The chief executive stood up with great pain.

"You, when I come back, if you dare to run, none of you will live."

Xia Jue stares at the children of Wu family, and then turns around.


At this time, Su Yihan called.

"Don't worry. I'll be back soon. Anyway, I've been separated for so long, and it's not bad for the meeting."

Xia Jue gave him a smile, and then pushed the Red Chief out.

After the two left, many of them fell to the ground.

"It's over. It's all over."

At this time, these people in the Wu family were extremely sorry.

They regretted why they were so greedy for life and afraid of death just now. They regretted abusing Xia Jue just now.

"Bastards, you are all useless bastards."

The angry Wu Tong kicked a young boy who had just insulted Xia Jue.

"Brother Tong, I was confused just now. You and Mr. Xia are the best. You must save me this time. I'm still young. I don't want to die. Save me."

"I'll save your mother. You bastards have ruined our Wu family. Come on, tie up these bastards and wait for Mr. Xia to come back."

"Spare me, brother Tong."

"Help me."

Wu Tong didn't pay any attention to this man's request for mercy. He went straight to the door.

Soon after, in a room.

Wu Tong and Wu Hong sit in a dignified front.

"What to do this time? Those bastards' tone is really vicious. Mr. Xia must be angry. What can we do when he comes back later?"

Wu Hong is worried to death now.

He had never thought that Xia Jue's strength would become so powerful that the old man in red, who was close to the immortal, could not compete with him. It was really a miscalculation.

"Mr. Xia must be angry, and you know his temper. If you can't give him an account this time, I'm afraid we'll all have bad luck."

"Can't you wait for those bastards to be tied up?"

"Mr. Xia's temper is hard to predict, and now his strength has come to this point, and his uncertainty has changed a lot.

Besides, the old man in red often says that we are mole ants. In Mr. Xia's eyes, we are probably mole ants now. It's hard to say that Mr. Xia won't kill us in a rage. "

"What should I do?"

Wu Hong is worried again.

"For today's plan, we have to ask Miss Su to come forward. Mr. Xia loves Miss Su very much. If he supports us, we can be safe."

Wu Tong's words can be regarded as a word to wake up the dreamer.

Wu Yao immediately stood up, "what are you waiting for? Let's go to Miss Su."


deep in a continuous mountain.

At this time, two people are walking again.

These two people are Xia Jue and the chief in red.

Now, the more you think about it, the more wrong it is.

He didn't understand why Xiajue had to send it to the door.

You know, there are heaven level masters in that place.

How can this bastard be so bold?

Is this guy really dying?

Or does he have the strength of Tianjie?

The idea just came out and scared himself.

It's impossible.

Since stepping into the earth level, he knows more about how difficult it is to break through the heaven level.

It is no exaggeration to say that people who can break through the heaven level are at least one in a million talents, and it will take nearly a hundred years of hard work before they have a chance to break through.

Notice, it's just a chance.

There are few that can really break through.

Let's just say it's in the middle of the place.

In that place, there are many experts at the peak of the later stage, but they are stuck in this realm for decades.

This shows the difficulty of breaking through the ground level.

Although this guy was more powerful than him in the war with him some time ago, the most he could do was just the peak strength in the later stage of Xuanji.

It's impossible to break through the sky level in a short time.

Even if you're on a rocket, you don't have that kind of speed.

So he would never believe it.

But if he doesn't have the strength of the sky rank, how can he be so confident?

The chief in red really can't understand.

"How far is it?"

Xia Jue was a little impatient. He had been walking for several hours.

If he didn't want to let this guy die in despair, he would have been in the air by now.

"It's almost there, just above the highest mountain ahead."The chief executive put his mind away.

Soon, the chief executive took Xia Jue to the foot of the peak.

Just at the foot of the mountain, suddenly, two men in cloth clothes sprang up.

"Xiao Tu, didn't you go to work in the secular world? Is it finished now?"

"Elder martial brothers, i...

before the chief executive finished his words, I saw that the two men in front of me seemed to be suffering from some kind of distortion, and then they gushed a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, I don't know that Xia Jue's hand is the main thing.

But what shocked him was that these two people were not like the rookies who had just broken the ground level. They had broken through the ground level for many years, and their strength was not comparable to him.

But just like him, such a master could not resist even in front of Xia Jue, so he died. Could this bastard's strength really break through to the later stage?

"Come on, it's not easy to come here. I just want to see the ancestor you said earlier."

He didn't dare to think too much, so he walked up the mountain.

All the way up the mountain, I met many experts, but they all died in the hands of Xia Jue, which made the chief minister look very ugly.

It's also a great loss for this place to have so many masters dead. Even if they can kill this asshole in the end, their own consequences are not so bad.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the top of the mountain.

Arriving at the top of the mountain, Xia Jue felt that the vitality of heaven and earth here was much stronger than that in the secular world.

These sects are good at finding places, such as this place is really a good place for practice

"Xiao Tu, who are these people? How can you bring these ants back to our Tianyang gate?"

There are many ancient buildings on the top of the mountain. Several people came out of one of them.

"Mole ant? Are you talking about yourself? "

Smilingly finish saying this sentence, Xia Jue suddenly showed his authority.

In an instant, all the people in the field were knelt down by his power.

It's the first time in such a long time for the chief to feel the power of Xia Jue.

He didn't know what Xia Jue was before.

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