This made everyone wake up immediately.


It's not about money.

You need the right one to transplant.

It's hard to find the right one except for their immediate family members.

The field was suddenly quiet.

It's OK to ask them to pay for it, but no one would like to ask them to donate bone marrow.

Because once the bone marrow is donated, it will have serious sequelae for a person, so no one will donate it easily.

"Just give me and my third brother the medical expenses this time." Second uncle took the lead.

Everyone is not a fool. The second uncle obviously doesn't want to donate.

"Second brother, it's not easy for your family. A big family has to support it. Let me and elder sister pay for the medical expenses." Third aunt also scrambled to open her mouth.

Other people are scrambling to pay the medical expenses, but Fang Xiaoqin is silent.

"Well, your family members will go out to discuss on their own, and come in after discussion." The doctor saw that the family was quarreling all the time, so he ordered them to leave.

A few people can only shut up and go outside.

When I got outside, my aunt was the first to say: "the younger the age of bone marrow, the smaller the impact, because it will grow again. I am not suitable for donating bone marrow at my age."

Hearing this, aunt Wu had an idea: "yes, what the third sister said is really reasonable. This kind of thing is really the younger the more suitable."

"Yes, three sisters and five sisters have a point." The second uncle agreed.

"It makes sense, it makes sense."

"It makes sense."

Seeing these aunts and uncles throwing the pot one after another, Su Yihan and Su Changming couldn't sit still.

According to what they said, the younger is the more suitable. Isn't that just talking about Fang Xiaoqin, because she is the youngest among them.

Fang Xiaoqin's heart is also very dissatisfied, but her mother is lying on the bed. She can't shirk her responsibility like her brothers and sisters.

"No, as the saying goes, a married daughter is like water poured out. Xiaoqin is also an outsider. This matter should be solved by your family." In order to protect his wife, Su Changming couldn't care so much.

Su Changming's three aunts and five aunts did not refute this, because this is also beneficial to them.

The eldest uncle, the second uncle, the fourth uncle and these men were immediately angry.

"Isn't your Xiaoqin Fang? Isn't it my mother's daughter? Does it mean that my mother has no responsibility for you to marry out? Brother in law, let Xiaoqin answer this by herself. " The second uncle said without showing weakness.

"All right, all right, stop arguing. I'll say the fairest way." Five aunts say aloud.

Hearing the words of aunt Wu, everyone quieted down and looked at Aunt Wu.

"Let's each anonymously write the name of the person who wishes to donate bone marrow on a white note, and finally spread the note out. The person with the most names will donate bone marrow. This scheme is the fairest. What do you say?"

"Yes, it's a good plan."

"It's a good plan."

"I agree."

Others responded.

"I object." Su Changming immediately stood up.

Su Changming objected because Fang Xiaoqin's brothers and sisters usually form gangs and have a good relationship. Only Fang Xiaoqin is alone.

If we follow this plan, Fang Xiaoqin will definitely suffer.

"Brother-in-law, it can't be either. What do you say to do? Mom is still in bed. Do you want her to die?" Five aunts discontented said.

"This..." Su Changming was choked and speechless.

"Well, this is the fairest plan. If anyone opposes it again, he or she will take the initiative to hand over the bone marrow directly, and there is no need to fight." Third aunt no longer gives anyone a chance to refute.


Aunt Wu brought a pen and paper and a box.

They took paper and pen and wrote down their names.

As long as Fang Xiaoqin looks embarrassed, he doesn't know how to write.

In a few minutes.

People began to write the paper into the box.

"Little sister, if you have finished it, it's just for you." Fifth aunt urged Fang Xiaoqin.

Fang Xiaoqin grimly folded the note, then walked over and threw it into the box.

"Well, now that you've written it, I'll make a statement in advance. No matter what the result is, you can't go back on it, you know?" The third aunt looked around the crowd.

"Take it apart, third sister."

"Take it apart, third sister. We won't go back."

Aunt Su Yihan immediately took out a note from the box and opened it.

"Liu Mei, the first one is your name." Said the third aunt.

Seeing this note, Su Yihan and Su Changming felt a thump in their hearts.

Xia Jue's appearance didn't change at all. He was still looking at it quietly."Six younger sister, this second is your name again." The third aunt spread out the paper and presented it to the public. It was Fang Xiaoqin's name.

All the way to the fifth one is Fang Xiaoqin's name.

Su Changming clenched his fist.

Although he had guessed the result for a long time, he didn't think that Fang Xiaoqin's brothers and sisters had done so well.

This is obviously bullying Fang Xiaoqin.

When the sixth note was opened, something a little surprising happened.

I saw that the note was blank, and there was no name on it.

People soon understood that this note should have been written by Fang Xiaoqin.

Thinking of this, a sense of guilt rose faintly in everyone's heart.

Su Yihan's fifth aunt again.

Originally, she thought Fang Xiaoqin would write her name, because she had the worst relationship with Fang Xiaoqin. Unexpectedly, she didn't write it.

But now it's done.

Even if they feel guilty, they will never change the result, because no one wants to donate bone marrow.

"Good six younger sister, this time it's hard for you. As compensation, our brothers and sisters are willing to compensate you 20000 yuan each." Third aunt opens a way.

Hearing that she had to compensate five yuan, aunt Wu had some pain. This was her two months' salary, but when she thought about it, it was nothing compared with bone marrow.

"Yes, Liu Mei, don't worry, we won't let you suffer." Su Yihan's uncle also added.

"Yes, but my mother won't want your stinky money." Xia Jue finally made his voice after watching their trick.

"What are you talking about? Is that your son-in-law's share?" Su Yihan's second uncle scolded Xia Jue for being so presumptuous.

"Yes, you are such a rubbish. If my sixth sister hadn't given you a bite to eat, you would not have starved to death in the street. If you didn't help now, what would you have done?" Five aunts scold.

"Don't pay attention to this rubbish. Now my mother is in danger. Let the doctor arrange the operation as soon as possible."

"Yes, let's go in." Aunt Wu was the first to enter the doctor's office.

When they came into the office, Xia Jue picked up his cell phone and made a call.

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