At last, he grasped a little bit of the essence.


Open the door, Xia Jue went out.

"Help me build a place immediately. It's going to be made of piles."

Xia Jue said to a servant waiting for him at the door.

"Excuse me, Mr. Xia, the place where the wooden piles are cast is...

this man doesn't quite understand what kind of place Xia Jue needs.

"It's such a place..."

Xia Jue explained it carefully to his followers.

"All right, Mr. Xia. I'll arrange it now."

The man immediately turned to arrange after he understood.


Xia Jue's door was knocked again.

"Mr. Xia, the place you want is arranged."

"Lead the way." Xiajue came out of the room.

Soon, the servant took him to the last vast area of Guhe's house.

There are many wooden piles standing in this vast area at this time.

Each of the piles is about three meters apart.

Now Xia Jue has mastered the essence of the yufengjue, but it's just mastering it. He has to practice a lot to get a specific introduction, which is why he asked him to arrange the stake site.


A flash, Xia Jue body shape is directly came to the nearest to him on a stake.

Gathering his spirit, he began to urge neiqi to control Yufeng.

"Hoo Hoo."

Xia Jue's figure turned into a remnant line, jumping back and forth on these stakes.

At the beginning, Xia Jue was not very proficient, so the market fell off the stake. However, after he was proficient for a few hours, he seldom fell off the stake.


at the same time, the Chinese nation is a martial family in Kyoto.

In the backyard.

Su Yihan sits listlessly in the pavilion and looks at the lotus flowers blooming below.

"Sister Yihan, thinking about Mr. Xia again?"

Wu Yao came to Su Yihan unconsciously.

After this time together, Wu Yao and Su Yihan have become good friends.

"Yao Yao, you scared me."

Su Yihan, who is in a trance, is startled by the sudden Wu Yao.

"Hey, hey, come on, are you thinking about Mr. Xia?"

Wu Yao said with a smile.

"Don't make trouble. There's no such thing."

Su Yihan denied.

"Hum, no wonder, Mr. Xia has been away for such a long time without any news. How can you not miss him?"

Wu Yao looks at Su Yihan with a look of don't pretend.

"Oh, come on, go and play. Don't disturb me."

"Cluck cluck." Wu Yao chuckled, "elder sister Yihan, would you like me to play chess with you

"I'm not in the mood. Go away."

"Ah, ah."

Just when Wu Yao wanted to say something else, suddenly there was a scream in the distance.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

The second daughter was shocked by the cry.

"Go, sister Yihan, let's go and have a look."

The two women immediately went in the direction of the scream.

At this point.

In the front yard of the Wu family.

An old man in a red robe was standing on the armrest, looking at these people in the Wu family.

If Xia Jue saw this man here, he would be surprised.

Because this man is the red chief who killed and ran away in the alliance of seclusion.

Speaking of it, the chief in red has experienced some twists and turns since he was defeated by Xia Jue at that stop.

Their alliance has been handed down for nearly a thousand years.

For thousands of years, every generation of chief executive will give the next generation of chief executive a brocade bag.

This brocade bag can only be opened when the alliance is in extreme crisis.

He immediately opened the brocade bag after escaping from Xia Jue.

According to the guide of the brocade bag, he came to a mysterious place.

In this mysterious place, Jean's outlook on life was completely overturned.

Originally, he thought that the seclusion school alliance like them was the top group in the world.

As for the division of realms, he thought that there were only two realms in the world, xuanhuang and Tianjie. As for the legendary earth level and Tianjie, they have long been lost.

But I didn't expect that there are such legendary characters as the earth and heaven levels in the world.

People of this level can be regarded as real extraterrestrial talents; they can fly on the eaves, walk on the walls and even walk in the air.

And they, who call themselves high-level masters, are just ants stronger than ordinary people in the secular world. They can be killed with one finger.At the same time, he was ecstatic in his heart.

Because there is such a powerful character to help him, there is no difficulty in taking revenge on the bastard named Xia.

But at last, after his bitter reflection, he felt that he should not take revenge with the help of the hand of this mysterious place.

Revenge must come on its own.

This is not only because he is very resentful of Xia Jue in his heart.

The most important thing is that when he came to this place, his vision was broadened.

He longed to have such strength, and then longed to use such strength to crush Xia Jue, that bastard, for revenge.

In the end.

This mysterious place promised to help him break through the earth level and become an expert with internal Qi.

Because he has been at the peak of the later stage of xuanjie for many years.

With the help of this mysterious place and his talent, he successfully broke through to the earth level and cultivated internal Qi.

Finally, he became a real peerless master in the world. In his ecstasy, the first thing he wanted to do was revenge.

So after many searches, he came to the Wu family.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is? How dare you make trouble here?"

Depending on the skills of this guy, Wu Tong knows that this guy is not ordinary. If not unexpected, he should be the people of the hermit family.

But aren't those people in the hermit family now as strange as dogs by Mr. Xia? How dare they attack them?

Are you tired of living?

"Of course I know. Let that Xia get out and die."

As a master of the earth level, his vision has entered a state of transcendence, so he is not in the mood to talk nonsense with these ants.

Now he just wants to see the bastard surnamed Xia, and then let him taste the means of the earth level master, torture him well, and then sacrifice his head to the spirit of the alliance.

"Mr. Xia, you are not here. You can come back when he comes back."

In the face of this level of people, Wu Tong has no way, he can only use the drag formula.

"Hum, now there are few people in the world who are qualified to let me wait. I'll give you half an hour. If you can't let him come back to die, I'll kill you ants."

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