
Hearing the news again, Lu Changqing's face was completely rigid.

This is definitely the most unforgettable day in his life history of hundreds of years. At the same time, it may be the last day of his life.

No, it's not possible. It must be the last day.

"Well, I've told you so much, and you're on your way."

After that, Xia Jue waved his hand...


Wu family.

"Miss Su, you must save our Wu family. Our Wu family didn't mean to say those words to Mr. Xia. They were all unfilial children in the family."

At this time, Wu Tong and Wu Hong very humbly bent in front of Su Yihan said.

"I... I don't know if he'll listen to me."

Su Yihan was also present just now. She also heard the insults from those people to Xia Jue. It's ugly. As long as it's a person, she can't accept it.

"Certainly, Miss Su. Mr. Xia loves you so much. You must save us, or our Wu family will die."

"Yes, elder sister Yihan, Mr. Xia loves you so much. He will certainly listen to you. Please help our Wu family."

Wu Yao is also on the side to help.

Hearing that Xia Jue loved her, Su Yihan was a little happy.

"Well, I'll tell him, but I'm not sure I can persuade him."

Su Yihan nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, Miss Su. Thank you, Miss Su."

A few people in the heart of a joy.

With Su Yihan's persuasion and the fact that Xia Jue has dealt with those unfilial children, his anger should be relieved.

Just as Wu Hong and others are thinking about this problem, there are bursts of surprised voices from the outside family.

"Look what that is."

"How could it be, how could someone fly here."

"It's like Mr. Xia..."

"Mr. Xia is back."

Wu Hong and others only heard that Xia Jue had come back, but ignored other contents.

"Let's go out and have a look."

Wu Hong and others went out in a state of anxiety.

But when they went out, something incredible happened to them.

I saw a figure floating in the sky. Who else could Xia Jue be.

Before that old man in red floated to seven or eight meters high in the sky, which was enough to surprise them.

But Xia Jue was flying directly more than ten meters away, which completely overturned their thinking logic.

"Mr. Xia has become an immortal."

I don't know who yelled this, and then an idea came into the hearts of the people. It was not Xia Jue, but a real immortal.


One of the children of the Wu family knelt down directly.

With the guidance of the Wu family's son, others knelt down one after another.

In their minds now.

Welcome the immortal Xia Jue back, can't use the posture of standing, must use the posture of kneeling to welcome him.

Wu Tong and Wu Hong look at each other, and then kneel down like everyone else.

At this time, only Su Yihan was still standing.

Xia Jue in the sky saw this scene and thought that these people knelt down in order to take the initiative to apologize for what happened just now. He didn't think about what these people were thinking now.


Xia Jue fell into the ground gently.


Su Yihan came running quickly.

Open arms, Xia Jue took him into his arms.

"Xia Jue, where have you been for such a long time? And how can you fly? Have you really become an immortal?"

At this time, Su Yihan has too many questions in his heart.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later."

Xia Jue caresses Su Yihan's face.

At this time, Wu Yao, who was kneeling on the floor, was envious of Su Yihan.

Now Xiajue has become an immortal. As Xiajue's wife, she is naturally xiansao. In this world, she will be the happiest woman.

"Then tell me, are you... Are you a fairy now?"

Su Yihan is worried that when Xia Jue becomes immortal, the identity gap between the two sides will widen, so she will not be worthy of Xia Jue.

"Silly girl, it's not so easy to be immortal. Now I'm just in a magical state. It's still too early to be immortal."

Although Xia Jue said that he was not immortal, people still didn't believe him.

With such a powerful skill and flying in the sky, what is it?

It's just that Xia Jue doesn't want to make su Yihan feel bad."Really?"

Su Yihan also expressed some doubts.

"Really, by the way, I brought you a present. Look."

After that, a bottle appeared in Xia Jue's hand.

"What is this?"

Su Yihan takes the bottle curiously and looks at it.

"It's called zhuyandan. You can understand it as a kind of medicine, but it's very powerful. It's estimated that you can keep your face forever after taking it."

"What, is that true?"

After hearing this, Su Yihan was shocked.

Because she had never heard of such magical things in the world.

"Of course it's true. It's your husband. I've worked so hard to get it."

Once again get Xia Jue's confirmation, Su Yihan heart began to ecstasy.

It's absolutely the most coveted thing for women on this planet to keep their face forever.

can not see what mask on the market now, ah, plastic surgery hospital, all kinds of skin care products are so popular, this is to enable women to always maintain the product of youth and beauty.

But even if all kinds of beauty salon skin care products are more developed, it is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. It is impossible to resist the erosion of time.

So now Xia Jue told him that after eating this Zhuyan Dan, she could keep her face forever, which made her so excited.

Other members of the Wu family were also inspired to hear that there was such a magical thing.

Especially Wu Yao, who is also a woman.

At this time, she was extremely envious of Su Yihan in her heart. She wished that Su Yihan, who was brought into her arms by Xia Jue, was herself.

"Thank you, Xiajue."

After the excitement, Su Yihan expressed his thanks to him.

"Thank you. I'm your husband."

Xia Jue tapped her head with his hand.

"By the way, Xia Jue, I want to tell you one thing, that is, what happened just now has nothing to do with Wu Yao's younger sister and them. It's just that there are some bad people in their family."

Su Yihan told the story.

At this time, Wu Hong and others began to be extremely nervous after hearing Su Yihan's words.

Because now is the time to pronounce their fate.

"Go and bring those dog things to Mr. Xia."

Wu Tong speaks.

"It's tongge."

More than a dozen children of the Wu family kneeling on the ground stood up and left.

Soon, these people came back.

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