Chapter 359 is just going down the steps

Chapter 359 is just going down the steps

these people have come here to fight with him, so there is really no need to cheat him.

So if it wasn't these people, who would have robbed the stone tablet?

"Well, we've already answered your question. It's time for you to answer mine, too."

When Zhang Daoqian saw Xia Jue's meditation, he was a little upset.

"Well, how about a bet?"

Dozens of heaven level masters, even if Xia Jue had a magic sword in his hand and the help of Huiqi pill, might also have some unpredictable risks, so he suddenly had a plan.

"What's the bet?"

Zhang Daoqian wanted to hear what he said.

"Do you want to come out any one of you? As long as you can take my fist, you can offer the storage bag with both hands. But if you can't take my fist, you will leave with confidence. How about that?"

"When you say take your next punch, do you mean stand up and give you a punch or can you resist?"

There is still a big difference between the two, so Zhang Daoqian thinks it's better to ask first.

"You can resist, as long as you can take my fist, then I will offer the storage bag with both hands. I will never break my promise."

"Is that true?"

Xia Jue's words excited Zhang Daoqian and others.

In their opinion, although Xia Jue was the top expert in the early days of Tianjie, many of them were also in this realm.

If you can't beat him one on one, it's not too easy to take his punch.

"Can there be deceit?"

Tokugawa Kenichi thinks that things will not be so simple, and Xia Jue is absolutely not so easy to speak, so he whispers to Zhang Daoqian and others with some suspicion.

"Hum, what's the trick? It's not taking his magic sword. It's just taking his fist. No matter how powerful he is, can he tell us that we can't beat him to death at the same level?"

"Yes, it's just a punch. Even if there's no resistance, standing up and being hit by him will be seriously injured at most. Now we can resist. There's no suspense at all."

"I think it's hard for him to deal with so many of us here, but he doesn't want to give up his storage bag. That's why he found himself such a step down."

"Brother yuan, you have a point. Maybe it's true."

"Yes, it must be. I didn't expect that the boy was very clever."

After the old brother's warning, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder he said how Xia Jue could choose such a gamble without suspense.

It turned out that it was to find a step for myself.

After figuring out this point, people were relieved a lot.

Even Tokugawa Kenichi, who had been suspicious before, thought so.

"Well, who's going to walk with him?"

Knowing what Xia Jue thought, Zhang Daoqian wanted to end the farce as soon as possible, get the treasure and go home.

In the face of Zhang Daoqian's words, everyone was silent.

Although they all know it's just a walk.

But even if it's a formality, no one is willing to go up and consume the internal energy.

It takes a long time to recover from the exhaustion of the vitality of heaven and earth. Therefore, no one wants to do this thankless work.

"You don't talk, do you? I'll tell you who's going to accompany him on this show. Then you'll take 50% more of the treasures from the storage bag later. If you're willing to go on, I'll go on without that old man."

As soon as Zhang Daoqian's words came to an end, the people around here suddenly rang out the voice of volunteering.

"I'll go."

"Let me do it."

"I'll come. I'll come. You'd better not rob me."

Everyone is not stupid. It's a personal choice to spend a little inner energy and take more treasure from the storage bag.

Let's just say that.

If there is a Qi returning pill in the storage bag, no matter how much inner Qi is consumed, it will be replenished.

What's more, this 50% share is definitely more than one more Huiqi pill.

Xia Jue on the opposite side was amused to see these people rushing up to die, but he still looked at them quietly.

After a long time, Zhang Daoqian's talents came up with a result.

The one who fought for success was a Lama named Ma Tuo.

This Lama named Ma Tuo is the ancestor of the Lama who Xia Jue enslaved in the palace of gutuo.

The reason why he was able to win this place among so many experts is not that he has the ability to beat the others.

It's that he's asking a very low price.

As for Zhang Daoqian's saying that if anyone goes up, he should not have so many treasures. He only needs two pills to return Qi.If there is no Huiqi pill, you can replace it with the same equivalent treasure as two Huiqi pills.

In the face of such a low price, people really have nothing to fight with him, so let him go up.

"Boy, come on, I haven't been active for nearly a hundred years. Let me see how powerful your fist is."

Ma Tuo put on a good posture and waited for Xia Jue to come.

"Are you sure? My fist is very powerful. I'm not responsible for killing you."

The corner of Xia Jue's mouth raised.

"Ha ha, this boy really needs face. Let's show off a few words first." Ma Tuo laughed in his heart and said, "come on, don't talk so much nonsense. Everyone is very busy."

"Well, as you wish."

After saying this, Xia Jue urged Zhenlong boxing.

On the other side, Zhang Daoqian saw that Xia Jue didn't gather enough internal Qi into his fist, but made such a strange handprint, which seemed strange.

But soon their faces began to solidify.

As time went on, they felt that this guy seemed to brew a powerful force in his body.

They can't say this force. In a word, it's not the form that they usually use internal Qi against the enemy.

As a party, Ma Tuo naturally felt it.

At this time, he had put away his mind that he was ready to walk with Xia Jue, and his expression became stern.

"Hum, I don't believe you all have the same strength. What can you do to me?"

Even though Xia Jue's way of running neiqi was a little strange, Ma Tuo still didn't believe what he could do with his fist.


Ma Tuo carried enough internal Qi to form an internal Qi shield in front of him.

Just at this time when he had just formed the inner gas shield, Xia Jue in the distance hit him with his fist.

Soon Xiajue arrived at him.

The close distance made Ma Tuo feel a sense of extreme danger.

He hasn't felt that way in years.

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