Chapter 372 borrow your head

Chapter 372 borrow your head

now he finally knows.

Judging from the current pressure, Xia Jue at least has the strength of the later stage of the rank.

But how on earth he did it, the chief executive couldn't understand.

"Where's the master? He has come to tianyangmen as a guest. He didn't inform me earlier so that I can go out to meet him."

At this time, in the distance an ancient building, three body shapes flashed over.

Seeing these people coming, Xia Jue first put away his authority, and then looked directly at them.

"I came here to ask a question."

The stern old man in the three figures said slowly, "what's your problem?"

"I just want to ask if you help this guy break through the ranks of strength?"

Xia Jue points to the chief who kneels on the ground and gasps for breath.

"That's right. We helped Xiao Tu break through the steps. What's the problem?"

"Oh, no problem, but you're all going to die today."


After Xia Jue said this, the legs of the chief directly broke.

"Asshole, dare to make trouble in our tianyangmen, I think you are looking for death."

Before the three people feel that Xia Jue's strength is not weak, so they plan to find out his background before making plans.

But where do they want to have them here? This guy dares to be so arrogant. Even the three top experts in the later stage of the earth level dare to fight here.


Just when the three wanted to start, suddenly Xia Jue's authority was released again.

This time, he didn't have any reservation. It was just about the release of the heaven level.

Although the peak of the later stage of the earth terrace is just a line different from that of the heaven terrace, the difference is an insurmountable gap.

At this time, the old man at the top of Sanming terrace was also pressed by Xia Jue's momentum, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept coming out.

The three people at the peak of the later stage of the order were all suppressed in such a mess, let alone other people.

At this time, the principal and the disciples of tianyangmen were pressed to the ground.

"Heaven... Heaven, how can it be?"

Three were suppressed to move the old man startled to say this sentence.

They have been practicing for so many years, but they have never seen such a young heaven level master, and they have never heard of such a number one figure.

"If you have friends coming from afar, you will be happy. You have become a land God. Why should you embarrass these weak people?"

All of a sudden, the roof of a house broke in the distance, and then a figure came from the sky.

The heaven level master from Yukong is Lu Changqing, the ancestor of tianyangmen.

The reason why he didn't go to the island to take part in blocking Xia Jue was that they didn't know about it.

Because Li Qingtian, whom they sent out, had been killed by Xia Jue when he was in the gutuo palace, and could not come back.

In addition, the relationship between Qingyang sect and other sects has never been very good, so no one else has informed them of this, which leads to some information blocking.

Just now, when he was in the room, Lu Changqing felt the pressure of Tianjie realm, which made him think that some old guys who had a bad relationship with tianyangmen had come to make trouble.

But I didn't expect that when I looked closer, I found that this master of heaven level was a new face I had never seen before.

And this new face is so young.

Rao is that he has lived for hundreds of years, but all of a sudden, seeing such a young Tianjie master still makes him feel turbulent.

"Old man, this is your ancestor?"

Xia Jue didn't pay attention to each other's words, but turned to look at the main thing under him.

At this time, the chief was about to pee.

He never dreamed that the bastard had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

No wonder he said that this bastard is so bold and fearless. It turns out that his strength has reached the level of heaven.

How on earth did he break through to the sky level?

You know, some time ago, he didn't even have the strength of the rank.

If I hadn't seen the chief executive killed with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed such a shocking thing.

"When it comes to our strength, why don't we have the same opinion with them? Let them go. I'll make amends to you for anything."

After all, he is an old fox who has been practicing for hundreds of years. Although such a young master of heaven level is really out of the mark, Lu Changqing soon calms down.

"No, my principle is vengeance. If you cultivate him and let him hurt my relatives, then you have to pay the price."Hearing this, Lu Changqing frowned and thought for a moment.

"Yes, if he offends you, he'll leave it to you to deal with. It's up to you to kill or cut, but I don't know what price we have to pay?"

Lu Changqing's way to cultivate himself is to know if he doesn't want to be so young.

"Laozu, don't do it. Please help me. I'm also from tianyangmen."

The old master was flustered when he heard that Lu Changqing was going to hand him over to Xia Jue.

If so, there is no way for him to survive.

No one wants to die, and of course he doesn't.

"Shut up, you are not as good as a pig or a dog. Now the vitality of heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner. It's not easy for tianyangmen to cultivate a local level master. It's not easy to cultivate you. You don't practice well, but you go out to make trouble. You deserve to die."

Lu Changqing said impolitely.

Hearing Lu Changqing's words, the chief executive collapsed on the ground.

Today, even if the gods came, they could not save him.

"Xiao you, just say what you want us to do. As long as we can do it, we will do it."

When his cultivation reached their realm, it was not important to lose face. What Lu Changqing valued now was something helpful to his realm, so he was not willing to show weakness to Xia Jue in order to exchange his favor.

"It's very simple. I want to borrow the heads of all the people in tianyangmen. I don't know if I can do it?"

Su Yihan's injury is strictly related to these people, so Xia Jue will never let them go.


Xia Jue's words startled everyone present.

I have to say that his words are too arrogant.

It's true that he is a master of heaven level, but their ancestor Lu Changqing is not a clay kneader?

Lu Changqing is famous for his fierce temper, not to mention to ordinary people, even to the same level of Tianjie master he has never been dismissive.

This is also the reason why they don't have a good relationship with other sects.

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