Now I don't know why their ancestors should be so polite to this unknown Tianjie master.

But at present, this unknown Master of the heaven level is so shameless that I believe he has completely angered their ancestors. I'm afraid the war is about to happen.

"Borrow our heads, are you serious?"

Lu Changqing's eyes narrowed, and a fierce momentum came out.


Xia Jue was not willing to be outdone, and directly sent out his momentum.

"Well, if you want to borrow my head, it depends on how many kilos you have."

After saying this, Lu Changqing rises up in the sky. Once the master of heaven level fights, the mountain will fall apart. He wants to leave here first and then fight with Xia Jue.

Just as he rose from the sky, Xia Jue's figure suddenly disappeared.

The rest of the people in tianyangmen, looking at Xiajue in front of them, directly disappeared in the same place and showed a look of horror.

"What's the matter? How did he suddenly disappear?"

One of the old men, who was at the peak of the later stage of the terrace, asked.

But his question is where other people will know.

At this time, Lu Changqing, who was in the imperial air, also noticed that Xia Jue had disappeared.

In a hurry, he sent out his sense and searched everywhere.

Looking for it, all of a sudden, the hair on his whole body stood up, because he felt a sense of extreme danger.


Before he had time to stop, he was hit hard on the back. Under the impact of the heavy blow, his body quickly fell to the top of the mountain below.


Lu Changqing's body fell to the ground, smashing a small pit and splashing dust all over the sky.

With the peak strength in the early days of the heaven level, and this is just Xia Jue's ordinary fist, he didn't show the blessing of the Dragon arm, so Lu Changqing just suffered a slight injury.

Slowly climbing up from the pit, Lu Changqing looked up at the sky.

I saw a person floating in the sky at this time.

This person is Xia Jue.

Then it's obvious that this bastard attacked him just now.

Just let him don't understand is this bastard in the end is to use what method suddenly appeared in his back, even his sense is he is about to close to just aware of him.

See their ancestors immediately ate such a hit a loss, tianyangmen a mouth open into O shape.

Their ancestors have been heaven level masters for hundreds of years, and their strength has already reached the peak level in the early days of heaven level.

Even the ancestors of other sects can't make their ancestors so embarrassed, but this young man has done it.

How far is his strength?

Is it the middle stage of heaven?

But it's outrageous enough to be able to reach the early stage of the sky level at such a young age. How can it break through the middle stage of the sky level?

And then again.

Isn't it said that all the masters in the middle of the heaven stage are going to look for that place? How can he still appear here?

There are too many questions in people's hearts.

"Well, none of you can fight."

Sir Xia shook his head.

Before he had completed his martial arts, the old man, who was at the peak of the early days of the heaven stage, could still fight with him for several rounds.

Now that he has completed these two martial arts skills, the top experts in the early days of the heaven level can't even take one of his moves.

Xia Jue's remark is undoubtedly a mockery of the naked.

This makes Lu Changqing feel that his hundreds of years of hard work have been done to the dog, even a hairy boy is not as good as that. How can he bear it.


This time it's Lu Changqing's turn to take the lead.

With this move, he went to Xiajue with his violent power, and all the children of tianyangmen around him were shocked back and forth by his power.

"Too slow."

Xia Jue shook his head.

When he had completed the Yufeng decision, he looked at the moves of these heaven level masters as if they were slowing down.

With the internal Qi running in his body, he once again made a decision to resist the wind, and the man disappeared in the same place out of thin air.

Before Lu Changqing rose from the sky, he didn't realize how Xia Jue disappeared. Now he finally understood.

It's completely like using the stealth technique to disappear out of thin air.

But how can there be such a strange trick in this world.

After living for hundreds of years, he has seen all kinds of strange things, but he has never seen anything so strange.


Before he could help thinking more, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in the sky.

In a hurry, he wanted to escape, but his escape had no effect in front of Xia Jue. He just changed his step frequency and hit Lu Changqing again."Bang."

Another loud noise accompanied by a shadow flew out.

"The heaven level master is just a mole ant."

Xia Tianyang's words are just like a sudden death.

The reason why heaven level masters are honored as "land immortals" is that when they reach this level, they not only live longer, but also have the same means as real immortals.

But now in Xia Jue's mouth, he became the same mole ant as those mortals in the secular world. This is probably the words they want to refute but can't refute in their life.

"Old man, this is what you call dependence, isn't it? How do you feel now?"

Xia Jue wants to kill people. This old man dares to hurt Su Yihan. He must let this old man die in despair.

Xia Jue's words remind other people of Tianyang.

At this time, all the people in tianyangmen focused their resentment on the chief.

In the final analysis, this great disaster was caused by the chief.

If it wasn't for the big master who provoked the evil in front of them, how could they suffer such a disaster.

If time could be turned back, they would kill him on the spot when the chief executive came to join us.

In the heart of the chief executive, he is also totally disappointed.

It never occurred to him that things would come to such a state.

But now it's too late to say anything.

Looking at the people's eyes to kill, he also knew that he was doomed today. He might as well die happily and suffer less.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and clapped it on his own cover.

He made his own decisions.

"Old thing, it's really cheap for you."

Seeing that the chief executive had died, Xia Jue also scolded him.

"Xiaoyou, everything is caused by that bastard. It has nothing to do with our tianyangmen. Since he's dead, let's turn the fight into friendship."

Lu Changqing stood up in the distance.

Asshole, this is too weird, so he has no way to deal with it.

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