These monsters... Are the ghosts that he killed in the palace of gutuo.

But now it's more than one, it's dozens.

Wu Yang, Wu Yang's, overwhelming direct pressure on him.

At the beginning, this monster made him struggle to kill.

Now it's overwhelming. Although he is armed with martial arts and other things, he's still not sure how to deal with it.

When Xia Jue gritted his teeth and was ready to fight for his life, suddenly his consciousness came back to him.


He got up straight out of bed.

"What's the matter, having a nightmare?"

Su Yihan was awakened by Xia Jue's sudden action.

"I think so."

Xia Jue's words are actually to comfort Su Yihan. In fact, he knows that this is definitely not a nightmare.

To his realm, the sense has been extremely powerful, and it is impossible to dream any more.

But in the scene just now, his consciousness seemed to be pulled in by something, and he couldn't struggle at all.

Is that the case?

Xia Jue thought about it and couldn't understand it.

In this way, he kept on doing it until it was eight o'clock in the morning.

"Xiajue, let's go back to Zhonghai."

Su also got up to wash.

After washing, they walked out of the room.

"Where are you going, Mr. Xia?"

A child of the Wu family who had been waiting in the courtyard asked respectfully.

"Prepare the car and go to the airport."

The reason why Yukong came back yesterday was that there was no way in the ghost place of tianyangmen, but today he couldn't.

There are too many people in Kyoto, in order to avoid too shocking, Xia Jue decided not to Yukong.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

The Wu family ran away immediately.

Soon, the Wu family prepared the car for Xia Jue.

At this time Hongwu Yao also rushed to get the news.

"Mr. Xia, are you going back?"

Wu Tong asked.

"Yes, we're going back to China Sea."

"Also Han elder sister, good reluctant to part with you."

Wu Yao opens her arms and embraces Su Yihan.

"I'm just going back to China shipping. It's not that I won't have a chance to meet again. Don't worry."

"Good bye, sister Yihan."

"Goodbye, Mr. Xia."

In this way, they got on the bus to the airport.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the ticket office of the airport to buy tickets.

"Sir, there's only economy class left on the flight to China shipping."

Ticket staff said.

"Yes, then give me two."

It's OK to sit. Xia Jue doesn't care so much.

Shortly after buying the tickets, they boarded the plane.

The plane took off slowly.

"Xia Jue, do you think we should buy some gifts to take back to our parents when we return to China Shipping later?"

"Buy some. After all, it's been a long time."

"That's OK. When we get to Zhonghai, we'll pick and choose, and then we'll go back and give them a surprise."

Su Yihan didn't inform Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin in advance when she went back this time. She went back with the idea of giving them a surprise.


While flying, a huge noise suddenly occurred in the sky.

The loud noise startled many passengers on the plane.

"Damn, it was fine just now. Why is it starting to rain now?"

"Yes, in this damned weather, it's really puzzling to say that you can change your face if you change it."

The passengers, who were frightened by the thunder, yelled at each other.

Soon after the thunder, it began to rain heavily in the sky.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong."

All of a sudden, the passengers heard bursts of noise.

"What's the matter?"

"No, why did it start to hail?"

"Damn it, it's raining and hailing. Nothing's going to happen?"

"Nonsense, the plane is the safest means of transportation. The probability of a crash is even smaller than your five million prize. How can anything happen?"

"But... The probability is small. Once something happens, it's really ten dead and no life."

The passengers in the seats were a little flustered when they saw the situation.

"Due to the bad weather, please fasten your seat belts and stay in your seats. Thank you for your cooperation."

The radio on the plane began to remind passengers.

"Xia Jue, what's the matter?"

Su Yihan holds Xia Jue's hand tightly. Obviously, he is also worried."I'll be fine with you."

Patted her on the back.

With Xia Jue's comfort, Su Yihan was relieved. After all, she knew that Xia Jue was no longer an ordinary person. Even if there was a bad situation, she might be able to deal with it.


Outside the rain is still falling, hail also kept falling in the fuselage, issued bursts of crackling sound.


All of a sudden, there was a loud noise, and the whole fuselage vibrated in distance.

"Ah, ah."

"What's the matter? We won't be so unlucky."

"Ah, I'm young. I don't want to die."

There were bursts of crying in the cabin.

"Please keep calm, please believe our captain and our crew, we will take you safely to the destination."

The conductor comforted the crowd through the radio.

"What's the matter? We are dying. Who can be calm?"

"That's right. I believe you are a big head. The plane is in a bad condition. No matter how good your driving skills are, there's no way."

The passengers made another hysterical sound


at this time, they were in the cockpit.

The captain and the vice captain are having an urgent conversation.

"One of the engines broke down, probably because it was caused by hail."

The cold sweat on the copilot's forehead kept sweating.

In the face of such a situation, no one can but worry.

"Don't panic. One engine is broken. We have another one. As long as we operate it properly, we will be able to go back."

The captain was actually comforting himself.

In theory, an airplane can fly as long as the other engine doesn't break down, even if one engine breaks down.

But it requires extremely high manipulation technology.

Although this technology is difficult, he may not have no confidence to do it.

But the key is the weather.

Is the weather still so bad now? No matter how good his technology is, there is no way.

At present, unless the hail stops immediately, or a miracle occurs, the plane with only one engine will not be able to hold on sooner or later.


Just as he was thinking, there was another alarm in the cockpit.

"No, Captain, the hail thrust is too big. The other engine is going to fail."

"It's over. It's over."

Seeing this situation, the experienced captain was also as pale as ashes.

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