They came under the pressure of some of the children of the Wu family who were bound by all kinds of things.

These children of the Wu family were the ones who insulted him in the hall just now.

"Spare my life, Mr. Xia. We were just confused."

"Yes, Mr. Xia, we are really just confused for a moment. Please let us go, please."

"Mr. Xia, let me go. I'm still young and not sensible."

The bound children of the Wu family kept kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

"Hum, our Wu family is really ashamed of having you dogs."

Wu Tong looked at the children viciously.

If it wasn't for these guys, how could their Wu family get to such a state? Therefore, it's not a pity for these guys to die.

"Take care of it."

Xia Jue has no time to entangle with these rubbish here.

"It's Mr. Xia."

When Wu Tong heard this, he was very happy.

If Xia Jue can say that, it proves that he will not care about it any more. They have escaped the disaster of Wu family.

However, there are some things to do, such as these dog things.

Looking back at Xia Jue and Su Yihan, Wu Tong turns his head.

"Get rid of all this shit."

Wu Tong opened his mouth fiercely.

"No, brother Tong, spare your life, spare your life. We're all bleeding from the Wu family. You can't treat us like this."

"Brother Tong, you let us go secretly. Mr. Xia won't know. Please."

It's a kind of Wu family's crazy begging for mercy.

"Do you have the face to beg for mercy when you have done so much harm to our Wu family? Go to hell, you guys

After Wu Tong finished, he didn't want to pay attention to these dog things. He turned and left.


the first room in the central courtyard.

"What else do you want to see? Swallow it quickly."

Xia Jue looks at Su Yihan, who is playing with YAN Dan.

"Xia Jue, I don't know why. I feel that there seems to be a great power in this pill."

Su Yihan said seriously.

"It's normal. This kind of power is called the vitality of heaven and earth, just like me."

Xia Jue showed some internal Qi in his body.

"This is.."

Su Yihan puts her hand in front of Xia Jue. She feels that there seems to be something soft in front of Xia Jue to stop her hand.

"What kind of power is this?"

Su Yihan's face shows his wife's curious look.

"I can't explain it clearly. It's said that there is a mysterious power in this world, that is, the vitality of heaven and earth, which can be practiced by people."

"So it is..."

Su Yihan still heard something in the dark.

"Don't wait any longer. When you open the bottle, take this Zhuyan pill, or the medicine will dissipate."

At the beginning, Xia Jue did an experiment when he was fighting with dozens of sky level masters.

At that time, just in case, he took out the air returning pill from the bottle and put it in the bag, so that he could take it out as soon as possible to swallow the internal Qi when fighting.

But what he finally took out of his pocket was a Qi returning pill, which could not replenish any inner Qi at all. It made him quite depressed.


Listen to play Xia Jue's words, Su Yihan dare not neglect, directly sent this in YAN Dan into the mouth.

See she will be in YAN Dan swallow down, Xia Jue came to her side, carefully staring at.

He did so because he was afraid that Su Yihan, like Nagu and gardenia, couldn't absorb too much medicine, which led to his health problems.

After a while, I don't know whether it's the efficacy comparison of Zhuyan Dan or the reason. In short, Su Yihan didn't have any accident, but his cheek was a little red.

"Yihan, do you have any uncomfortable feelings?"

In order to make sure again, Xia Jue asks Su Yihan.

"No, it's just that I feel a little feverish, and there seems to be a lot of grease on my body. Oh, I'll take a bath."

Su Yihan felt that she was suddenly too greasy. She had to go to the bathroom.

About ten minutes later, a cry of surprise came from the bathroom.


Xia Jue, who was lying on the sofa, thought that something had happened to her when he heard the cry, so she rushed to her.

"Yihan, what's the matter with you?"

"Xia Jue, I'm fine. I'll be out soon."

Su Yihan's voice trembled.

"Is it really all right?"

"Really, I'll be right out.""All right."

Xia Jue returned to the sofa with some strange psychology.

A few minutes later.


The bathroom door opens.

Su Yihan came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Looking at Su Yihan coming out, Xia Jue's eyes brightened.

At this time, Su Yihan's skin is much more white and tender than before. Her beautiful face seems to have been whitewashed, and she looks very bright and clean. It's no exaggeration to say that she is now a beauty without any flaws.

"Do I look good?"

Su Yihan's face was still a little shy, just like a delicate flower that someone could pick.

"It's very nice."

Xia Jue looks at Su Yihan with passion.

"Xia Jue, your Zhuyan Dan is so effective. You can see that all the crow's feet in my eyes have disappeared, and the skin all over my body seems to have been transformed."

Seeing that Xia Jue is attracted like this, Su Yihan doesn't dare to tease him any more. He can only change the topic in a hurry.

"Really, let me have a look at the fishtail pattern."

"You see, here it is..."

Su Yihan goes to Xia Jue and points to the place where he still has fishtail pattern before.

"Where? I didn't see it

"Oh, here it is..."

Su Yihan took a few steps closer, but suddenly he was saved by Xia Jue's powerful arm, which made her scream again.


after a few hours.

Su Yihan, leaning on Xia Jue's chest, said, "Xia Jue, I haven't seen my parents for a long time. Recently, my parents often call to say that they want to see us. Do you want to find a chance to see them..."

"well, let's go back tomorrow."

Anyway, Xia Jue has nothing to do now. If you want to go back, you can go back.

"Well, let's go back tomorrow."

Late at night.

Xia Jue's consciousness seems to have entered a place.

I saw this place full of white bones, broken walls and broken stones. I don't know where it is.

All of a sudden.

Countless flying swords chopped at him, and he constantly urged his body to escape.

So he dodged for a long time, and almost stopped when Xia Jue was about to run out of gas.

But just when he thought he had successfully escaped, dozens of ugly monsters rushed towards him in the distance.

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