The three unfortunate ghosts were blasted to pieces by Xia Jue's sword just like GUI Lang, the ghost leader of last night.

In the distance, the experts at the beginning of the sky stage, who are stopping to watch this scene, are really thrilled.

It's just a sword.

It is a rare thing in the world that three of the five elements jump out of the sky level with one sword. At the beginning, the top experts turn into ashes.

With this sword cut out, Xia Jue's hand suddenly appeared a Huiqi pill, and then he clapped his left palm in his mouth, and the Huiqi pill was swallowed by him.

"It takes some time for him to swallow Huiqi pill to absorb its power. Hurry up and take advantage of this time to kill him."

At this time, it's the best time for him to recover his inner Qi.


After Zhang Daoqian's reminding, other people also realized this. They surrounded Xia Jue like chicken blood.


The Qi in his body hasn't recovered, and Xia Jue hasn't the ability to cut out the second sword. He can only rise first and plan to delay for a while.

"He wants to run. Run after him."

Zhang Daoqian and others are not slow either. They all rise in the sky and chase Xia Jue.

In this way, the two sides started a game of escape, which attracted the crowd below.

"Wow, look what that is."

"It's impossible for someone to fly in the sky."

"Immortal, this must be immortal."


soon, the chasing crowd escaped more than ten kilometers away.

"Tokugawa Kenichi, Fanqing, it's not the way to go on like this. You two go there with your men and horses, and you must force him to stop."

Zhang Daoqian said.

The two nodded, and then each ordered some people to pursue left and right.

In this way, the two sides chased for another five minutes.

Five minutes later, under the constant pursuit of three groups of people, a circle gradually formed, and Xia Jue was sandwiched together.

Then three people are very tacit understanding to Xia Jue's body close.

However, at this time, Xia Jue, who had been chasing for a long time, stopped his figure.

"No, the internal Qi in his body has recovered."

Zhang Daoqian realized it almost instantly.

He was right in his guess.

Xia Jue, who stopped, immediately drew out the magic sword.

No one from the three sides dares to lean up again.

They three party people horse didn't lean up, here Xia Jue also didn't make any action, so quietly looking at them, double anti again deadlocked down.

"Damn it."

Zhang Daoqian yelled in his heart.

Now Xia Jue, who has a lot of means, is just like a hedgehog, making them feel like they can't help themselves.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Xia Jue in the distance showed a strange smile, and then he suddenly made a gesture with his sword and was about to cut off the group of Tokugawa sword.

Tokugawa Jianyi and others in the distance were scared out of their wits when they saw that Xiajue had made such an action, and the whole team suddenly turned into a loose bird and ran away madly.

"Ha ha ha, I'm a master of heaven level, but I'm just some rats without courage."

Looking at the crazy figure of Tokugawa sword and others, Xia Jue couldn't help laughing.

That's right.

What he did just now was intended to frighten Tokugawa Kenichi and others.

I didn't expect that this group of people were scared like a bird in shock.


At this time, Tokugawa Kenichi finally understood.

They were fooled by Xia Jue.

This made his fist "Zizi" ring, and he hated Xiajue in the distance.


In the end, Tokugawa Kenichi could not help but fight for his life anyway. He had no reason to be afraid of Xia Jue.

As soon as the Tokugawa sword launched an attack, Zhang Daoqian and fan Qing were not wooden people. They cooperated with the Tokugawa sword to kill Xia Jue.

The great war has set off again.

Seeing that the three sides were besieged, Xia Jue did not dare to neglect or use his magic sword at will.

Once the magic sword is used, the internal Qi in his body will be emptied instantly, and the other two sides of the people and horses will kill him in front of him and give him heavy damage.

It's not a very cost-effective way to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Thinking of this, he put the sword on his back, and then began to use the Dragon shaking boxing.

"Be careful, this bastard is going to use that door to enhance the destructive power of internal Qi. Follow me to use my internal Qi shield."

Zhang Daoqian, who rushed towards Xia Jue, gave a big drink.After he drank so much, the people around him put out the inner gas shield to stop him.

The rest of the two men and horses were not slow either. They were all killing Xia Jue while they were exerting their inner gas shield.




Now the internal Qi in Xia Jue's body is enough to continuously perform four zhenhuo Longquan. Now he only performs three, so there is still a quarter of internal Qi in his body.

Three fists seal mixed with the fury of power towards the direction of the third brother of the crowd attack.




The seal of three fists made the people and horses from the three sides roar, and some of them even carried directly from the sky to the land below.

But on the whole they didn't get hurt.

Because each of the three sides has nearly ten internal gas shields of the early peak experts of the heaven level.

There are so many internal gas shields piled up together, even if the power of zhenlongquan is almost consumed, how can it endanger their lives.

Seeing that the three parties were defeated, Xia Jue was a return Qi pill again. Then he immediately went to the west without any obstruction. He successfully escaped from the crowd's encirclement.

"Damn it."

"Asshole, this asshole."

Zhang Daoqian, Dechuan Shaokang and others are very popular.

These people have lived for so many years, and they have never had such a fight.

The key is not that the other side is too strong.

It's just that the other party's methods are emerging in endlessly.

It makes them feel powerless.

"Brother Daoqian, what's the matter? Do you want to chase him?"

Fanqing couldn't make up his mind.

"How can we catch up with him again? I don't know how many back Qi pills there are, as well as the magic sword and other means to enhance the destructive power of internal Qi. How can we beat him?"

Zhang Daoqian's face was uncertain.

Originally, they came here in a desperate attitude.

Now let's not talk about fighting for life. I can't even hand in my opponent's hand. What else can I talk about fighting for life?

"Regret, I really regret. If I had been in the kingdom of gutuo, how could I get this bastard to be so arrogant today?"

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