"Madam, Mr. Xia doesn't have any injuries. We need to use ginger tea to know exactly what kind of injuries he suffered."

Several doctors said after observing for half a day.

"What are you waiting for? I'll take Mr. Xia to the ward as soon as possible."

Before, in order to treat her daughter, Mrs. Meizhi prepared all the medical equipment she could use at home, so now she just needs to send Xia Jue to her daughter's ward for examination.

"It's Madame."

Several doctors put Xia Jue on the stretcher.

In an hour.

In the ward.

Several doctors came out.

"What happened to Mr. Xia?" Mrs. Meizhi asked in a hurry.

"Ma'am, Mr. Xia's body is not injured, but his brain seems to be injured, so he is in a coma."

"Brain injury? What should we do then? "

Asked Madame Zhimei.

"This... Brain is the most complex part of the human body, which is difficult to treat except for some minor injuries."

Some doctors are quite helpless.

"You mean Mr. Xia's brain is seriously injured?"

Mrs. Meizhi's face became dignified.

"At the moment, it should be so."

"Is there really no way?"

Mrs. Meizhi is still a little reluctant.

"This... Has to wait for him to wake up."

"Shen Tian, go and get me the best brain doctor in the world, and do it as soon as possible."

Mrs. Meizhi knows that there are many people who are paying attention to Xia Jue. It's very dangerous for him to be so unconscious now.

Now don't be another group of heaven level masters, even if it's a Xia Jue, it's dead.


Shen Tian also knew the seriousness of the matter, he did not dare to neglect, and immediately turned away.


at noon.

Lying on the bed, Xia Jue opened his eyes vaguely.

"Where am I..."

Xia Jue looked at everything around him and found that he seemed to be in a ward.

He remembered that just now he seemed to be opening the storage bag, and then suddenly his head was about to explode, and then he lost consciousness.

"Xia... Mr. Xia, you are awake."

A medical staff who just came in was surprised to see that Xia Jue opened his glasses. Then he immediately turned around and ran out.


Mrs. Meizhi came to the ward.

"Mr. Xia, you wake up at last. It really scares us."

Seeing that Xia Jue really woke up, Mrs. Meizhi was relieved at last.

"Mrs. Meizhi, where are my storage bags?"

After thinking for a long time, Xia Jue couldn't understand what had happened. Xia Jue could only plan to study those storage bags again to see what was wrong.

"Here it is."

Just in case, when Shentian went to arrange for the doctor, Mrs. Meizhi asked for these storage bags to be kept by herself.

Seeing that the storage bags were still there, Xia Jue was relieved, and then he tried to gather his spirit to explore these storage bags.

I explored it carefully.

Apart from the storage bag he had opened, the other seven were still in a closed state.

What's going on?

It's clear that he's dripping blood on one of the storage bags that hasn't been unsealed yet. Why hasn't that storage bag been unsealed yet?

Even if it's not unsealed, why does he suffer so much?

All this made him puzzled.

The more I think about it, the more painful it is. It makes the cold sweat between his forehead flow down.

"What's the matter with you, Mr. Xia?"

Seeing that Xia Jue was so miserable, Mrs. Meizhi seemed very worried.

"I'm fine. Where's Shentian?"

Xia Jue relaxed and thought about so many complicated things.

"Just now I saw you in a coma, so I asked him to go to the doctor, before he came back."

"Let him come back to see me at once."


Although I don't know why Xiajue is so anxious to see Shentian, Madame Meizhi doesn't dare to ask more.

About an hour later, Shen Tian came to Xia Jue's ward.

"Mr. Xia, are you looking for me?"

After hearing that Xia Jue had woken up, Shen Tian was also very excited. However, when he heard that Xia Jue wanted to see him, he had some doubts in his heart.

"Deep field, I want you to do something for me."

"Mr. Xia, please say that as long as I can do it, even if I say I will give my life."Shen Tian is a man who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. He knows that if Xia Jue didn't take care of him repeatedly in the gutuo palace, he and his wife would have died long ago, not to mention that they have become the experts in the local level that everyone looks up to now. Therefore, no matter what Xia Jue asked him to do, he would be willing to do.

"Well, it's done. I can't promise to break through the heaven level, but I will help you to reach the peak of the earth level."

This deep field is very good, and he is a trustworthy man, so Xia Jue plans to cultivate him well in the future, so that he doesn't have to do everything himself.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. Just say it."

Shen Tian's whole body began to shake involuntarily.

It's caused by excitement.

Since his cultivation reached the earth level, he felt that the earth level masters were very different from ordinary people.

The difference is not only in strength, but also in longevity.

He has now lived twice as long as the average person.

With such strength, no one does not want to live longer.

If his strength reaches the peak of the later stage of the earth level or even the heaven level, how long will he live?

Of course.

This is under the premise that he can break through.

He didn't dare to think about this before.

First of all, as a master of the earth level, he can feel that this place is not as good as the imperial palace of gutuo. The vitality of heaven and earth here is very rare and bleak. Even if he continues to practice until he dies old, he can't make any breakthrough.

Secondly, he didn't want to be helped by the monks and lamas. He was just a "bare rod commander", so it can be expected that he would be like this in his life.

But now it's different.

Now Xia Jue himself promised that he would help him break through to the peak of the later stage of the earth level or even the heaven level.

The most important thing is that Xia Jue has a storage bag in his hand. There are so many treasures in the storage bag that it is very possible to do this. So Shentian is very excited at this time.

"It's very easy for me to tell you that if I don't open this bag in advance, it's a big risk for you."

Xia Jue didn't know if it was because of his personal reasons that the next storage bags couldn't be opened, so he wanted to have a try in Shentian.

But this storage bag has a very powerful ability of anti phage, which makes Xia Jue, the best expert at the beginning of the heaven level, suffer so much.

If the next deep field also in this kind of anti phagocytic ability.

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