Fortunately, after using some relations, the stock price of Soxhlet group finally stabilized.

However, this battle caused a heavy loss to their group, and the minimum loss was estimated to be nearly 8 billion years ago.

"Asshole, who is shorting our share price." Su Changqing also wanted to understand at this time, he knew that someone was targeting Su's group.

"Mr. Su, we have found that Tianhai group and a large group of cooperative groups are working on us." Secretary Fang put down the phone.

"Damn it, this bastard Tianhai group, I will not let him go. Son, how do you think about this?" Su Changqing asks Su Junhao.

"Dad, I don't want to marry that fat, ugly woman." Su Junhao's face is bitter.

"Junhao, that's the daughter of the king's family in Kyoto. It's rare for people to take a fancy to you, and you'll be wronged. It's just a marriage contract. It's nothing. As long as you marry her, we'll rely on the tree of the king's family. All the Tianhai group and Shengshi group will kneel down for us."

"That woman is so ugly, Dad I can't take it. "

Su Junhao is No.1 in the second generation circle of China shipping. If he marries such a fat woman, he will not be ridiculed to death. He can't accept it.

"Son, you are silly. As long as you marry her back and put her at home, you can't play as much as you want when you go out. What's more, we are overwhelmed by the ugly eight monsters and Tianhai group. If we don't rely on the Wang family, what can we do with them?"

Su Changqing is right. In any case, he doesn't want to be trampled on the ground by the ugly and the bitches.

Su Junhao teeth a bite: "good, I promised, as long as can get fee that bitches a, I am willing to do anything."

"Good room secretary, help me send an invitation to Zhonghai City, let them know that our Su family is going to be in laws with the Wang family."

"It's president su."

China Shipping first people's hospital.

Master Zhou took Xiajue's family here.

Today, Su Yihan and others were busy in the company. Suddenly Fang Xiaoqin came to the company and found her. She said that her grandmother didn't know she was seriously ill and fainted in the hospital. Several people rushed to the company.

Several people went into the hospital to inquire, and finally came to the ward.

At this time, many people gathered in the ward.

Su Yihan entered the ward and began to say hello.

"Hello uncle, second uncle, fourth uncle, third aunt and fifth aunt."

"Here comes Yi Han."

Several people asked Su Yihan with a smile, but Xia Jue turned a blind eye.

They went to Su Yihan's wedding last time, but they didn't expect that Su Yihan married Xia Jue, an ugly son-in-law.

So people naturally have no good feelings for Xia Jue, the son-in-law who comes to the door.

"Brother in law, I heard that you were driven out by the Su family. Is that true?" Su Yihan's fifth aunt asked.

Before, she wanted to work in the Su group by relying on Su Changming's nepotism, but she didn't know that Su Changming had any say in the Su group. After being severely humiliated by the interviewer of the Su group, she threw her anger on Su Changming.

Su Changming knew that these relatives of his mother's family were snobbish people. If her mother-in-law had not been ill today, he would not have come here, so he did not want to talk to him.

"Seeing Su Changming ignore him, the fifth aunt is even more angry. I said, brother-in-law, the Su family doesn't support you now. How can you support my sixth sister?"

"Sister five, I have hands and feet. If I'm hungry, I won't bother you." Fang Xiaoqin gave a cold hum.

"Oh, six younger sister, I'm kind enough to be regarded as a donkey's liver and lung by you." The second aunt said strangely.

"Water Water... " On the bed, Su Yihan's grandmother made a sound.

"Water, get water for mom."

"No, the water here is cold. Who can get some hot water outside?"

"Why don't you go and get some water?" The fifth aunt was choked by Fang Xiaoqin's words, and this directly threw her anger on Xia Jue.

In her opinion, this kind of waste door-to-door son-in-law does not have any dignity. He is just a product of serving people tea and pouring water. Otherwise, why do you want to come?

It's OK to pour water. After all, it's su Yihan's grandmother. It's nothing to pour a glass of water for him as a junior.

But Su Yihan's words made Xia Jue very upset.

Xia Jue is indifferent, so he stands in the same place and looks at her.

"What are you looking at, you rubbish." Sixth aunt pointed to Xia Jue's nose and scolded.

If it were for other people, Xia Jue would have slapped him in the face.

But now this situation is not suitable to make things too big, which will affect Su Yihan's grandmother, so Xia Jue put up with it.

"Hey, I said don't quarrel here. There are other patients here." The family members of the patients in the next bed said discontentedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Aunt Su Yihan apologized."I'll go." Su Yihan trotted out to pour water.

"It's useless. I don't know what's the use of your son-in-law." Aunt Wu lowered her voice.

"Brother, can't we change a separate ward for our mother? The environment here is a little bad." Five aunt quietly looking at the next two beds said.

"Do you think I don't want to? How can we get the independent wards like this kind of hospital?" Uncle Su Yihan said helplessly.

After a while, Su Yihan came back with a water cup.

"Come on, grandma, drink water." Su Yihan gently raised her grandmother's head and let her drink a glass of water.

At this time, a doctor came to the door.

"You are Tang Cailan's family members, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are all."

"Well, first of all, I'll come to my office. The patient's condition has been checked out."

Heard the cause came out, a few people dare not neglect, quickly followed the doctor came to the office.

"First of all, you have to be mentally prepared." They all looked at the doctor.

Hearing this, the crowd panicked.

You won't get any cancer, will you?

"Doctor, you say, we are all adults. We can accept it." Su Yihan's uncle spoke out.

"Well, the patient has leukemia."

Hear leukaemia, all at once an uproar.

Leukemia is a very troublesome disease.

"What should I do, doctor?" Su Yihan's second uncle asked.

"Unfortunately, the patient is suffering from acute leukemia and needs bone marrow transplantation immediately, otherwise his life will be in danger."


People were flustered at the news.

"Doctor, let's transplant as soon as possible. You can pay as much as you want." My uncle made a loud noise.

"It's not about money. It's mainly about who in your immediate family is willing to contribute their bone marrow?" Said the doctor.

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