Chapter 358 asking about the stone tablet

Chapter 358 asking about the stone tablet

with this man taking the lead, other experts in the early days of the heaven stage are not stupid either. They agree one after another with the same attention as men.

Seeing that almost everyone at the scene agreed to his proposal, Zhang Daoqian was relieved.

Although he knew what ideas the guys at the beginning of these days were fighting, he didn't say anything.

They may not be able to increase their momentum together.

Maybe when Xia saw so many of them, Ma said that he didn't want to fight with them. Everyone sat down to negotiate and distribute the treasures together, which was the thing he was most happy to see.

"Tokugawa Kenichi, what do you mean?" Zhang Daoqian turned his head to the other side.

Everyone in the room agreed. He's the only one left.

"I don't need to say that, of course, I'm going forward and backward with you."

Tokugawa said firmly.

"Good. Let's go."

These heaven level masters are not the kind of treasure that Xia Jue has Huiqi pill to replenish internal Qi, so at the moment, they all go to Guhe's home on foot in order to save internal Qi.



Here in the room, Xia Jue practiced for a long time and finally mastered the essence of Zhenlong boxing.

Then he stood up, opened the door and went outside.

There is a football field not far from his house.

Xia Jue came here directly from Yukong.

The Qi sinks into the Dantian, then penetrates the internal Qi into the eight channels of the Qijing, and finally condenses the internal Qi of the eight channels into the fist.

This set of actions down, his fists have flashed out bursts of internal light.


Xia Jue blows one by one to the ground of the football field.


A deafening sound came out.

The dust was flying all over the sky. As for the football field, Xia Jue hit a big hole tens of meters away.

"Wow, what a powerful force."

Although we can already predict the power of this Zhenlong boxing, it really scared him.

"What's the matter, Mr. Xia? What happened?"

Just now I heard that violent noise. Deeda thought that there was another enemy killed him. But when he came to Xiajue, he found that there was no one around except Xiajue.

"It's OK. I'm just practicing."

Xia Jue took out a Huiqi pill from the storage bag and swallowed it. It took a lot of internal Qi to send out this Zhenlong fist.

watching the football field hit by the waves.

In the distance.

In a road three kilometers from Guhe's house.

Zhang Daoqian, who was walking ahead, seemed to notice something and stopped.

"What a strong fluctuation of internal Qi."

"That's right, such a strong fluctuation of internal Qi can't be displayed at the beginning of the heaven stage or even at the peak."

Tokugawa sword frowned slightly.

"Is there a peerless old monster in the middle of the heaven stage?"

"It's impossible. It doesn't mean that all the masters above the middle stage of the heaven stage have been transferred to look for that place. How can they run out at will?"

"It's hard to say. It's normal that they can't restrain such a big chance."

"Yes, the old monsters in the middle of the heaven stage are also human beings. It's no wonder that they do this kind of thing in order to prolong their longevity without finding that place."

"No, the old monster in the middle of the heaven stage has our share. Let's go and see what's going on now."

Zhang Daoqian suddenly realized this problem, and then he didn't care so much about it. He directly went to Guhe's home at the expense of his internal Qi.


"Mr. Xia, the power of this martial art is really extraordinary."

Lady Meizhi takes her daughter to Xiajue's side.

It's no surprise that Madame Meizhi knows that this is martial arts.

Because she translated the bamboo slips for herself.

"Mrs. Meizhi, thank you."

Having tasted the sweetness, Xia Jue took out five jade slips from the storage bag and handed them to Madame Meizhi.

"It's my pleasure to serve Mr. Xia."

Madame Meizhi just wanted to take over the jade slip, but at this time, the jade slip in Xia Jue's hand disappeared.

Just as she was very puzzled to ask questions, Xia Jue was the first to speak.

"Someone's coming."

Hearing this, Mrs. Meizhi was shocked.She knew that Xia Jue said that someone was coming, so she couldn't be an ordinary person.

What he said is very likely that there will be a heaven level master again.

Not long after Mrs. Meizhi guessed, dozens of figures came over the sky.

Seeing these dozens of figures, Mrs. Meizhi's eyes were staring.

Dozens of people came from the imperial air, which means that these are all heaven level masters.

There are so many sky level masters. It's really a big trouble.

Looking at dozens of heaven level masters coming, Xia Jue's face was dignified. He quickly returned to the room and took the sword in his hand. Then he went out.

"Dada dada."

Xia Jue took the sword and walked out of the room, just as these ten people were falling one by one from the air.

The first time these people landed was not to look at Xia Jue, but to look around as if they were looking for something, which made Xia Jue confused.

After a long time, Zhang Daoqian and others didn't find the old monster in the middle of the heaven stage they guessed.

This made them feel strange.

If the previous strong internal Qi fluctuation was not issued by the old monster in the middle of the sky stage, who would it be?

Forget it.

Let's just forget about it and get down to business.

Think of this public is to focus on the body of Xia Jue finally.

"You are Xia Jue, right? You must know our intention, and we don't want to work hard with you. As long as you hand over some storage bags, we'll turn around and go, OK?"

Zhang Daoqian tried.

"Let's not talk about that. I have something to ask you."

While these people were here, Xia Jue suddenly remembered something.

"Oh? What's the matter

Zhang Daoqian might as well listen to what he will say before he completely tears his face with Xia Jue.

"There is a stone tablet in Guhe's family. It was brought back from the palace of gutuo, but it was robbed yesterday. Does it have anything to do with you?"

It is very likely that there are still some clues about the ruins of gutuo, so Xia Jue still hopes to find them.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, Zhang Daoqian turned and looked at the people behind him.

People shake their heads one after another to show that they don't know about it.

"As you can see, our people don't know about it."

Zhang Daoqian looks at Xia Jue again.

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