They are worried that they have no excuse to drive Su Yihan out of the family. Now they have something to do with it.

"Have you finished?"

When Su Changqing and his son were singing happily, a voice interrupted them.

Several people turned to look.

It turned out that Xia Jue, who came here with such a low sense of existence that everyone forgot.

"Do you have a share in this Su Jianwei said coldly.

Xia Jue was not angry at Su Jianwei's words, but said sarcastically: "it's OK for the Su family to quit, so as not to go out later. With the name of the Su family, I will lower my identity."

"Presumptuous, you wretch. If the Su family hadn't taken you in, you would have starved to death. Even if you don't know how to be grateful now, how dare you even speak evil to each other?" Su Jianwei glares at Xia Jue.

"Mom and Dad, let's go. This kind of garbage family can't wait."


"Bah." Fang Xiaoqin spat on the ground, and then followed Xia Jue out.

"Give me a word. Who dares to work in Zhonghai city? This family is against my su family. I want these bastards to starve to death." This made Su Jianwei very angry.

After leaving Su Jianwei's manor.

Su Changqing and his son in the car celebrate each other.

"Ha ha, son, it's a good move. Before, your grandfather still had some affection for the ugly family, but now it's all gone."

This is not su Junhao's clever plan. It's really a mistake.

But now that she has been driven out of the family, the ten million is really worth it.

"Yes, Dad, my grandfather opened his mouth to drive the slut family out of the family. No one in the group can fight with us in the future." Su Junhao is also very excited.

"I'll take over the cooperation project of Tianhai immediately. Anyway, the contract has been signed, and Tianhai group can't afford anything."

"Dad, leave it to me. It's just right for me to perform well in front of my grandfather." Su Junhao agreed.

"Well, one day I will make your grandfather regret that he drove me out of the family today." Sitting in the car, Su Changming said maliciously.

"No, one day. Today." Xia Jue finished and took out the phone.

"I'll give you two hours to help me set up a company and cancel my cooperation with Soxhlet group."

Wu Shan on the other end of the phone put down the phone and called the Secretary in.

"Cancel the cooperation with Soxhlet group, and make room for the building that the group uses as a branch."

The Secretary said in embarrassment: "Mr. Su, we have signed a contract with Su's group. If we break the contract, we will pay 5 billion yuan."

"Compensation, compensation to him, tomorrow give me joint our cooperation group short Su group's shares, and then let him spit out."

"Good general manager."


Xia Jue and Su Changming come to the address given by Wu Shan.

Wu Shan was standing at the door with a large number of people, and there were all kinds of similar items at the door.

"Xia Jue, what's this Su Yihan didn't understand all this.

"This will be your company in the future. You will be the general manager and your father will be the chairman."

"I'm the chairman?" Su Changming's eyes widened.

A few hours ago, he was just a loser driven out by his family. Now he's the chairman of the board in a flash?

He couldn't believe it at all.

"Dad, don't you mean to make them regret it? Let's do it now. You can do it." Xia Jue encouraged.

Before, Su Changqing just said that with a cavity of blood, but now the blood has dropped, and he has calmed down, so his confidence is not enough.

"I I'm not sure it will work

"It's OK. It's just a small company. It's time to practice."

After Xia Jue and his party got off the bus, Wu Shan immediately surrounded them with a large group of people.

"Here you are, Mr. Xia."

Xia Jue nodded: "this is Su Changming, the chairman of the company. You know Miss Su, and you will be the general manager of the company in the future." Xia Jue pointed out Su Yihan and Su Changming to Wu Shan.

Wu Shan is also an individual. He immediately welcomed him: "Hello, chairman su. Hello, President su. Let me introduce you. This is Chen Guan, chairman Chen of Longteng group. This is Liu Yiming, President of Shangshui group. This is Xiao Yu, President of North Group..."

Su Changming was flattered to see this big man who usually only appeared on TV. He didn't dare to breathe.

Chen Guan Liu Yiming and Xiao Yu have been in the shopping mall for so many years. Of course, they have the ability to observe what they say.

Although the chairman of the board of the company is Su Changming and the general manager is Su Yihan, it is obvious that this ugly Mr. Xia seems to be the big man mentioned by Wu Shan.A few hours ago, they suddenly received a phone call from Wu Shan, asking them to come to help hold a big man's show.

Several people in the guess at the same time and non-stop came.

But when Xia Jue got out of the car, they didn't know him at all. They didn't know where Xia Jue came from. They only knew that Wu Shan was very respectful to him.

A few people put aside these complicated ideas.

Since Wu Shan is so respectful, they can't neglect him.

"Hello, Mr. Xia, Mr. Su Dong, Mr. Su."

Several people quickly stretched out their hands to shake with Xia Jue and others one by one.

"Mr. Xia, what do you want to know about business development?" Before, Xia Jue only said on the phone to set up a company, and did not say what kind of company to set up, so Wu Shan was a bit unpredictable.

"Dad, what kind of business do you want to do?" Xia Jue asked Su Changming.

Xiao Yu Liu Yiming heard Xia Jue's words, and then looked at Su Yihan, who finally understood.

So this is Mr. Xia's father-in-law.

At this time, Su Changming has accepted the fact that he has become the chairman of the board.

He thought about it.

Since the real estate industry is his father's dream.

Then he'll do it.

When he becomes stronger and bigger in this industry, Su Jianwei will certainly regret it.

"Real estate." Su Changming said.

"Well, we'll immediately transfer the pieces of land we won in the city center to the Su Dong company." Wu Shan said to his secretary immediately.

"Good chairman."

Xiao Yu, Liu Yiming and others were secretly frightened.

Tianhai group won a few pieces of land worth 10 billion in the center of the city, but now they are sent out without frowning?

Xiao Yu and others think about it and make a decision soon.

"Mr. Su, we have a piece of land in the North District. If you don't like it, it will be included in your company."

"Su Dong, we have a piece of land in Nancheng district. If we don't want to abandon it..."

"Mr. Su, we have a piece of land in the West District..."

Several people have made advances.

Su Changming and Su also look at this scene, some at a loss.

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