He pulled back the palm of his hand and found that he had done it.

He pulled his hand back without any hindrance.

So the question is again, what's going on?

Thinking of this, he looked up at Xiajue in the distance.

At this time, the crowd looked at the red chief and felt a little strange.

They only saw that the old man in red wanted to kill Su Yihan just now, but for some reason, he suddenly hesitated, and then he made a strange move.

"I said you couldn't hurt him in front of me. Do you believe it now?"

Xia Jue looked at him with a smile.

"Asshole, don't pretend to be a ghost here. I will let you die today."

After saying this, the chief in red didn't think too much about it, so he raised his hand and killed Xia Jue. A strong force shocked the people around him.

However, when he reached a distance of half a meter from his side, what shocked him happened again.

The chief in red felt that he had suffered the strange scene before.

The difference is that just now he just can't clap his palm into Su Yihan's tianlinggai.

But now his whole body can't move.

It seems that there are countless invisible hands forced his body in the same place.

Before he could get rid of his fright, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and then he flew out directly.

It's a long way to go.

The crowd only saw the Red Chief attacking Xia Jue. Then the old man in red stopped and flew out. All this happened so fast that they couldn't turn their heads.

"I'm curious. How did you break through the early stage of the terrace?"

Xia Jue walked slowly to the red chief who fell on the ground.

After hearing Xia Jue's words, the people in the field finally recovered from the muddled state.

It seems that the reason why the old man in red can fly out is that he is closed to Xia Jue.

But the old man in red has the means to approach the immortal. Xia Jue is just a mortal. How did he do it?

The crowd had just recovered from their stupefied looks, but at this time they were in a state of shock.

"What kind of strength are you?"

At this time, the chief in red, even if he was stupid, knew that this bastard must have stepped into the level of strength like him.

No wonder he didn't feel the arrival of this asshole before, no wonder this asshole was so bold.

However, what made him puzzled was that he didn't know what level of strength he needed to suppress him like this, or even let him have no fighting power at all. In short, it was definitely not what the local level could do at the early stage.

When I think of the chief in red, I feel thunderous.

He was at the beginning of the terrace that he had to work hard to break through.

But now this bastard not only broke through the terrace, but also maybe in the middle or even later stage of the terrace. How did he do that?

The chief in red is unimaginable.

"I don't know. It's easier to kill you than an ant."


hearing this, the chief executive in red looks blue and purple.

He is a master of the earth level, and now people say that Ju is easier to kill than ants, which is too much.


at this time, the Wu family finally recovered from shock.

They don't understand why Xia Jue went out to come back, how his strength has become so powerful, even more powerful than the old man in red.

But these are not the most important things now.

What's important is what some of the children of the Wu family said just now.

Those words can be described as extremely vicious language.

If it was as they imagined, it would be better, but the things in front of him were beyond his expectation.

After that, what will Xia Wujue do?

You know, no one knows the master's temper better than the martial arts.

If you make him dissatisfied, even if you destroy the whole family, it's light.

But in front of them, Xia Jue was more than dissatisfied. He insulted him face to face, which was no different from digging his family's ancestral grave.

Some of the young children who insulted Xia Jue just now began to shake their legs. They had a premonition that their next fate would be extremely tragic.

At this time, Su Yihan's beautiful eyes are sweeping back and forth on Xia Jue.

It turned out that what he said just now was not his original intention, but that he had absolute confidence that the other party could not hurt himself.

Wu Yao's face was embarrassed and frightened.Just now, Xia Yihan said to her after they had settled their fear.

Just when everyone's thoughts were different, Xia Jue over there spoke again.

"Won't you answer me?"

"Hum, I didn't expect you to break through the strength of the earth level. Today I'm convinced, but if you dare to move me, you will die.

You have broken through the earth level. You must know that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world. How about the strength of the earth level? Even the ancestors of the heaven level in our family have it.

Tianjie, do you know what strength it is? It's a top man who can fly to open mountains and crack the sea. Once they stare at you, you can't escape from the green spring and the yellow spring. "

In front of him, the strength of this bastard is higher than him. The old man in red has no choice but to lift out the mysterious place.

However, he believed that Xia Jue did not dare to kill him after hearing this. When he got to the strength of the earth level, he must have realized the gap in strength and the terror of the heaven level.

Xia Jue was a little funny.

It seems that this guy hasn't realized that he is a master of heaven level.

Just right.

No matter who brought up the chief, Xia Jue would let him pay the charge of LianZuo.

Because this is the consequence of daring to hurt Su Yihan.

"That's very good. I've been admiring the heaven level masters for a long time. I wonder if you can take me to see your ancestor Rong Guang?"

Hearing this, the chief in red has some doubts about life.

Most of the earth level masters are scared to death when they hear the name of the heaven level master. But this bastard doesn't look scared at all. He even has to go to see someone else. Is it really a long life?

"I'm afraid you'll be so scared that your legs will soften."

The chief minister made a speech again.

"Oh, really? What are you waiting for? Let's go."

With these words, Xia Jue stamped his foot on the right hand of the chief.


A cry of pain came out.

"That's what you asked for. Don't regret it."

The chief executive stood up in agony.

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