Chapter 364 asceticism

Chapter 364 asceticism

with his strength in the middle stage of the local stage, he is likely to die on the spot.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, Shen Tian was silent.

He's not a fool.

Thinking of Xia Jue's words now and his previous sudden injury and coma, he came to a conclusion.

That is Mr. Xia's injury probably caused by opening the storage bag.

Even Mr. Xia is so badly injured, how can he survive?

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to, I won't blame..."

"no, Mr. Xia, I do."

Anyway, his life belongs to Xia Jue. Now that he can live so many more days and experience the addiction of a peerless master, it's not in vain to come to this world, and he has no hesitation.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure Mr. Xia, please tell me how to do it."

"Good deep field, you first cut your finger to get blood out."

He cut his finger when he heard it.

"Mrs. Meizhi, give him a storage bag and let him drop the blood in his hand." It's


Looking a little uneasy, Mrs. Meizhi took out a storage bag and handed it to Shentian.

"Shentian, whether we can achieve it depends on the next moment."

Xia Jue reminds a way.


Deeda nodded heavily, then dropped the blood on his fingertips.

Blood just didn't enter the storage bag, but ten seconds later, with a dull hum, deep field fell to the ground.

"Doctor, doctor."

Mrs. Meizhi ran out immediately.

This situation makes Xia Jue frown.

It seems that Shentian is in the same state as him. What's the matter?

Normally speaking, if you can open the first storage bag, you should be able to open the second one. But why can't you just open it yourself? It seems that Shentian can't open it either?

This made him confused again.

Before long, Mrs. Meizhi came in with several doctors to examine Shentian.

"How is he, doctor?"

Mrs. smart asked urgently.

"He seems to be in the same state as Mr. Xia."

Hearing this, Mrs. Meizhi was relieved.

As long as you don't die on the spot.

As for the same state as Xia Jue, Mrs. Meizhi was not very worried, because Xia Jue soon woke up.

"Mrs. Meizhi, arrange a bed for him here. I'll ask him something when he wakes up."

Xia Jue hasn't completely recovered yet, and he still needs to rest for some time.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."


three days have passed.

In these three days, Xia Jue finally recovered almost, but Shen Tian was still in a coma and didn't wake up, which made Mrs. Meizhi very anxious.

Fortunately, at noon of the day.

Shentian on the bed finally woke up.

"Er..." Shen Tian groaned.

"Shentian, are you awake?"

Mrs. Meizhi came up with concern.

"Ma'am... What's wrong with me." Shen Tian is still confused about what happened before.

"Don't you remember that you helped Mr. Xia with the storage bag before?"

"Oh, by the way, the storage bag. What's wrong with the storage bag? Is it open?" Deep field thought of this crop.

"Deep field, you are like this. You gather your energy and feel a storage bag towards this storage bag to see if you can feel anything."

Xia Jue put a storage bag in front of him.

Shen Tian did as Xia Jue said.

"Hiss... Headache."

Shen Tian covered his head with his hands and looked very painful.

"What do you feel, Shentian?"

"Nothing but pain."


it seems that the storage bag has not been opened, otherwise, Shentian could not have felt the universe in it.

Now Xia Jue is very anxious for someone to come to his trouble.

As long as any heaven level master comes to trouble him, maybe he can get some useful information from these old monsters.

Forget it.

It's better to study this later. Anyway, the treasure in the storage bag unsealed first is enough for him to use for a period of time.

"By the way, Mrs. Meizhi, where are the five jade slips I asked you to translate for me a few days ago?"

"It has been put away by me. Will Mr. Xia take it now?"

"Take the house before me."Xia Jue has almost recovered, so he no longer needs to recuperate here.


Soon after returning to the original room, Mrs. Meizhi personally sent him the jade slips and the five translated papers.

After closing the door and turning back to the room, Xia Jue sat studying the translated words on a piece of paper.

"The decision to resist the wind?"

Looking at the three characters at the top of the row, Xia Jue felt that it was another martial art.

From the literal meaning of this martial art, it seems to be a kind of body type martial art.

There are many magical effects of body type of martial arts. Xia Jue immediately looked down.

Half an hour later, Xia Jue had a rough understanding of this martial art.

It's really a martial art of body type.

Its function is to increase the body method speed of the cultivator by one to two times.

Don't underestimate this one.

With the speed of the peak at the beginning of the sky level, you can only see a shadow with the naked eye.

But with the blessing of this body method, you can't even see the shadow when you use the birth method.

Another analogy.

For example, before he chased the old man, he was forced to stop him by virtue of the blessing of Huiqi pill. Now he doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Now, as long as you cultivate this decision by yourself, and then use it again, within 20 breaths, the old man will be overtaken by him and have no way to escape.

Another example is the master who chased him before. Now, as long as he can make his own decision, he can get rid of them completely in a few breaths, so that they can't catch up with him.

This shows that this martial art is very powerful.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue could not restrain his inner impulse.

He wants to practice the yufengjue as soon as possible, so that he can use more means against the enemy.

Hold your breath and concentrate.

Adjust his state to the best, and then he picked up the paper, intoxicated in the martial arts.

Yufeng is a technical skill, so it is more difficult to practice this kind of skill than Zhenlong boxing.

After watching it all day, Xia Jue still didn't understand the cultivation method.

Half a month has passed.

For the past half a month, Xia Jue has been studying this martial art in his room.

And because after his orders, Mrs. Meizhi did not disturb him, and no one came to find fault with him, so this period was quite quiet.

Finally, on day 16.

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