This is the land of Tianhai city. It's not a barren mountain. You can send it if you want?

"Well, I'll thank you on behalf of my father-in-law." Xia Jue stood up and said.

"Mr. Su, I don't know the name of your company..." Wu Shan approached Su Changming and said.

Su Changming settled his mind. It's called "Su's real estate".

"Well, let's celebrate the establishment of Su's real estate today and give me a salute." Wu Shan immediately ordered.

After a set of business etiquette procedures.

Su's group was formally established.

Wu Shan dispatched about 100 staff members from Tianhai group.

Busy work began immediately in the building.

In the top floor office of Soxhlet group.

The Secretary pushed the door in a hurry.

"No, Mr. Su, Mr. Su Shao."

"What are you doing in a hurry, Secretary Fang?"

Su Changqing has just driven Su Yihan's family out of the group. Now he is celebrating. The Secretary of the room comes in in in a hurry and interrupts his interest, which makes him very unhappy.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su Shao, Tianhai group broke the contract and forcibly interrupted the cooperation."

"It's impossible..."

Su Changqing and his son spoke at the same time.

"That piece of land has been invested a lot, and the penalty is 5 billion. Even the Xia family's face is not enough. Let Wu Shan do it." Su Changqing spoke out.

"But Tianhai group has indeed done so, and even the liquidated damages of 5 billion have been paid to our group's account." The Secretary's face is not very good.

"Go and see what's going on." Su Jun roared.

Their su family went to great pains to enter the real estate industry.

Now they have stepped in half a foot, and now they are asked to quit. How can they be reconciled.

More than ten minutes later, Secretary Fang came back.

"Mr. Su Shao, the ugly man and the bitch set up a real estate company in the city center. Mr. Wu, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Liu went to celebrate."


Su Changqing and Su Junhao's eyes widened.

If they still don't know why Wu Shan broke the contract, they are fools.

Wu Shan was obviously going to help the bitches out.

"Hum, Wu Shan is really bold. If you say no to five billion yuan, you don't want it." Su Junhao hummed coldly.

"Well, if he doesn't want it, we can do a lot with the 5 billion yuan. Help me make an appointment with the group president who doesn't have a good relationship with Tianhai group. I'll hold a banquet with them at Sheraton tonight."

"Yes, Mr. Su."

Su's real estate meeting room.

"Mr. Su Dong and Mr. Su, here are some plans you have worked out. Have a look." Wu Yiyi, the new vice president of the company, handed over several plans to them.

Su Changming has never been involved in the operation of family affairs before. He needs a little time to learn.

"This plan is OK. This plan needs to be modified. The clients of this real estate should be middle-class families, so a basketball court and garden should be built here to give them an atmosphere of enjoying life." Su Yihan said to Wu Yiyi.

"OK, Mr. Su, I'm going to revise it now."

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su Dong, this is the material we want to customize, as well as the material selection factory. Have a look." Zhao Hai, the manager of the purchasing department, handed over several more materials.

"I'll give you the address of the factory. When you go to them, you say I asked you to come." Su Yihan wrote directly about the factory Xia Jue bought last time, which is now in charge of sister Yao.

"Yes, Mr. Su."

"Mr. Su Dong, this is..."

From the start of the company to the evening.

Su Yihan and Su Changming are dealing with all kinds of things, which makes them very tired.

"How does it feel to be the president of the company?" Xia Jue asked.

"Now I know how difficult it is to run a company. You have to consider everything big and small." Su Yihan sighed.

"Ha ha, it's too late to regret now. Just let your husband support you."

"No, I don't want it. I'll repay you for what you give me."

"We're husband and wife. What else can we talk about?"


After returning home in the evening, Fang Xiaoqin has prepared a big meal for several people.

"Come on, it's hard today."

Fang Xiaoqin kept bringing food to several people.

After a quick meal, Su Changming returns to the room with a stack of papers.

Since he said he wanted Su Jianwei to regret it, he must do it.

All night long.

The next day, several people drove to the company and began to work.

Tianhai group headquarters.Wu Shan is sitting in the conference room with the group leader.

"Are the other groups ready?" Wu shanchao's secretary asked.

"As long as they start to speculate in all the shares of Wu's group, there will be no problem." The Secretary replied.

Not long after the market opened.

In Su's group.

Su Changqing and his son are talking about the banquet last night.

"Mr. Su, look at the stock market." Secretary Fang came in again.

"What happened to the stock market?" Su Junhao asked.

Room secretary did not answer, but came to the table, picked up the remote control, opened the night scene screen.

"This It's a good thing that the stock of our group has soared all the way. " Su Junhao is a little excited.

Su Junhao is excited, but Su Changqing frowns.

After sitting in the position of president of Su's group for so long, Su Changqing's vision and IQ are not comparable to Su Junhao's.

The stock of their group can grow so fast unless they run it themselves, and now they don't do anything, there's only one explanation.

Someone else is working for them.

It is not a good thing that the stock of our own group is operated in this way, and the initiative is not in our hands.

"Mr. Su, look, the stock of our group has risen to 28 yuan a share." Said the Secretary of the room shocked.

Su Junhao and Su Changqing were also shocked.

Because they know what 28 yuan a share means.

It means that their group has a market value of 100 billion.

But before they could recover from their shock, the screen changed again.

"No, there's a big sell-off." Secretary Fang yelled.

Su Changqing's face changed: "what's the matter?"

But where will Secretary Fang and Su Junhao know.

"No, another big one is selling." Secretary Fang exclaimed again.

After that, seven or eight big companies sold off.

As soon as we see that the big investors are selling first, the market panic, retail investors are scrambling to sell.

For a moment, the stock of sushi group had a 180 degree plunge, and its market value, which was worth 100 billion, fell to 50 billion in a flash.

"Come on, call our partner group and ask them to help stabilize our stock." Su Changqing is in a hurry. If it falls like this, their group will have to go bankrupt.

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