"He died, he died. What does it have to do with you?"

"So you have to kill everything, Xiaoyou?"

"Of course, this is the punishment for those who teach him and then let him touch me."


what Lu Changqing wanted to say was that he didn't know that it would have such consequences just because he taught such a person, but then he thought that even if he said it, it didn't work. Since the other party was determined to destroy them, they were all wrong.

For nothing else, just because he is not as strong as him.

So in the final analysis, it's still a matter of strength. In this world, strength is the most important thing.

Strength, can make black become white, can also make white become black, is so simple.

"Well, it's time to go."

Xia Jue once again urged Yufeng decision.


Xia Jue urges Yufeng to make a decision. Lu Changqing doesn't even think about it. He immediately rises and wants to escape.

But is escape useful?

The answer is No.

In front of Xia Jue's decision, he couldn't escape.


Another blow shot Lu Changqing to the ground.

He got three punches from Lu Xiajue one after another. Even if he had the strength of the peak at the beginning of the heaven stage, he was hurt a lot.

As the saying goes, when the disaster comes, they fly separately. Seeing that their ancestors are about to be killed, the disciples of tianyangmen flee madly.

"Said to want you to pay the price to have to pay the price, also dares to escape."

Xia Jue sneers, and then shows his authority. All the disciples who want to escape from tianyangmen can't move.


Word spit out, all tianyangmen people are bleeding, and then like mud fell to the ground.

Tianjie realm doesn't need him to do it by himself, just rely on his own authority to shock them to death.

"It's not easy to practice. You and I have no deep hatred. Why do you want to kill them all?"

Lu Changqing asked reluctantly.

Don't you understand after you've lived so long that the strong are respected in the world. For example, if a mosquito sucks your blood and you want to kill him, will you consider how it feels?

When he reached this state of cultivation, Lu Changqing didn't understand this truth, but he was still unwilling.

"By the way, before you die, I'd like to ask you one more thing. If you can answer more easily, maybe I'll make your death faster."

"I can answer you, but I also have some questions. I also want to be an understanding ghost before I die."

Lu Changqing knew that he would die today, but before he died, he also wanted to find out something.

"Clinch a deal, I ask you, is there still an expert above the middle stage of heaven in the world?"

In fact, Xia Jue always has great doubts about this matter.

For example, the people who wanted to grab his storage bag when they were on the island.

Among those people, none of the experts above the middle stage of the heaven level ever appeared.

You know, this is a rare treasure. How can someone not be moved.

Therefore, Xia Jue thinks that there should be no master in the world who is above the middle level of heaven, otherwise they have no reason not to come.

"Of course there are."

"Oh?" Lu Changqing's words are beyond Xia Jue's expectation, "where are they?"

"It's hard for you to find them. They're busy with something, and they don't have time for us."

"What's the matter?"

Xia Jue didn't understand what it was that made these people not even care about the storage bags in their hands.

"It's said that I'm looking for a place, but I don't know what the distance is, but I think it should be about the breakthrough of realm and the extension of life span."

"Is it gutuo?"

Xia Jue asked subconsciously.

"I don't think so. Gutuo has been handed down for thousands of years. If it really exists, it will be found."

Lu Changqing's words made Xia Jue a little surprised. It seems that this guy didn't know about the birth of gutuo.

"Then why don't you go with them?"

"Only those who are above the middle stage of the sky are qualified. We... Are not qualified."

"And that kind of thing... Don't you know where they are?"

"I don't know. I'm only qualified to meet them if I break through the middle of the sky level."

"All right."

To tell you the truth, Xia Jue really wants to compete with the experts in the middle of Mingtian stage.

He wanted to see if he could compete with them by his martial arts skills.

"I've finished answering your question. Do you want to answer my question next?"

"What do you want to know?"

"I wonder how old you are?"Although Xia Jue looks very young, there is something in the world that can keep his face. He still doubts whether Xia Jue's real age is old monster level, but his face has not changed.

"What you see is my true age."


Lu Changqing was not willing to believe it for the first time, because people always have the psychology of comparison.

When he was as old as Xia Jue, he didn't even cultivate his inner Qi. But now he is a master of Tianjie, which really makes him jealous.

"How on earth did you reach this realm in a short time?"

"It's very simple. I went to gutuo palace."

"What! Is there really a king's palace of gutuo? "

Lu Changqing's expression suddenly became excited.

"That's right."

"Do you have Li Qingtian in the door?"

"Yes, but I killed him."

Xia Jue didn't expect that Li Qingtian was the disciple of Tianyang gate.

But this seems to explain why Lu Changqing and others did not know anything about the gutuo palace.

It's not surprising that they don't know about the fact that there is no information from anyone, and that it's in a remote place for various reasons.


Lu Changqing was choked.

"Last question, what is your state when you enter the palace of King gutuo?"

"It's just a mole ant in your eyes of the secular world."

"What did you say when you were in the palace

Lu Changqing showed a ghost expression.

If it is true that, as he said, this gutuo palace can make an ordinary person become such a powerful master of heaven steps, how many treasures are there in it?

"It's incredible. In fact, I think there are too many treasures in it. It makes my little mole ant become a Kunpeng.

Oh, by the way, let me tell you one more thing.

Not long ago, dozens of heaven level masters who got the news came to me to rob my treasure, but I killed them and ran away. Many of them must be your old friends. You should not be too lonely on the way to huangquan. "

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