Chapter 362 fainting

Chapter 362 fainting

Tokugawa has never regretted such a thing in his life, but this is the only exception.

"What are we going to talk about now? The most urgent thing is what to do now."

"Well, with our... Bad, that bastard is back."

Zhang Daoqian just wanted to say something, but suddenly he felt a sense of extreme danger in his heart. Then he turned his head and saw that a sword suddenly cut them.


almost as soon as the voice fell, the sword Qi made an earth shaking noise.


Several sky level masters who couldn't dodge turned to fly ash in an instant.

For a moment, the dust settled. At this time, the remaining people looked around in shock.

When they saw that Xia Jue didn't appear around, they let down their heart.

The disheartened Zhang Daoqian and Tokugawa Jianyi Fanqing slowly drew close.

"Now we can't help him at all."

Fan Qing shook his head helplessly.

"For today's sake, only they can deal with this guy."

Zhang Daoqian has accepted his fate.

"They? Do any of us know where they are? "

Fanqing looked around the crowd.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Now the vitality of heaven and earth is dry, and these people are struggling to find the place in the legend. Even the gutuo kingdom can't attract them.

But after a long time, there is no news. I don't think they have any harvest. If they know that Xia has a storage bag, they may not be moved

Zhang Daoqian was lost in thought.

"But even so, how can we get in touch with them? Even if we get in touch with them, what else can we gain?"

"You can't let the people who are surnamed Xia take all the advantages. Besides, those people are also on our side. They are far more than the sermons of Xia. It's not necessarily our advantage to tell them the news."

This made the crowd silent.

After a long time, Fanqing said again, "so where can I find these people now?"

"There are many of us and we have a lot of strength. If we want to find something, we can always find some clues."

Zhang Daoqian didn't worry much about it.

"That's the only way to do it now."

Van nodded.

"It's not too late, then."

After Zhang Daoqian said this, his figure flashed and he disappeared in the same place.

The rest of them looked at each other and then dispersed.


in the distance.

Xia Jue, who is still in the imperial air, is aware that he has taken the group of people far away, and they have already left.

It seems that they are still smart and have no choice to continue to fight with themselves.

Otherwise, relying on Huiqi pill and this martial art plus this magic sword, they must be killed alive.

With a flash of body shape, Xia Jue returns to Guhe's home.

Gu he's family is in a mess because of Xia Jue's unreserved sword.

"Look. Mr. Xia is back

I don't know who yelled, and then all the people in Guhe's family looked up at the sky.

Sure enough.

Xiajue in the distant sky is coming towards them.

Seeing that he came back intact, Mrs. Gu he was shocked.

You know, before that, dozens of sky level masters were chasing him like hungry wolves.

And now he came back intact.

What does that mean?

It means that dozens of sky level masters were either killed by him or scared away by him.

However, Mrs. Meizhi and Gu he are more reliable.

Because they think that Xia Jue can't kill so many people at the same time.

But that's scary enough.

A heaven level master scares off dozens of heaven level masters. How can we do this?

At the time of their wishful thinking, Xia Jue has already fallen in front of them.

"No trouble for you?"

"No, no, it's just the destruction of some houses. It's nothing."

Mrs. Meizhi said in a hurry.

"All right, these martial arts bother you."

Xia Jue took out the five jade slips that he wanted to give to Madame Meizhi for translation.

"I'll translate it for you in one day." Said Mrs. Meizhi.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded.


in the room.Xia Jue sat on the ground.

There were eight storage bags in front of him.

These eight storage bags haven't been opened yet.

The storage bag in front of him has a breathing pill and martial arts skills. These are treasures. He can't help but see what will happen next.

Attention, he raised the palm of his hand, and then the thumb gently in the stroke of the index finger, suddenly a drop of red blood emerged.


Xia Jue waved lightly, and the drop of blood fell on one of the storage bags.

But in a flash, the fresh blood was in the storage bag.


All of a sudden, he felt a stab in his head.

Then there was a pain.

The pain is different from the feeling of opening the first storage bag.

Now it's as if it's going to blow his head off.


Xia Jue's mouth was full of blood, and then he fainted on the ground.


I don't know how long it took.

The door was knocked.

"Mr. Xia, your jade slips have been translated."

After a while, there was no news. At this time, Shentian outside continued to knock on the door.

"Are you in, Mr. Xia?"

After waiting for several minutes, there was still no reaction in it. Shen Tian could only gently push the door open to see what the situation was.

But when he pushed in, he was shocked to see this behind the scenes.

Xia Jue fell to the ground with unknown life and death, and there were blood stains around him.

Seeing this, his first thought was to have enemies.

But he was on guard for a long time, and then carefully looked at the surrounding situation, found that there was no sign of fighting, which made him immediately confused.

If not, how could Mr. Xia be like this?

Did you leave dozens of internal injuries?

It's quite possible.

Thinking of this, Shen Tian hurried out, and he wanted to go to Mrs. Meizhi to report the incident.

Soon, Mrs. Meizhi came to Xia Jue's house with several doctors.

"Shen Tian, put away Mr. Xia's things first."

Mrs. Meizhi knew that these storage bags and magic swords were treasures that even the heaven level masters coveted. In case of any accident, she also told Shentian to take care of them first.

"It's Madame."

Before, in order to avoid suspicion, Shentian didn't dare to move these things, but now Mrs. Meizhi ordered, so he had to do it.

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