An old man thought.

"Zhang Daoqian, what treasure has something to do with us now? His sword can kill GUI Changgui Lang, so naturally it can kill us. Do you dare to fight with him?"

The other shook his head, rather helpless.

"There are so many people here, and they may not have no chance of winning if they rush up and down?"

"There is a chance of winning. It depends on whether you dare to fight, but you can expect that many people will die."

"Well, now the vitality of heaven and earth is drying up, and we have very little life left. If we can't find the treasure to change our life, how much life can we have? It's just a few more years.

In my opinion, it's better to fight with him. If we get his storage bag, this may be our only chance now. "

Zhang Daoqian's eyes are shining.

Zhang Daoqian's words made everyone silent.

He was right.

Now the vitality of heaven and earth is drying up day by day. In addition to Xia Jue, there has been no heaven level master for hundreds of years.

Many of them have lived for hundreds of years, and Shouyuan is running out.

Once Shouyuan is exhausted, their extraordinary ability will naturally disappear.

Why do emperors want to live forever?

Because the emperors held the supreme power in their hands.Power is like a bone eating insect. Once it is infected, it will never get away.

And how do these heaven level masters compare with those emperors?

It was a complete victory.

No matter what the power, background and status of the people are like ants in front of them.

They can kill at will.

So they want to live longer than anyone else. They want to live forever.

But life span is the destiny after all. Even if they have reached the realm of getting rid of the dust, it is difficult for them to change their life against the heaven.

In front of them, there was something that changed their life.

It's the only one.

That's the storage bag Xia Jue brought out from the palace of King gutuo.

No matter how terrible Xia Jue was, they would never give up easily.

Because it's their only chance.

"I agree."

An old monk with a bald head and a cassock took the lead.

He is the martial uncle Fanqing who presided over from xuanri temple.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Next, people agreed with Zhang Daoqian's proposal.

However, the first to agree with Zhang Daoqian's proposal are some heaven level masters whose Shouyuan is dying out.

Soon, 278 of the more than 30 heaven level experts who came to the scene agreed to Zhang Daoqian's proposal, and the remaining seven or eight were still hesitating.

These seven or eight talents have just broken through the realm of Tianjie for more than 100 years, and their strength is relatively low.

However, due to their late breakthrough, they have an advantage over these people in terms of longevity. If not unexpected, they can live for another 100 or 200 years.

He hesitated to fight with these people.

In the end.

A man who looked like he was only sixty or seventy years old spoke.

"Count me in."

Such a good opportunity is hard to meet even once in a hundred years. He just needs to hide behind these old guys who are about to run out of Shouyuan and are ready to fight to death.

Once they have the upper hand, he can fish in troubled waters. Once they are defeated, he can choose to run immediately. This is good.

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